1. What log is used to record important daily events and data pertaining to the engineering department and the operation of the engineering plant?
    Engineering Log.
  2. Personnel casualties (injuries) that occur, while underway in the engineering plant are documented in what log?
    Engineering Log.
  3. The original Engineering Log is prepared using what instrument?
    Pencil or indelible ink.
  4. The Engineering Log is a legal record that must be retained onboard for how long?
    3 Years.
  5. Who signs the Engineering Log underway each watch?
  6. How are corrections made to the Engineering Log?
    A single line is drawn through the original entry so that it remains legible, then the correct entry is logged, and then the EOOW initials the margin of the page.
  7. Who reviews and signs the Engineering Log daily?
    Engineering Officer.
  8. Who reviews and signs the Engineering Log monthly?
    Commanding Officer.
  9. What document is used to record all orders received by the station in control of the throttles regarding a change in the movement of the propellers?
    The Engineer's Bell Book.
  10. Who specifies which engineering records will be maintained and prescribes the form to be used when no standard forms are provided?
    Type Commander.
  11. All equipment operating logs are prepared with High-and-Low limit set points printed on each reading, any reading that is out of limits is recorded in what manner?
    Circle the out of limits reading in red and annotate the action taken in the remarks section and notify the EOOW.
  12. What document explains matters pertaining to organizational management, operation, and readiness within the engineering department?
    Engineering Department Organization and Regulations Manual (EDORM).
  13. Special evolutions and the Engineer's orders for the night are contained in what document?
    Night orders.
  14. What publication gives instructions on preparing and use of the Engineering Log?
    NSTM 090.
  15. If a ship has two shafts, how many Engineer's Bell Books are required?
    Two, one for each shaft.
  16. What does the symbol "Z" mean when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?
  17. Before going off watch, who signs the Engineer's Bell Book?
    The EOOW and Throttle operator.
  18. Who maintains the Engineer's Bell Book when throttle control is on the bridge?
    Bridge personnel.
  19. Who signs the Automatic Bell Book at the end of each watch?
    The EOOW.
  20. Who reviews operating logs at the end of each watch and initials them?
    The EOOW.
  21. Who approves the operating logs on a daily basis?
    Engineer Officer.
  22. How long must operating logs be maintained?
    2 Years.
  23. For a complete reference of detailed safety precautions you should refer to what NSTMs?
    NSTM 300 and 400.
  24. Who checks the Electrical plant operating log daily?
    EM in charge of the ship's service generators.
  25. Who checks and initials the Electrical Plant operating log daily?
    M and E-Division Officer.
  26. Who approves and signs the Electrical plant operating log on a daily basis?
    Engineering Officer.
  27. What publication provides general information on Records, Tests, Inspections, and Reports?
    NSTM 090.
  28. Instruction for the disposal of shipboard records are published in what reference?
    Part m of Disposal of Navy and Marine Corps Records, SECNAVINST 5212/5 (series).
  29. Who checks the accuracy of the gyrocompass log daily?
    The POIC of interior communications equipment.
  30. Who notes the contents of the gyrocompass log daily?
    Electrical Officer.
  31. What report indicates the amount of fuel, oil and water onboard as of midnight the previous day?
    Fuel and Water report.
  32. Special evolution's and the Engineer's orders for the night are contained in what document?
    Night orders.
  33. What publication gives instructions on preparing and use of the Engineering Log?
    NSTM 090.
  34. If a ship has two shafts, how many Engineer's Bell Books are required?
    Two one for each shaft.
  35. Before going off watch, who signs the Engineer's Bell Book?
    The EOOW and Throttle operator.
  36. Who maintains the Engineer's Bell Book when throttle control is on the bridge?
    Bridge personnel.
  37. Who signs the Automatic Bell Book at the end of each watch?
    The EOOW.
  38. Who reviews operating logs at the end of each watch and initials them?
    The EOOW.
  39. Who approves the operating logs on a daily basis?
    Engineer Officer.
  40. How long must operating logs be maintained?
    2 Years.
  41. Instruction for the disposal of shipboard records are published in what reference?
    Part HI of Disposal of Navy and Marine Corps Records, SECNAVTNST 5212.5 (series).
  42. What report indicates the amount of fuel oil and water onboard as of midnight the previous day?
    Fuel and Water report.
  43. What log contains the number of days out of drydock?
    Engineering log.
  44. The shifting of main engine lube oil strainers must be documented in what log?
    Engineering log.
  45. Who verifies the Electrical Plant Operating record, checking all entries for accuracy and signs the record?
    The Petty Officer in Charge of the Electrical Plant.
  46. What does the symbol "I" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?
    A Standard ahead bell.
  47. What does the symbol "H" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?
    A Full ahead bell.
  48. What does the symbol "HI" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?
    Flank ahead bell.
  49. How is an Emergency backing bell logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?
    By the acronym "BEM"
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