
  1. Defined as reasoning from the specific to the general
    Inductive Reasoning
  2. Present a sufficient number of cases (examples)
    Inductive Reasoning
  3. Cases (examples must not be atypical; they must be representative
    Inductive Reasoning
  4. Reinforce the reasoning with additional support (statistics and/or testimony)
    Inductive Reasoning
  5. Draw ou the conclusion from the cases (examples)
    Inductive Reasoning
  6. Defined as reasoning from teh general to the specific
    Deductive Reasoning
  7. Present the genreal principle (major premise)
    Deductive Reasoning
  8. Present the specific case (minor premise)
    Deductive Reasoning
  9. Draw out the conclusion
    Deductive Reasoning
  10. Draw out the conclusion
    Deductive reasoning
  11. In needed support the general principle first
    Deductive Reasoning
  12. Defined as establishing the relationsip between causes and effects
    Causal reasoning
  13. In many cases, do not assume that effects have only one cause
    Causal reasoning
  14. avoid attributing a false cause to an effect
    causal reasoning
  15. A comparison between two similar cases to argue what is true for the first case is true for the second case
    Analogical REasoning
  16. Make sure the two cases are essentially alike
    Analogical REasoning
  17. The more points of similarity between the two cases, the stronger the reasoning
    analogical reasoning
  18. A symptom or outward mark of the condition of some state that can't be directly observed based on medical and legal models
    Sign Reasoning
  19. based on medical and legal models
    Sign reasoning
  20. sign easoning typically requires more than one sign; the strength of the reasoning depends on cumulative signs
    Sign Reasoning
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Speech 102