Brooks Chapters 1,3&4

  1. In 2003, this organization pronounced that ethics education is required of all professional accountants. This organization also developed a Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
    International Federation of Accountants
  2. This legislation provided for the reform of both cooperate governance and the accounting profession, first in the United States, then indirectly in Canada and around the world.
  3. The ability to not only judge right from wrong, but to make the right decision. Similar to physical maturity, it comes with age and experience.
    Ethical Maturity
  4. Developing a creative and innovative solution to an ethical dilema
    Moral Imagination
  5. The gap caused by a lack of confidence over corporate reporting and governance
    Credibility Gap
  6. This theory is concerned with the motivating aspects of moral character demonstrated by decision makers. It focuses on the character or integrity of the moral actor.
    Virtue Ethics
  7. This principle argues that equals should be treated equally and unequals should be treated unequal in relationship to their relative inequalities and differences.
    Distributive Justice
  8. This theory suggests that an ethically correct action is the one that will produce the greatest amount of pleasure or the least amount of pain.
  9. This theory evaluates the ethicality of behavior based on the motivation of the decision-aker, regardless of its outcome.
  10. This principle that one should follow the rule that will probably produce a greater balance of good over evil?
    Rule Utilitarianism
  11. English philosopher who argued that self-interest motivates people to form peaceful civil societies. Believed that people have multiple desires, a fundamental one is self-preservation.
    Thomas Hobbes
  12. This philosopher observed that both buyers and sellers are interested in satisfying their individual needs and desires and that self-interest leads to economic cooperation.
    Adam Smith
  13. This philosopher argued that pains are accepted only if they lead to greater pleasures.
  14. English philosopher who argued that the need for justice occurs for two reasons: people are not always beneficent and there are scare resources.
    David Hume
  15. The American philosopher that contends that society should be structured so that there is a fair distributiuon of rights and benefits
    John Rawls
  16. Graham Tucker's approach to decision making is to ask these 5 questions.
    Profitable, Legal, Fair and Going through further sustainable development
  17. The approach that reviews the three fundamental interest of stakeholders, including utilitarian: maximize net benefit to society as a whole; individual rights: respect and protect; and justice: fair distribution of benefits and burdens
    Traditional Moral standards Approach
  18. The approach that examines the four key aspects, such as ground rule ethics, end-point ethic, rule ethics and social contract ethics.
    Pastin's Approach
  19. The two aspects of justice that include the process for determining the allocation and the actual allocations.
    Procedural & Distributive Justice
  20. The three main criteria used under distributive justice to determine the just distribution.
    Need, Arithmetic Equality and Merit
  21. "I ought never to act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law"
    Kant's Categorical Imperative
  22. "Act in a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simple as a means, but always at the same time as an end."
    Kant's Practical Imperative
  23. The three dimensions used to evaluate the stakeholders and their interests
    Legitimacy, Power & Urgency
  24. The four fundamental interests of stakeholders
    Well Offness, Fairness, Right & Virtuosity
  25. The four determinants of a corporation's reputation according to Charles Folbrum
    Credibility, Reliability, Trustworthiness & Responsibility
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Brooks Chapters 1,3&4
Business Ethics