far 1 to 20 A 1102021

  1. A local government’s utility sells part of its output to the primary government. The utility is accounted for in an enterprise fund. In the comprehensive annual financial report, the sale of the utility’s output most likely is accounted for as
    Expenditures in the general fund.
  2. Under --------------, inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value (NRV).
    Under IFRS, inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value (NRV).
  3. Under IFRS, inventories are measured at the lower of -------------------------------------.
    Under IFRS, inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value (NRV).
  4. A perpetual-care fund for a public cemetery is a kind of ----------------------------------------------.
    A perpetual-care fund for a public cemetery is a kind of permanent fund (a governmental fund).
  5. Operating cash flows include the payment and collection of -------------------
    Operating cash flows include the payment and collection of interest,
  6. ------------------------- flows include the payment and collection of interest,
    Operating cash flows include the payment and collection of interest,
  7. will a overstatement of ending inventory result in the overstatement of net income?
  8. In measuring a deferred tax liability or asset, the objective is to use the-------------------------------- to apply to taxable income in the periods in which the deferred tax liability or asset is expected to be settled or realized.
    In measuring a deferred tax liability or asset, the objective is to use the enacted tax rate(s) expected to apply to taxable income in the periods in which the deferred tax liability or asset is expected to be settled or realized.
  9. In measuring a deferred tax liability or asset, the objective is to use the enacted tax rate(s) expected to apply to taxable income in the periods in which the -----------------------------------------------------------------.
    In measuring a deferred tax liability or asset, the objective is to use the enacted tax rate(s) expected to apply to taxable income in the periods in which the deferred tax liability or asset is expected to be settled or realized.
Card Set
far 1 to 20 A 1102021
far 1 to 20 A 1102021