Lecture #81

  1. what is the level of the spin of the scapula ?
  2. what is the Transverse process level of the inferior border of the scapula?
  3. what is the spinous process level of the inferior border of the scapula?
  4. what is the spinous process level of the illiac crest?
  5. the first rib is at what spinous process level?
  6. vertebral prominens is at which spinous process level
  7. what is the Vt level for the PSIS
  8. what rib lvl is the sternal angle?
  9. what are the other names for the sternal anle?
    • the angle of louis
    • angle of the sternum
  10. what rib is closest to the xophoid process ?
    rib 7 the last true rib
  11. what ribs are the atypical ribs
    1,2, 10, 11, and 12
  12. what ribs are the typical ribs
  13. ribs 11 and 12 fit into what caterorgy of ribs
    floating and false
  14. what makes rib 1 atypical
    • no angle or costal cartilage
    • only articulat1 with T1
    • flat greatest curve and shortes
  15. what passes over rib1 and why is it important? and which surface
    the subclavian artery and the brachial plexus on the superior surface
  16. what is atypical about rib2
    • articulates with both T1 and T2
    • has a larger tuberosity for sexy serrita ( serratus anterior)
  17. what are the costal  attachments of rib 2 and by what means?
    attached via a bicompartmental synovial joint at Manubrio-sternal junction
  18. what is atypical about rib 10
    only one facet T10
  19. what is atypical about rib 11 and 12
    • no necks or tuberucles 
    • only have a single facet 
    • articulate with corresponding vertebrea
    • flot
  20. what is atypical about rib 12 specifically?
    has no costal groove
  21. head features of typical rib
    • the head is round and knob-like 
    • it has 2 facets for articulation
    • the same numbered vertebrae and the one above
  22. typical rib neck and tubercle
    articulation of corresponding transverse process and costotransverse ligament
  23. typical rib body/shaft
    thin flat curved with (sub)costal groove on the inferior edge
  24. typical rib distal concavity
    cartilage attaches here
  25. False ribs
    joined with costal cartilage to rib 7's costal cartilage
  26. features of floating ribs
    • lack cartilage and float freely 
    • have no sternal attachment
  27. what are the primary muscles and what are used for
    normal breathing and they are the intercostals and the diaphragm
  28. where does the neurovascular bundle of the rib cage lay ?
    between the anterior and middle scalene
  29. what happens when the pec minor is tight?
    this can cause pectoralis minor syndrome which is a type of thoracic outlet syndrome
  30. what is pectoralis minor syndrome?
    a thoracic outlet syndrome that is due to compression of brachial plexus and subclavian artery
  31. what ribs are serratus anterior attached to ?
    rib 1 through rib 9
  32. what ribs are serratus posterior attached to ?
    inferior border of 9-12 ribs
  33. what sp are serratus posterior attached to ?
    T11- L2
  34. what rib(s) QL attached to?
    the medial half of the inferior border of rib 12
  35. what ribs does the latissimus dorsi attache?
    • 9-12 ribs
    • medially attaches to inferior ribs 3 or 4
  36. what ribs does the diaphragm attach to ?
    6-12 ribs and xiphoid process
  37. what (3) characterisitics are true for all ris?
    • costovertebral joints for gliing rotatory motion
    • cototransverse joints for gliding arcuate motion
    • ligamentous attachemtn makes rib influencce thoracic vertebra
  38. what is atypical about rib 2
    longer thatn rib 1 and not as flat
  39. how is the head of a typical rib
    round knob like and has 2 facets
  40. what are the secondary muscles fir respiration
    • seeratus anterior
    • latissimus dorsi
    • pec minor
    • quadratus lumbarum
    • serrtatus posterior
  41. what are the vt level attachment for the right and left crus
    • left is l1-l2
    • right is l1-l3
  42. which intercostal muscle are use for quie breathing and which for labored
    • q: external
    • l: interna;
  43. what ribs are the anterior and middle, and posterior scalene attached to
    • 1
    • 2
  44. action of -pec minor
    • depress and protract 
    • aka
    • inferior and anterior
  45. serratus anterior action
    • sexy serrita
    • alwats has her shoulder up and elevated and when she dance she rasies her arms ( abduction)
  46. action of serratus posterior
    depresses ribs
  47. action of QL
    • extends and laterally flexes Vt
    • fixes rib 12 during inspiration
  48. action o latisimuss
    • pull up
    • extend
    • abduction and mdially rotatioes
  49. which ribs do pump handle, bucket handle and calipher primarily
    • 1-5
    • 6-10
    • 11-12
  50. some signs of thoracic outlet syndrome
    cold or num or thingly arm
  51. what s calipher motion
    during inhale the floatin rib move posterior and inferior to make more space and the opposite during exhilation
Card Set
Lecture #81
OMM rib biomechanics