Kaplan GenChem atomic structures Chapter 1

  1. Mass # and Atomic # positions on element
    • mAss # on top left (pro+neut)
    • Atomic # on bottom left (prot)
    • (On periodic table, the atomic # is listed ontop of element)
  2. Isotope calculating strategy
    • ie: Chlorine-35 and Chlorine-37 are 3:1 ratio
    • 35(.66) + 37(.33) = atomic weight of chlorine = 32
  3. Pauli exclusion principle
    no 2 electrons in a given atom can have the same four quantum numbers
  4. 4 quantum numbers
    • principal (n)
    • 2nd is azimuthal (angular momentum) (l)
    • 3rd is magnetic quantum number (ml)
    • 4th is spin quantum number (ms)
  5. Spin quantum number rules
    • 2 electrons in SAME orbital must have opposite spins
    • Electrons in diff orbitals with same ms values have parallel spins electron spin: can be +1/2 or -1/2 (have to fill orbitals with one electron first, then can pair up)
  6. magnetic quantum number rules
    possible values: can be range from l to -l (for p, -1, 0, +1)
  7. azdimuthal (angular momentum) quantum number rules
    • refers to the subshells or sublevels (l)
    • for value of n, subshell (l) can be from 0 to n-1
    • 0,1,2,3, representing s,p,d,f
    • max # of electrons in subshell = 4l +2
  8. principal quantum number rules
    • Max # of electrons in energy level n = 2n^2
    • larger the n integer, the higher energy level and radius of electron orbit
    • energy diff from 1-2 is greater than 2-3 and so on going higher up with the values of n
  9. Bohr model
    • E=hf
    • h=Planck's constant (6.626 x 10-34 Js)
    • f = frequency of radiation
  10. Atomic emissions spectra - energy of photons equation
    • E = hc/wavelength
    • h=Planck's constant
    • c=speed of light (3x108m/s)
  11. Planck's constant
    6.626 x 10-34 Js
  12. Calculating energy emitted when going from n=3 to n=2
    • E = - RH (1/[ni^2] - 1/[nf^2])
    • should be positive value due to going back towards ground state and energy is being released
  13. Calculating energy emitted when n=2
    E = - RH/n^2
  14. Balmer vs Lyman series
    • Balmer are emissions from n>2 to n=2 (4 wavelengths in visible region)
    • Lyman series are from n>1 to n=1 (the UV region)
  15. What are atoms with the same atomic number, but different atomic mass
    Isotopes of each other
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Kaplan GenChem atomic structures Chapter 1
Gen chem Atomic structures DAT studying