MT Chp 5 quiz

  1. The term dorsal refers to which side of the body? 

    B. Back
  2. In the term systemic, the root system means: 

    D. a composite whole
  3. A _________ is a hollow space containing body organs. 

    A. cavitiy
  4. The  term inguinal means 

    A. pertaining to the groin, of or near the groin
  5. The __________ plane vertically divides the body, as it passes through the midline, to form a right and left

    D. midsagittal
  6. A/An _________ is a grouping of similar cells that together perform specialized functions.   

    C. tissue
  7. Which term means pertaining to the front side of the body, abdomen, and belly surface?   

    D. ventral
  8. In the term topical, the suffix -al means:  

    C. pertaining to
  9. The term cytology means  

    D. study of cells
  10. Karyogenesis is a term used to describe:  

    D. formation of a cell's nucleus
  11. Hairlike processes that project from epithelial cells are called:   

    A. cilia
  12. Which term means toward the back?   

    D. posterior
  13. The word part for arm is: 

    D. brach/i
  14. The most important constituent of all body fluid is:  

    B. water
  15. Which of the following is not a cavity located in the ventral cavity?   

    C. coronal
  16. The combining form for foot is:   

    A. pod/o
  17. The word part referring to liver is   

    C. hepat/o
  18. The word part referring to ankle is   

    C. tars/o
  19. The protective portion of the cell is known as the: 

    C. cell membrane
  20. Which term means pertaining to one side?   

    B. unilateral
  21. Which term means pertaining to body organs enclosed within a cavity, especially the abdominal organs?  

    C. visceral
  22. Pathology is the study of __________.  

    B. disease
  23. What is the top or highest point called?   

    B. vertex
  24. In the anatomical position, the palms are:  

    B. to the front
  25. The two properties of nervous tissue are:   

    B. excitability/conductivity
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MT Chp 5 quiz
organization of the body