Smartphone Data Plans Quiz

  1. What are the names, data amounts, and costs of the two Smartphone Plans available to new customers?
    • Data Plus, 200 MB, $15 a month
    • Data Pro, 2G, $25 a month
  2. T or F
    A Blackberry customer with an existing $30 unlimited smartphone plan has to pick one of the new data plans when she upgrades to an iPhone.
    F. Customers who currently have the existing $30 smartphone data plan are gandfathered into that plan for as long as they choose, even when they switch smartphone operating systems.
  3. T or F
    Family data plans are available for smartphones.
    • F
    • Family data plans are only available for basic and quick messaging devices.
  4. Name three types of phones that require smartphone data.
    Blackberry, iPhone and android devices.
  5. T or F
    Tethering is available for iPhones on the $30 unlimited data plan.
    • F
    • Tethering for iPhone is only available on the Data Pro plan.
  6. What are the costs and amounts for overage charges on the Data Plus plan?
    $15 for each 200 MB used.
  7. T or F
    A customer can switch Data Plans in the middle of the month if they think they will go over.
    • T
    • Customers can switch their data plans at any time with no additional charges.
  8. Describe what 2GB of data usage in typical month could include
    • send/receive 10,000 single emails
    • send/receive 1,500 emails with a document attached
    • browse 4,000 web pages
    • download/upload 500 photos
    • watch 200 1-minute You Tube videos
  9. You have a customer who wishes to upgrade from a quick messaging device with family data to a smartphone. Roleplay the scenario.
    • Seller should determine the following information:
    • Dial *DATA# (*3282#) on the device to determine current data usage.
    • Are you looking to check your email from the device?
    • Do you need to connect with a work email such as Outlook?
    • What kinds of things do you search for on the internet?
    • Do you enjoy watching video clips on your phone?
    • Have you ever listened to music on your phone, such as using Pandora?
    • Do you have WiFi in your home or work?
    • How much are you looking to spend each month?
  10. T or F
    Tethering inside the United States costs the same as tethering outside the United States.
    • F
    • A customer must purchase a separate international data tethering plan in order to tether outside of the United States.
  11. What is the cost of using a data plan and tethering in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands?
    The same as in the United States.
  12. Which of these IS a data plan offered by AT&T?

    A. $24.99/month: 20 MB Data Global Add-On with 20 MB of usage within more than 100 countries
    B. $59.99/month: 50 MB Data Global Add-On with 50 MB of usage within more than 100 countries
    C. $119.99/month: 100 MB Data Global Add-On with 100 MB of usage within more than 100 countries
    D. $199.99/month: 200 MB Data Global Add-On with 200 MB of usage within more than 100 countries
    All of the above
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Smartphone Data Plans Quiz
Seller quiz for smartphone data plans