Stages of Respiration
1. breathing: inspiration (breathing in), expiration (breathing out)
2. external respiration: transfer of oxygen, carbon dioxide between air, blood; occurs in alveoli
3. internal respiration: oxygen, carbon dioxide exchange between tissues and blood
4. cellular respiration: series of ATP releasing chemical reactions, take place inside of cells
air tube supported by cartilage, NO MUSCLE
mucous, cilia cells
Ciliated cells
remove gunk and unwanted stuff
mucous produced by ciliated cells
Right lung/left lung
3 parts: superior, middle, inferior lobes
left lung only has 2 lobes: superior, inferior lobes so as to not crush the heart
Pleural membrane
- connects lungs to thoracic (chest) cavity
- allows lungs to expand/contract with movement of chest
2 pathways supported by cartilage, connecting lungs and trachea
smaller tubes branching off of bronchi
muscle lining for contraction
- tiny sacs
- one cell thick
- CO2, O2 exchanged via diffusion
Breathing controlled by
- diaphragm
- intercostal muscles (muscles between ribs)
- diaphragm/intercostal muscles contract
- rib cage moves upward, diaphragm moves downward
- thoracic cavity volume increases -> pressure decreases -> air moves into lungs
diaphragm/intercostal muscles relax
measures amount of air moving in/out of lungs
Concentration gradient
- moves carbon dioxide out of capillaries
- moves oxygen into capillaries
alveoli fill with fluid
collapsed lung, air builds up in the space between the two membranes of the pleura
caused by a leak in the lungs or a leak in the chest wall
- bronchi/bronchioles imflaming
- mucous produced