opp exam 1

  1. acute somatic dysfunction
    • 1.
    • Pain quality – acute pain, severe, cutting,
    • sharp

    • 2.
    • Skin – feels warm, moist, appears red, inflamed

    • 3.
    • Musculature – increased muscle tone, muscle
    • contraction, spasm

    • 4.
    • Mobility – range of motion may be normal but
    • quality “sluggish” (hesitancy to motion)

    • 5.
    • Tissues – “boggy” edema (feels squishy),
    • acute congestion
  2. chronic somatic dysfunction
    • 1.
    • Pain quality – dull, achy, paresthesias
    • (crawling, itching, burning, gnawing)

    • 2.
    • Skin – cool, pale

    • 3.
    • Musculature – decreased muscle tone, flaccid,
    • mushy, limited range of motion due to contracture

    • 4.
    • Mobility – decreased range of motion with
    • normal quality of motion that remains

    • 5.
    • Tissues – chronic congestion, doughy,
    • stringy, fibrotic, ropy, thickened, contracted/contractures
  3. palpation
    • the art of sensing, evaluating
    • and knowing with the fingers. Strong
    • palpatory skills are essential to evaluating and treating Osteopathically. This is a psychomotor skill that, like
    • playing a musical instrument or a sport, takes time to develop.
  4. time and repetitions to become expert
    • In general, it takes 10,000 repetitions and/or
    • 10 years of practice to reach an expert level in any task requiring
    • neuromusculoskeletal integration
  5. what are you looking for whenn evealuating a patient osteopathically
    • evaluating for
    • alterations in function and motion both locally and globally throughout the
    • entire individual. You are looking for
    • the presence or absence of somatic dysfunction
  6. define somatic dysfunction
    • impaired or altered function
    • of related components of the somatic (body framework) system: skeletal,
    • arthroidal, and myofascial structures, and related vascular, lymphatic and
    • neural elements.”
  7. goal of OMM
    • Osteopathic
    • manipulative medicine (OMM) is used to find the health in the individual. We interact with somatic dysfunction to
    • improve function and motion and establish an environment where the body can
    • heal and exist in health.
  8. TART acronym
    • T – tissue texture
    • abnormalities

    • A – asymmetry (static,
    • motion, tonicity, turgor, color, temperature).
    • Can involve vertebral position, atrophy, hypertrophy, hypotonicity or
    • hypertonicity

    • R – restriction of motion. This is where an area does not have free,
    • unrestricted range of motion. It
    • involves one or more planes and occurs within physiologic bounds. Evaluated through active and passive motion
    • testing

    • T – tenderness (in the area
    • of abnormality). This is a sensation of
    • pain or soreness elicited during palpation.
    • Is frequently found in the tissues associated with somatic dysfunction
    • and may be associated with other subjective symptoms such as numbness,
    • tingling, etc.
  9. find dominant hand
    lace fingers, whichever one's thumb is on top is dominant
  10. find dominant eye
    using dominant hand, make a cirlce around fqar obgect.... whichever eye it is seen through individuallly is dominant
  11. causes of high/low skin drag
    • 1.
    • Increased skin drag may be due to excessive
    • dryness, slight perspiration or edema.

    • 2.
    • Decreased skin drag may be due to excessive
    • perspiration, oiliness or atrophy.
  12. red reflex
    afer applied pressure, skin should turn red and return to normal

    not returning to normal usually indicates somatic dysfunction
Card Set
opp exam 1
tart palpation