opp exam 1

  1. ideal standing posture in coronal plane
    Center (Mid) gravity line

    -midway between the feet

    -extend superiorly up midline of spine

    -divides body into 2 equal parts

    -no rotation in horizontal plane

    -no sidebending in the coronal plane
  2. Ideal posture alignment in sagittal plane
    Center of gravity/weight bearing line travels through:

    -just anterior to lateral malleolus

    -just behind mid-knee

    -femoral head

    -ant 1/3 of sacral base

    -middle of body of L3 vertebra

    -external auditory meatus
  3. Kypholordotic posture
    • -head forward, cervical lordotic, thoracic kyphotic,
    • scapulae abducted, lumbar spine lordotic, anterior pelvic tilt, hip joint
    • slightly flexed, knee joints extended, plantar flexion of ankle joints in
    • relation to angle of legs
  4. swayback posture
    • head forward, cervical spine lordotic, thoracic spine
    • kyphotic, dec. lordosis of lumbar spine, post. tilt of pelvis, hips & knee
    • joints hyperextended
  5. flatback posture
    • -head forward, cervical spine slight inc. lordosis, thoracic
    • spine slight kyphotic in upper portion, then flattens in lower segments, lumbar
    • lordosis flattened, hips/knees extended
  6. components of visual screening exam
    • SLandmark
    • assessment*

    • SPostural
    • analysis*

    SActive ROM

    SGait analysis
  7. posture
    • Sbodies weight
    • in relation to gravity over a base of support (structures from feet to skull)
  8. optimal posture depends on
    • SBalanced
    • configuration of the body

    • SNormal arches
    • of feet

    • SVertical
    • alignment of ankles

    • SHorizontal
    • orientation of sacral base

    • SEqual
    • distribution of body mass around the center of gravity

    • SCompressive
    • force on spinal discs is balanced by ligamentous tension

    • SMinimal energy
    • expenditure
  9. functional scoliosis
    • Spinal curves
    • occurring from unilateral muscle contractions

    • Curve
    • disappears when muscle hypertonicity resolves
  10. fixed/structural scoliosis
    • Involves long
    • term adaptation associated with positional changes

    • Over time
    • tissues associated with this curve change

    • Tissues
    • lengthen/shorten and resist change to the neutral position
  11. scoliotic curves

    Rotation & sidebending are occurring together

    • Occurs in
    • coronal plane
Card Set
opp exam 1
opp exam 1, posture