Anatomy Ch11

  1. What is the appendicular musculature responsible for?
    Its stabilizes the pectoral and pelvic girdles and for moving the upper and lower limbs.
  2. What four groups of muscles are associated with the pectoral girdle and upper limbs?
    • 1. muscles that position the pectoral girdle.
    • 2. Muscle that move the arm.
    • 3. Muscles that move the forearm and hand
    • 4. muscle that move the hand and fingers
  3. This muscles covers the back and parts of the neck to the base of the skull.
    Trapezius muscles
  4. What does the trapezius muscle affect?
    It affects the position of the pectoral girdle, head, and neck
  5. What adducts the scapula?
    Rhomboid Muscles
  6. What elevates the scapula?
    The Levator Scapulae muscle
  7. What muscle abdutcs the scapula and swings the shoulder anteriorly, originates along the ventrosuperior surfaces of the several?
    Serratus anterior muscle
  8. Subclavius and pectoralis minor muscles do what to the shoulder?
    They Depress and protract the shoulder
  9. Muscles that move the arm are best remembered when they are grouped by?
    Primary Actions.
  10. What muscles produces abduction at the shoulders.
    The deltoid and the suprapinatus muscles.
  11. What muscles rotate the arm medially?
    Subscapularis and the teres major
  12. What muscles rotate the arm laterally?
    the infraspinatus and the teres minor muscles.
  13. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor are known as the muscles of the?
    Rotator Cuff.
  14. What does the coracobrachialis muscle produce?
    Its produces flexion and adduction at the shoulder.
  15. What muscles flexes the shoulder and what muscle extends it?
    The pectoralis major muscle and the latissimus dorsi muscle.
  16. The biceps brachii muscle and the triceps branchii muscle are the primary actions what joint?
    The elbow joint.
  17. What flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm?
    Biceps brachii
  18. The brachialis and brachioradoalis muscles flex what?
    The elbow
  19. The opposing of the flexing of the elbow is by the what muscles?
    Anconeus muscles and the triceps brachii muscle.
  20. Whats muscles of the forearm cooperate to flex the wrist?
    Flexor carpi ulnaris, the flexor carpi radialis, and the palmaris longus muscles.
  21. What muscle adducts the wrist?
    The Flexor carpi ulnaris
  22. What muscles abducts it?
    The flexor carpi radialis.
  23. What muscles provides extension?
    The extensor carpi radialis muscle.
  24. What muscles pronate the forearm without extension at the elbow?
    The Pronator Teres and pronator quadratus muscles.
  25. The pronation is cause by what muscle?
    Supinator muscle
  26. Three Groups of muscles associated with the pelvis and lower limbs are?
    • 1. Muscles that move the thigh.
    • 2. Muscles that move the leg.
    • 3. Muscles that move the foot and toes
  27. Muscles originating on the surface of the pelvis and inserting on the femur produce characteristic movements determined by the what?
    The positions relative to the acetabulum.
  28. What muscles cover the lateral surface of the ilium?
    Gluteal Muscles.
  29. What muscle produces extension and lateral rotation of the hip?
    The gluteus maximus muscle.
  30. What muscle provides a lateral brace for the knee?
    The obturator muscles.
  31. What does the adductor group include, that produce adduction at the hip?
    Adductor magus, Adductor brevis, adductor longus, pectineus, and gracilis muscles.
  32. What produces a powerful flexor of the hip?
    The psoas major and the iliacus that merge to from the iliopsoas muscle.
  33. Where are the Extensor Muscles of the knee found along?
    They are found along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the thigh.
  34. Flexor muscles lie along what?
    The posterior and medial surfaces of the thigh
  35. Flexor and adductors originate where?
    On the Pelvic Girdle
  36. Where do most extensors originate?
    The femoral Surface
  37. Collectively the knee extensors are know as the?
    Quadriceps femoris.
  38. The Quadriceps Femoris includes what?
    Vastus intermedius, Vastus lateralis, Vastusmedialis muscles and the rectus femoris muscle
  39. The flexors of the knee include the?
    The Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles, and the sartorius muscle.
  40. Which muscles medially rotates the tibia to unlock the knee joint?
    The popliteus muscle.
  41. What muscles move the foot and toes?
    The extrinsic and intrinsic
  42. What produce plantar flexion?
    Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.
  43. Which muscles opposes that gastrocnemius and dorsiflexes the ankle?
    The Large tibialis anterior muscle
  44. What does the Fibularis muscles produce?
    Its produces eversion as well as plantar flexion
  45. Smaller muscles of the calf and shin position what?
    The foot and move the toes.
  46. Precis control of the phalanges is provided by what muscles?
    Muscles originating on the tarsal and metatarsal bones
  47. The arm has what compartments?
    Medial and lateral compartments
  48. Forearms has what compartments?
    Anterior, posterior ad lateral compartments.
  49. The thigh has what compartments?
    Anterior, medial and posterior compartments
  50. The leg as what compartments?
    Anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments
Card Set
Anatomy Ch11