Psychology: Chapters 14, 15, 16

  1. The role of childhood sexuality and unconscious motivations is MOST clearly emphasized by the _____ theory of personality.
  2. Dr. Smith is a modern-day researcher on personality who, like many in his field, believes that a shared evolutionary history has shaped some universal dispositions. Of these theorists, who is MOST responsible for establishing this belief?

    C. Carl Jung
  3. Bruno often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bruno BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as _____.
    reaction formation
  4. Steve struggles with feelings of inferiority that in turn drive him to seek superiority and power. Which neo-Freudian theorist was MOST concerned with cases like Steve's condition?

    A. Alfred Adler
  5. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks many Americans treated Muslims quite differently, even though
    they stated they were not prejudiced. These negative feelings were:

    A. Unconscious
  6. Although Alex is frequently caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about his actions. Alex MOST clearly demonstrates a:

    C. Weak super ego
  7. Our scores on personality tests best predict:

    A. Our average behaviour across many situations.
  8. One famous personality inventory is the:

    B. MMPI
  9. _____ theories of personality focus on describing characteristic behaviour patterns, such as agreeableness or extraversion.
  10. The total acceptance Rogers advocated as part of a growth-promoting environment is called _______ _______ ________
    unconditional positive regard
  11. Unconditional _____ _____ is an attitude of total acceptance toward another person. This attitude nurtures growth in others.
    Positive regard
  12. Abraham Maslow used the term _____ to refer to the need to find meaning, purpose, and identity beyond the self.
  13. A humanistic psychotherapist might try to reveal a client's identity by collecting a rich narrative detailing their unique life history. This technique is called the _____ _____ approach.
    Life Story
  14. The humanistic perspective has been criticized for focusing excessively on:
  15. The tendency to accept responsibility for success and blame circumstances or bad luck for failure is called _____-_____ _____.
    self-serving bias
  16. Critics say that _____-_____ personality theory is very sensitive to an individual's interactions with particular situations, but that it gives too little attention to the person's enduring traits.
  17. The tendency to overestimate others' attention to and evaluation of our appearance, performance, and blunders is called the _____ _____
    spotlight effect
  18. The Chinese proverb, the first step to better times is to imagine them, is a reflection of: 

    A. possible selves
  19. Juan loves horseback riding. Which choice exemplifies a behavioral factor associated with horseback riding for Juan?

    B. learning how to ride horses
  20. Which approach to personality emphasizes the role played by self-efficacy?

    D. social-cognitive
  21. Rhiannon is confident she can complete a difficult problem set in one of her engineering courses. Rhiannon has high:

    C. self-efficacy
  22. The collective unconscious is to _____ as the inferiority complex is to _____.

    B. Carl Jung; Alfred Adler
  23. Kaley tends to avoid talking with others because she fears that she will be judged harshly by them. Kaley can best be described as being:

    C. Shy
  24. Eight-year-old Alex plays almost exclusively with the other boys at his grade school. Alex's choice of playmates suggests that he is in the _____ stage of psychosexual development.

    B. latency
  25. The ______________ attempts to classify people according to Carl Jung's personality types.

    A. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  26. Dr. Livingston maintains that unconscious mental processes and early childhood experiences are critical in the formation of personality. Dr. Livingston's beliefs reflect the _____ perspective of personality.

    A. psychoanalytic
  27. Which of the following emphasized the ways healthy people strive for self-determination and self-realization?

    D. humanistic psychology
  28. Albert Bandura's social-cognitive perspective highlights the importance of:

    C. reciprocal determinism
  29. Freud suggested that adults with _____ exhibited either passive dependence or an exaggerated denial of this dependence.

    C. an oral fixation
  30. In a psychology class debate on the trait perspective, you need to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which of the following criticisms of the trait perspective can you cite?

    C.  People do not act with predictable consistency, and behavior varies from one situation to the next.
  31. According to research cited in your text, who of the following is most likely to be a successful supervisor?

    D.  Deandre, who is introverted but very skilled at his job
  32. Brenda does not realize that her drug use and neglect of her family is leading to the destruction of both her family and career. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Brenda is showing signs of a:

    C. weak ego
  33. According to your text, several studies have shown that ____ percent of business managers and more than _____ percent of college professors rated their performance as superior to that of their average peer.
    90% & 90%
  34. Angela remembers a dream in which she boarded a train that entered a dark tunnel. According to Sigmund Freud's theory, the dream images that Angela remembers, such as the train and the tunnel, are called the _____ content.

    C. manifest
  35. According to Freud, the ego is guided by _____ principle, whereas the id is guided by _____ principle.

    B. the reality; the pleasure
  36. Alex often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Which defense mechanism does Alex demonstrate?

    B. reaction formation
  37. What defines an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting?
  38. In Freud's theory, which structure of personality operates on the reality principle?
  39. Which defense mechanism, suggested by Freud, is characterized by disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others?
  40. Which term refers to Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our specie's history?
    collective unconsciousness
  41. Which term did Carl Rogers assign to a caring, accepting, nonjudgmental attitude, which helps people develop self-awareness and self-acceptance.
    Unconditional positive regard
  42. Which statistical procedure identifies clusters of test items that tap into basic components of a trait.
    Factor analysis
  43. The most widely researched and clinically used personality test is the ____.
  44. Which Big Five factor measures emotional stability versus instability?
  45. What occupies the center of personality, acting as the organizer of our thoughts, feelings, and actions?
    The self
  46. Among the major personality theories, which argues that our behaviour in one situation is best predicted by considering our past behaviour in similar situations?
  47. Helen has had a terrible day at work. She takes out her anger at her husband when she gets home. Which defense mechanism is Helen using?
  48. Amy takes a personality test at school in which the counselor asks her to make up stories about ambiguous scenes. Which test did Amy take?
    Thematic Apperception Test
  49. Kris likes to paint, so she joined a painters' club in the community and volunteers at the local art gallery. Which factors of reciprocal determination would this behaviour reflect.
    Environmental factors
  50. Adolescents are self-conscious, feeling that they are often ridiculed, as they adopt their own identity. What are they most likely experiencing?
    Spotlight effect
  51. Jonathan brags about his amazing driving skills as reflecting an inborn talent, yet discounts his driving accident last week as the other driver's fault. This is an example of ______.
    self-serving bias
  52. Rates of bipolar disorder have risen dramatically in the twenty-first century, especially among:

    D. people 19 and under
  53. Treatment for depression often includes drugs that increase supplies of the neurotransmitters _____ and _____.
    norepinephrine & serotonin
  54. An overabundance of the neurotransmitter _____ is MOST likely to be associated with a manic episode.
  55. Gregory is an impoverished African-American teen who finds school stressful but performs at a moderate level academically. He has no relationship with his father but a close relationship with his mother and grandmother. Which factor MOST increases his vulnerability to developing a mental disorder?

    A. socioeconomic status
  56. Which professional organization publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?

    D. American Psychiatric Association
  57. According to the NIMH (2015), which disorders are reported the most often?

    C. Depressive and bipolar
  58. Washing one’s hands 100 times a day would be an example of a(n) _____.

    A. compulsion
  59. Which term did Freud assign to the anxiety experienced in generalized anxiety disorder?

    C. Free-floating anxiety
  60. With regard to anxiety disorders, which neurotransmitter heightens activity in the brain’s alarm centers?

    C. Glutamate
  61. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding suicide rates?

    D. Suicide rates across the years have not changed.
  62. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

    B. Hallucinations
  63. Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

    A. A mute body
  64. A controversial, rare disorder in which conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings is called _____.

    B. Dissociative disorder
  65. If an individual already has schizophrenia, which of the following family members has the GREATEST likelihood of also displaying symptoms of schizophrenia?

    B. A monozygotic twin
  66. Which personality disorder is characterized by a lack of conscience for wrongdoing and may involve aggressive and ruthless acts?

    A. Antisocial personality disorder
  67. Marcus has unpredictable episodes of anxiety during which he cannot breathe and feels as if he is having a heart attack. Although these feelings are temporary, they fill him with dread and worry. Which disorder might Marcus have?
    Panic disorder
  68. Tanya unknowingly switches her thinking and behavior from that of an 18-year-old American female to a 5-year-old Cuban boy. Witnesses claim it is like observing two different people. Which disorder may Tanya have?
    Dissociative identity disorder
  69. Teddy had bipolar disorder. Which altered brain structure is Teddy likely to have?

    B. Decreased white matter
  70. Monika is very sensitive to what others think of her and sometimes hesitates to enter into new relationships because of a fear of rejection, though she desires friendship. Which personality disorder might she have?

    B. Avoidant personality disorder
  71. Taylor has significant binge-eating episodes, followed by distress, disgust, or guilt, without compensatory purging or fasting. Which disorder might Taylor have?
    Binge-eating disorder
  72. Juan has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Which of the following problems is Juan not likely to exhibit?

    D. perfectionism
  73. Neal has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. He interprets negative stressful events using a pessimistic explanatory style. This explanatory style creates a hopeless, depressed state, which then hampers the way he thinks and acts, causing more negative stressful events. Neal's depression is likely due to a:

    C. Vicious cycle
  74. Mimi works in a hospital psychiatric unit. She cares for a patient with schizophrenia who often stands motionless in a corner for several hours. This ___________ usually ends abruptly with the patient then becoming quite agitated.

    B. catatonia
  75. The saying “what does not kill me makes me stronger” indicates:

    D. posttraumatic growth
  76. Walter keeps to himself at work. He is quiet, has a number of odd collections, and some even call him eccentric. He is emotionally disengaged from others and his co-workers recognize his behavior as odd. Walter would be considered to have __________ personality disorder.

    C. schizotypal
  77. The onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder occurs around:
    the late teens and twenties
  78. Exposure therapies and aversive conditioning are applications of ______ conditioning. Token economies are an application of ______ conditioning.
    classical; operant
  79. What are the three components of evidence-based practice?
    research evidence, clinical expertise, and knowledge of the patient
  80. Clients may overvalue therapy because they:

    A. put much effort into therapy
  81. Christopher has a two-year master's degree and specializes in helping those with a history of substance use disorder. Christopher is MOST likely a:

    A. counselor
  82. Deena's therapist believes in using only empirically supported therapies for treating her dog phobia. She will probably use _____ therapy.

    D. behavior
  83. John is a 28-year-old male who suffers from bipolar disorder. He does not like lithium because of the side effects. His doctor prescribes this medication, originally used to treat epilepsy. This medication is:

    D. Depakote
  84. Roy underwent psychosurgery in the twenty-first century. Which procedure was he likely to have undergone?

    C. MRI-guided microsurgery
  85. Dr. Wilson uses techniques from various forms of therapy to treat his patients. Which therapeutic approach does Dr. Wilson follow?

    B. Eclectic approach
  86. Which term describes the anxiety experienced by patients when they defend themselves against sensitive material?
  87. Which of the following is NOT a technique used in client-centered therapy?

    B. Interpretation
  88. Of the behavior therapies listed here, which involves the association of an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior?

    A. Aversive conditioning
  89. A form of therapy that effectively treats people with obsessive-compulsive disorder is ______.

    D. cognitive-behavioral therapy
  90. Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of group therapy?

    A. It is time-consuming and expensive.
  91. Which types of drugs are effective in controlling the manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder?
    Mood-stabilizing drugs
  92. Which technique may be used with an individual who has severe depression, when drug therapies do not work?
    Electroconvulsive therapy
  93. Which of the following is a newer, promising treatment that helps improve mood by energizing the left frontal lobe, causing inactive nerve cells to form new functioning circuits?

    A. RTMS
  94. The therapy that focuses on restoring a healthy way of life as a means of reducing stress (such as through exercise and sleep) is called _____.
    therapeutic lifestyle change
  95. Hillary has a fear of spiders. Through therapy, she is taught to relax while looking at a picture of a spider, then being in the same room with a spider, then handling a spider. This type of therapy for phobia is called _____.

    D. Systematic desensitization
  96. . Mel joins a support group to help reduce his alcohol use disorder. Which support group did Mel MOST likely join?
  97. Herbert is having delusions and hallucinations. Which type of drug might he be prescribed?
  98. Dr. Welham is a physician by training and specializes in treating psychological disorders, occasionally prescribing medications to his patients with very serious problems. Which type of therapist is Dr. Welham?
  99. Isla wants to reduce her stress level and live a healthier, more fulfilling life. She decides to begin a new nutritional and exercise program, as well as spend more time outdoors. Which type of therapy is she implementing?
    Therapeutic lifestyle change
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Psychology: Chapters 14, 15, 16
Flashcards for Chapters 14, 15, 16 for Meyers Psychology text.