Math 4.1

  1. The base unit of lenght in the metric system is the metre. One metre is slightly larger than a yard and is approximately equal to 39.37 inches.
    • a. the metre is the base unit of length in the metric system (TRUE)
    • b. a yard is longer than a metre (FALSE)
    • c. a metre is slightly longer than a yard (TRUE)
  2. Metric measurement is based on a decimal system which means that its units are related by multiples of ten (such as 10,100,1000) or divisions of ten.
    Most common prefixes are.
    • kilo _km-1000
    • hecto_hm-100
    • deka_dam- 10
    • deci_m- 0.1 or 1/10
    • centi_ dm- 0.01 or 1/100
    • milli_ mm- 0.001 or 1/1000
    • centi_cm
  3. The metric units most used in hospital terminology are the metre, decimetre, centimetre, and millimetre.
    • The realtionship demonstrated by the metric ruler are;
    • 1 dm= 10 cm or 1cm= 0.1 dm
    • 1cm= 10 mm or 1mm= 0.1 cm
  4. km(10)hm(10)dam(10)m(10)dm(10)cm(10)mm
    • 1. To convert any unit to a unit on its right, multipy by the number of 10's separting the two units. (move the number to the right the same number of places as there are 10's)
    • 2. to convert any unit to a unit on its left, divide by the number of 10's separating the two units. (move the decimal point to the left the same number of places as there are 10's)
  5. 45.8 dm=___mm

    (M) is one 10 to the left of (DM) on the chart. Move the decimal point one place to the left (45.8). thus, 45.8 dm=4.58m
  6. 0.5m= ____mm

    MM is three 10's to the right of M on the chart. Move the decimal point three places to the right (0.500). thus, 0.5 m= 500 mm.
Card Set
Math 4.1
Units of length and area