Ch. 4 - Type of Insurance Policies

  1. Rick owns a variable universal life policy and chooses a variable death benefit option. What will typically happen to the death benefit as a result of this selection?

    A. Remain the same

    B. Decrease but never increase

    C. Increase but never decrease

    D. Fluctuate with changes in the cash account
    Fluctuate with changes in the cash account
  2. Which is an accurate description of the premium in a grade premium life insurance policy?

    a. Level premium for a stated number of years the increases annually for the remainder of the contract

    b. Level premium for a stated number of years then decreases annually for the remainder of the contract

    c. Annual decreases in premium for a stated number of years then remains level

    d. Annual increases in premium for a stated number of years then remain level
    Annual increases in premium for a stated number of years then remains level.
  3. A "premature" distribution from a modified endowment contract (MEC) incurs a penalty tax of

    a. 5%

    b. 10%

    c. 17.5%

    d. 20%
  4. Which of the following could be a future use of the cash value that builds in a recently-purchased whole life insurance policy?

    a. Convert the cash value to a paid-up term policy

    b. Gives policyowner ability to borrow against funds within two years

    c. Increases the policy's face amount

    d. Provide supplemental income in 35 years
    Provide supplemental income in 35 years
  5. What would be considered an advantage of purchasing term life insurance?

    a. cash value can be borrowed against

    b. the coverage is permanent

    c. nonforfeiture values are available

    d. the initial premium is lower compared to an equivalent amount of whole life coverage
    the initial premium is lower compared to an equivalent amount of whole life coverage
  6. A policy owner has just borrowed from a life insurance policy's cash value. Which of these statements is true?

    a. in the event of death, the loan amount is deducted from the policy proceeds

    b. the policy lapses if not repaid within 5 years

    c. a policyowner must pre-qualify for the loan to determine creditworthiness

    d. interest on the loan amount is prohibited
    in the event of death, the loan amount is deducted from the policy proceeds
  7. Which of these policies is considered a whole life policy?

    a. credit life

    b. single premium life

    c. renewable life

    d. convertible life
    single premium life
  8. Which statement concerning an adjustable life insurance policy is FALSE?

    a. cash surrender is possible

    b. evidence of insurability is required when there is a change in premium

    c. combines term and permanent insurance into a single plan

    d. an extra premium paid is allowable
    evidence of insurability is required when there is a change in premium
  9. Laura added a children's rider to her life insurance policy. What type of coverage was added?

    a. level term

    b. increasing term

    c. decreasing term

    d. juvenile term
    level term
  10. How does a continuous premium whole life policy differ from a limited payment whole life policy?

    a. the time period in which premiums will be paid

    b. the availability of cash value loans

    c. the availability of nonforfeiture options

    d. the settlement options
    the time period in which premiums will be paid
  11. An advantage of owning a flexible premium life insurance policy would be

    a. premiums are fixed for the first 5 years

    b. the insurer can make policy charges without difficulty

    c. the policy owner can make policy changes without difficulty

    d. evidence of insurability is required with any change in premium
    the policy owner can make policy changes without difficulty
  12. When a ten year renewable term life insurance policy issued at age 45 is renewed, the premium rate will be the current rate for

    a. ten year term insurance for a person aged 55

    b. ten year term insurance for a person aged 45

    c. yearly renewable term insurance for a person aged 55

    d. yearly renewable term insurance for a person aged 45
    ten year term insurance for a person aged 55
  13. All of these are considered features of whole life insurance EXCEPT

    a. cash value accumulation

    b. permanent coverage

    c. initial premium is lower than for an equivalent amount of term insurance

    d. policy loans are allowed
    initial premium is lower than for an equivalent amount of term insurance
  14. Which of the following statement about universal life insurance is NOT true?

    a. Death benefit can be increased

    b. Premiums are flexible

    c. Universal life insurance normally has a minimum guaranteed cash value for duration of the policy

    d. The cash value interest rate must equal or exceed a guaranteed minimum value
    Universal life insurance normally has a minimum guaranteed cash value for duration of the policy
  15. Which of the following combinations best describe a universal life insurance policy?

    a. A mutual fund and an endowment policy

    b. A term insurance policy and a whole life policy

    c. A modified endowment policy and an annual term insurance policy

    d. A flexible premium deposit fund and a monthly renewable term insurance policy
    A flexible premium deposit fund and a monthly renewable term insurance policy
  16. What is the face amount of a $50,000 graded death benefit life insurance policy when the policy is issued?

    a. $0

    b. $50,000

    c. Under $50,000 initially, but decreases annually over time

    d. Under $50,000 initially, but increases over time
    Under $50,000 initially, but increases over time
  17. How does the cost for a survivorship life policy compare to the cost of combining two separate life insurance policies?

    a. Survivorship life policy is lower

    b. Survivorship life policy is higher

    c. Depends on the investment performance of the underlying accounts

    d. Both have the same actuarial costs
    Survivorship life policy is lower
  18. How long does protection normally extend to under a limited pay whole life policy?

    a. It depends on the performance of the underlying investment account

    b. When premiums are no longer required as stated in the contract

    c. Until age 65

    d. Until age 100
    Until age 100
  19. Peter, age 50, surrenders his modified endowment contract (MEC). How is the gain treated in terms of federal income taxes?

    a. The gain is treated as taxable income and a penalty tax is imposed on the gain

    b. The gain is treated as taxable income but no additional penalties are applied

    c. The gain is not taxable but a penalty is assessed

    d. Surrendering an MEC is considered a tax and penalty-free transaction
    The gain is treated as taxable income and a penalty tax is imposed on the gain
  20. A nonparticipating whole life insurance policy was surrendered for its $20,000 cash value. The total premiums paid had totaled $16,000. What were the federal income tax consequences to the policy owner on receipt of the cash value?

    a. $16,000 was received as ordinary income and $4,000 as tax-free

    b. $20,000 was received as a capital gain

    c. $20,000 was received as ordinary income

    d. $16,000 was received tax-free and $4,000 as ordinary income
    $16,000 was received tax-free and $4,000 as ordinary income
  21. Which statement regarding universal life insurance is correct?

    a. Cash value accumulations have a guaranteed minimum interest rate

    b. Policyowner can change the face amount but not the premium

    c. Policyowner can change the premium but not the face amount

    d. Partial withdrawals cannot be made from the policy's cash value
    Cash value accumulations have a guaranteed minimum interest rate
  22. Which statement regarding whole life insurance is accurate?

    a. Cash value loans are not permitted

    b. Insurance coverage can continue for life

    c. Policy normally matures at retirement

    d. No cash value accumulations
    Insurance coverage can continue for life
  23. What typically changes at the re-entry option date found in some term life policies?

    a. beneficiary

    b. amount of coverage

    c. premium

    d. contestable period
  24. How long does one premium payment cover in a single premium whole life policy?

    a. Until the policy's first renewal date

    b. One month

    c. One year

    d. Full life of the policy
    Full life of the policy
  25. A material change in a modified endowment contract (MEC) results in

    a. the contract becoming void

    b. a new contestable period

    c. the seven pay test, adjusted for cash value, applies again

    d. a tax penalty
    the seven pay test, adjusted for cash value, applies again
  26. An insurance policy that can also be classified as a securities product is called

    a. variable life

    b. modified life

    c. universal life

    d. a Modified Endowment Contract
    variable life
  27. When does the insured stop making payments under a thirty-payment whole life policy?

    a. At the time of death or 30 years after the policy's inception, whichever comes first

    b. It depends on the performance of the underlying investment account

    c. When the cash value surpasses the face amount

    d. At age 100
    At the time of death or 30 years after the policy's inception, whichever comes first
  28. Which of the following would NOT be a reason for purchasing life insurance on a child's life?

    a. Provide benefits for the child if the parents die

    b. Pay for the child's funeral expenses

    c. Provide a start on the child's personal insurance

    d. Help provide funds for the child's education
    Provide benefits for the child if the parents die
  29. Which of these must be disclosed in a universal life policy?

    a. Maximum coverage that can be purchased

    b. The policy's surrender charges

    c. The commissions earned from the sale of the policy

    d. The producer's license expiration date
    The policy's surrender charges
  30. What type of life insurance policy covers two or more persons and pays the face amount upon the death of the first insured?

    a. Joint and survivorship

    b. Survivorship life

    c. Universal life

    d. Joint life
    Joint life
  31. Which statement regarding a single premium life insurance policy is NOT correct?

    a. No further premiums are necessary

    b. Policy loans are permitted

    c. Cash value is immediately created

    d. Additional premiums may be required under certain conditions
    Additional premiums may be required under certain conditions
  32. The insurance coverage in a variable life insurance policy may vary based on the value of

    a. the AM Best rating the company has received

    b. its underlying investments

    c. the consumer price index

    d. the total premiums paid
    its underlying investments
  33. What type of premiums are associated with individual mortgage protection life insurance policies?

    a. level premiums

    b. flexible premiums

    c. modified premiums

    d. decreasing premiums
    level premiums
  34. Taxable income may be result from all of these modified endowment contract (MEC) transactions EXCEPT for

    a. A cash value loan is taken out

    b. Automatic premium loan provision is utilized

    c. The policy is surrendered for less than what was paid into it

    d. Dividend is issued
    The policy is surrendered for less than what was paid into it
  35. Under an adjustable life insurance policy, which of the following may NOT be changed without further underwriting?

    a. the person insured

    b. the period of coverage

    c. the payment period

    d. the plan of coverage
    the person injured
  36. What is the guaranteed cash value of a whole life insurance policy when the insured turns 65 years old?

    a. greater than the policy's face amount

    b. less than the policy's face amount

    c. depends on the performance of the separate underlying investment account

    d. equal to the policy's face amount
    less than the policy's face amount
  37. Which type of life insurance policy is best suited for paying off the outstanding balance of a 30-year mortgage in the event of the insured's death?

    a. 30-year endowment

    b. 30-year increasing term

    c. 30-year decreasing term

    d. 30-year whole life
    30-year decreasing term
  38. The death proceeds of a credit life insurance policy are typically paid to the

    a. borrower

    b. lender

    c. annuitant

    d. borrower's dependents
  39. How are level term policies able to provide level premiums?

    a. policy dividends

    b. yearly policy fees

    c. yearly reductions in face amount

    d. premium are average over the term of the policy
    premium are average over the term of the policy
  40. Which of these statements accurately portrays an adjustable life insurance policy?

    a. policy can alternate between form of term and whole life insurance

    b. cash value loans are not permitted

    c. evidence of insurability required for conversion

    d. settlement options are limited
    policy can alternate between form of term and whole life insurance
  41. Which of these life insurance policies does NOT contain a cash value provision?

    a. modified whole life

    b. universal life

    c. decreasing term life

    d. adjustable life
    decreasing term life
  42. At what point are death proceeds paid in a joint life insurance policy?

    a. When the first insured dies

    b. When the second insured dies

    c. Only after insurable interest has been confirmed to still exist

    d. If both insureds die from the same accident
    When the first insured dies
  43. Which of the following is generally a form of group credit life insurance?

    a. decreasing term insurance

    b. increasing term insurance

    c. level term insurance

    d. whole life insurance
    decreasing term insurance
  44. Which of these is NOT a reason to buy a term life policy?

    a. to pay a mortgage balance if an insured dies

    b. to offer temporary protection

    c. to offer low-cost insurance coverage

    d. to accumulate savings
    to accumulate savings
  45. Which type of life insurance policy allows a policyowner the choice of investments along with flexible premium payments?

    a. variable universal life

    b. modified endowment contract

    c. adjustable life

    d. graded premium whole life
    variable universal life
  46. These are all accurate statements regarding universal life insurance EXCEPT

    a. Mortality charge is deducted from the policy's cash value each month

    b. Policy loans are not permitted

    c. Flexible premiums as long as the cost of insurance protection is covered

    d. Policy states what percentage of the premium is contributed to the cash value and which pays for the cost of insurance
    Policy loans are not permitted
  47. Who normally pays the premiums for group credit life insurance?

    a. Creditor and borrower share the cost equally

    b. Borrower

    c. Creditor

    d. Beneficiary
  48. Which statement concerning adjustable life insurance is accurate?

    a. cash value loans are not permitted

    b. the face amount and premiums can be changed simultaneously by the policyowner

    c. settlement options are limited

    d. only the face amount can be changed by the policyowner
    the face amount and premiums can be changed simultaneously by the policyowner
  49. Straight whole life insurance can be accurately described in all of these statements EXCEPT

    a. Policy protection normally expires at age 65

    b. Nonforfeiture values are available to the policyowner

    c. Provides level protection with level premiums

    d. Cash value loans are permitted
    Policy protection normally expires at age 65
  50. Which action will trigger a penalty tax on premature distributions from a modified endowment contract (MEC)?

    a. policy loans

    b. claim on a death benefit

    c. extended term settlement option

    d. policyowner reaching the age of 70 1/2
    policy loans
  51. Assets that back the non-guaranteed values of variable life insurance products are held in which account?

    a. trust account set up by the insured

    b. separate account set up by the insurer

    c. general account of the insurer

    d. money market account
    separate account set up by the insurer
  52. Which statement concerning a decreasing term life policy is accurate?

    a. Cash value decreases over the policy period

    b. Premium decreases over the policy period

    c. Face amount decreases over the policy period

    d. Face amount stays the same over the policy period
    Face amount decreases over the policy period
  53. A survivorship life insurance policy usually covers how many lives?

    a. 1

    b. 2

    c. 3

    d. 4
  54. Which statement regarding an adjustable life insurance policy is NOT true?

    a. Combines term and permanent insurance into a single plan

    b. Allows flexibility as insurance needs change

    c. Plan of coverage may be changed by the policyowner

    d. Policy loans are not permitted
    Policy loans are not permitted
  55. Which of these is NOT considered a type of limited payment whole life insurance?

    a. Life paid-up at 65

    b. 20 payment life

    c. 15 payment life

    d. Endowment at age 70
    Endowment at age 70
  56. An individual who purchases a modified life insurance policy expects

    a. a higher rate of return

    b. coverage for two people

    c. an improvement in future income

    d. a flexible face amount
    an improvement in future income
  57. Which of these may NOT be deducted from premium payments or the cash value of a variable insurance policy?

    a. mortality costs

    b. administrative charges

    c. investment management fees

    d. federal premium taxes
    federal premium taxes
  58. Which of these is NOT an advantage of term life insurance?

    a. The greatest amount of coverage can be provided for the initial premium paid

    b. It can be provided as a rider to another policy

    c. A cash benefit will be produced if the insured is alive at the end of the policy period

    d. Temporary insurance needs to be met
    A cash benefit will be produced if the insured is alive at the end of the policy period
  59. When would evidence of insurability be required for a person already covered with a variable universal life policy?

    a. When the premium is increased

    b. When the policy has renewed

    c. When the death benefit is increased

    d. When policy is being converted to permanent coverage
    When the death benefit is increased
  60. What kind of life policy typically offers mortgage protection?

    a. Whole life

    b. Decreasing term

    c. Increasing term

    d. Level term
    Decreasing term
  61. What is a juvenile life insurance policy?

    a. coverage normally sold as a term rider

    b. a life policy that covers the parents of a minor

    c. a life policy that covers the life of a minor

    d. a life policy that covers the lives of both parents and their children
    a life policy that covers the life of a minor
  62. All of these statements concerning group credit life insurance are false EXCEPT

    a. cash value loans are allowable

    b. dividends can reduce the premium payments

    c. the face amount and premiums are flexible

    d. the face amount is based on the outstanding loan balance
    the face amount is based on the outstanding loan balance
  63. Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding universal life insurance?

    a. Death benefits are normally taxable

    b. Policy loans are not permitted

    c. Premiums or face amount cannot be changed

    d. Policy indicates how much of each premium is used toward company expenses
    Policy indicates how much of each premium is used toward company expenses
  64. Which statement regarding the cash value of a whole life insurance policy is correct?

    a. Can be borrowed against, starting in the policy's fifth year

    b. Cash value accumulation is based on the performance of a separate investment account

    c. Available to the policyowner when policy has been surrendered

    d. Starts growing with the initial premium
    Available to the policyowner when policy has been surrendered
  65. A life policy that has premiums that are lower than normal during the early years is called

    a. decreasing term

    b. modified life

    c. variable life

    d. limited-pay life
    modified life
  66. John received a one-time distribution of $50,000 from his modified endowment contract (MEC). Prior to that, the contract's cash value was $150,000, the contract investment amount was $100,000, and the death benefit was $500,000. What percentage of the $50,000 distribution was taxable as ordinary income?

    a. 0%

    b. 25%

    c. 50%

    d. 100%
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Ch. 4 - Type of Insurance Policies
Ch. 4 - Type of Insurance Policies