1. Who has the overall responsibility for the ship's tag-out program?
    Commanding Officer.
  2. Who authorizes a system or piece of equipment to be tagged out?
  3. If the system or equipment to be tagged is placed out of commission, the authorizing officer must get permission from whom, before tagging it out?
    Engineer Officer or Commanding Officer.
  4. Who normally fills out and signs the tag-out record sheet and prepares the tags?
    Petty Officer in Charge of the work.
  5. After the Petty Officer in Charge of the work completes filling out the tags and record sheet, who makes an independent check of the tag coverage?
    The Second Person.
  6. When does the second person independently verify proper tag placement, signs the tags, and initials the record sheet?
    After all tags are attached.
  7. What are two types of tags?
    Caution and Danger.
  8. What tag is used as a precautionary measure to provide temporary special amplifying instructions or to indicate that unusual caution must be exercised to operate equipment?
  9. What is the color of the caution tag?
  10. What tag is used to prohibit the operation of equipment that could jeopardize the safety of personnel or endanger equipment?
  11. What is the color of the danger tag?
  12. What labels are used to identify instruments that are out of calibration and may not work properly?
    Out of Calibration labels.
  13. What color distinguishes an out of calibration label? , .
  14. Red labels that are used to identify instruments that do not work properly because they are defective or isolated from the system are termed what?
    Out of Commission labels.
  15. Who authorizes out of calibration and out of commission labels?
  16. How often are tag-out audits conducted?
    Every two weeks.
  17. Results of a tag-out audit are reported to whom?
    Engineer Officer.
  18. Proper procedures for tag-out are delineated in what reference?
    OPNAVINST 3120.32 Series.
  19. If a tag-out is requested by a repair activity, the repair activity representative must sign what, to indicate the repair activity is satisfied with the completeness of the tag-out?
    Tag-out record sheet.
  20. Why does the authorizing officer notify damage control central that a tag-out is in progress?
    To ensure that damage control central is fully cognizant of the extent of the tag-out and the status of the material condition of the unit to be tagged.
  21. How does the authorizing officer annotate that damage control central was notified?
    Annotates upper right hand corner with the words "DCC NOTIFIED" followed by the authorizing officer's initials.
  22. Who is authorized to attach Danger/Caution tags?
    Only qualified ships force personnel.
  23. What would a Danger tag with the serial number 9-19 indicate?
    19th tag of log serial number 9.
  24. How is the amount of tags required for a tag-out determined?
    By use of schematics and drawings.
  25. What is done with Danger/Caution tags after the tag-out action is complete and the tags removed?
    They are immediately removed and destroyed.
  26. For routine maintenance inport in a cold iron condition, who will normally be the authorizing officer for a tag-out?
    The EDO.
  27. Results of a tag-out audit are reported to whom?
    Engineer Officer.
  28. Why does the authorizing officer notify damage control central that a tag-out is in progress?
    To ensure that damage control central is fully cognizant of the extent of the tag-out and the status of the material condition of the unit to be tagged.
  29. How does the authorizing officer annotate that damage control central was notified?
    Annotates upper right hand corner with the words "DCC NOTIFIED" followed by the authorizing officer's initials.
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