The profession and professional ethics by WEBSTER states that
An occupation or calling requiring advance training and experience in specifc or specialized body of knowledge providing service
The profession and professional ethics by MARIE JAHODA states that
Organization of occupational group based on application of special knowledge establishes own rules and standards of protection of public and professionals
The profession and professional ethics by MARIE JAHODA states that
Profession implies quality of work done by members is great importance in own eyes and society than economic rewards
The profession and professional ethics by MARIE JAHODA states that
Profession serves all of society and not specific interest of group
The profession and professional ethics by MARIE JAHODA states that
Aims of profession are altruistic than materialistic
1 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Must satisfy indispensable social need and based upon established socially accepted scientific principle
2 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Demands adequate pre-professional and cultural training
3 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Demands possession of body of specialized and systematized training
4 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Give evidence of needed skills which public doesnt possess ; skills which are partly inherent partly acquired
5 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Developed a scientific tdchnique which result of tested experience
6 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Clear standard of educational preparation for entry of practice
7 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Have group conciousness designed to extend scientific knowledge and technical language
8 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Sufficient self impelling power to retain members throughout life and not used as stepping stone to other occupation
9 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
Recognize obligations to society by insisting members to live up established code of ethics
10 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to William Shepard
- Exercise of discretion and judgment as to time and manner of performance of duty
- Contrast to kind of work subject to standardization in unit performance or time element
1 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to Flexner and others
Applies body of knowledge in practical services vital to human welfare and suited to shape skills of newcomers
2 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to Flexner and others
Enlarges body of knowledge using subsequently imposed on members lifelong obligation to "not do harm"
3 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to Flexner and others
Utilize well defined and well organized body of knowledge that is intellectual nature and describe phenomena of concern
4 Criteria and qualities of a profession accdg to Flexner and others
Distinguished presence of specific culture, norms and other values common to members
Definition of professional nurse
Nurse is a person who completed basic nursing education program and licensed in country to practice professional nursing
According to Philippine Nsg Act of 1991 (RA 7164) repealed by Philippine Nsg Act of 2002 (RA 9173) Meaning of professional nurse is
Practicing nursing with meaning of act in singly or collaboration with another, intiate perform nursing services
Meaning of a professional nurse
- Provide care thru utilization of nursing process
- Establish linkages with community resources and coordination with healthteam
- Provide health education to individuals, fam and communities
- Teach, guide and supervise students in nsg education programs include administration of nursing services utilizing decision making skills
- Health human resource development training and research
A professional nurse is someone who
Acquired the art and science of nsg thru basic education interpreting the role in terms of social ends which it exists
Professional nursing is
Art and science dominated by ideal of service in certain principles applied in skillful care of well and ill
Qualifications and abilities of professional nurse: PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION
- License to practice nursing in country
- Bachelor os Science degree in nursing
- Physically and Mentally fit
Qualifications and abilities of professional nurse: PERSONAL QUALITIES AND PROFESSIONAL PROFICIENCIES
- 1 Interest and willingnes to work
- 2 Warm personality and concern
- 3 Resourcefulness and creativity as well as well balanced emotional condition
- 4 Capacity and ability to work cooperatively
- 5 Initiative to improve self and service
- 6 Competence in performing work thru use of nsg process
- 7 Skill in decision making, communicating and research oriented
- 8 Active participation in confronting issues
Basic educational program in nursing
1983 one basic educational program in nursing and 4 yr collegiate leading to 3yr hospital based program (Graduate in Nsg) was phased out
4 year BSN offers
Competency based community oriented curriculum to educate future nurses assuming roles and responsibilities in PHCS
The Philippine Healthcare System aims to
Prepare nurses for entry level positions in any healthcare settings
The code of ethics in the HC profession
Fundamental attribute defining vocation as profession defining ethical standards and expectations modified as profession face new situations
The Florence Nightingale Pledge
Is believed to be the original nursing code of ethics
Nurse as professional worker as public servant and sided relationship
- Relation of
- NRS - Pt
- NRS - Medical Profession
- NRS - Allied Profession
- NRS - Nurse
- NRS - Her Profession
Relation of Nurse and Patient
- Bring to care of patient all knowledge, skill and devotion
- Broaden thoughtful consideration to patient
Relation of Nurse and Medical Profession
- Fully informed on provisions of medical practice act
- Respect the physician legally and professionally
- Give such intelligent and skilled nursing service
Relation of Nurse and Allied Profession
- Without closest interrelation and appreciation of ethical standards of all grouos and clear understanding of limitation
- Best result in building positive health in community cant be obtained
Relation of Nurse and Nurse
- Golden rule embodies all written in pages relation to nurse to nurse
- Fine loyalty, appreciation for work conscientiously done and respect for positions of authority
Relation of Nurse and Her Profession
- Give reasonable portion of time to furtherance of such advancements
- Keep alight that spiritual flame
Code of ethics
- 1 Created to benefit the public
- 2 Constructed with understanding behavior not explicitly deemed unethical as accepted ethical
- 3 Not usually binding but used to individual state licensing boards establishing practice expectations and standards
2001 ANA COE For Nurses
- Represent highest aspirations for ethical practice
- Represent ideal action nurse should and ought to achieve in daily practice
- Possibility exists finds himself or herself in a dilemma situational variables or ethical commitments are in conflict
2001 ANA COE For Nurses consists of
1 nurse practice with compassion and respect for inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness