Ch. 3 - Legal Concepts

  1. Statements made by an insured on an accident and health insurance application are considered to be

    a. representations

    b. warranties

    c. conditional

    d. aleatory
  2. Giving up a known right on a voluntary basis is called a(n)

    a. disclaimer

    b. estoppel

    c. waiver

    d. surrender
  3. Which situation would not require the insured's consent when a life insurance policy is issued?

    a. A policy is purchased by a husband for his wife

    b. A policy is purchased by a parent for a minor child

    c. A policy is purchased by a business partner for another partner

    d. A policy is purchased by an employer for an employee
    A policy is purchased by a parent for a minor child
  4. What is the insurer responsible for when a producer is acting within the scope of authority granted in the agency contract?

    a. All actions by the producer

    b. Not responsible for any acts by the producer

    c. Responsible for acts that involve misrepresentation only

    d. Responsible for acts by the producer that are authority only
    Responsible for acts by the producer that are authority only
  5. The unwritten authority given to a producer to carry out necessary incidental acts of the agency agreement is called

    a. implied authority

    b. express authority

    c. apparent authority

    d. acknowledged authority
    implied authority
  6. In what way are insurance policies said to be aleatory?

    a. Only one party makes any kind of enforceable promise

    b. Involves the potential for the unequal exchange of value

    c. Contract is prepared by only one party

    d. Vagueness in a contract's wording is resolved in favor of the policyowner
    Involves the potential for the unequal exchange of value
  7. An insurance contract may be voided if a misrepresentation found on the application is determined to be

    a. conditional

    b. aleatory

    c. material

    d. intentional
  8. Which of the following situations would an insurance agent need to guard against liability for professional errors and omissions?

    a. Remitting premiums to an insurer

    b. Conducting a sales meeting with other agents

    c. Making a recommendation to a potential insured to replace existing coverage

    d. Setting a sales appointment with a potential client
    Making a recommendation to a potential insured to replace existing coverage
  9. Which of these is true regarding the exchange of consideration among parties involved in an insurance contract?

    a. required to be in currency

    b. must be equal

    c. can be unequal

    d. must be certified by the state where transaction takes place
    can be unequal
  10. The payment of the first premium, the promise to pay a covered loss, and the agreement to abide by policy conditions are all examples of

    a. consideration

    b. legal purpose

    c. representation

    d. acceptance
  11. The insurer's obligation to pay a claim depends on whether the insured or beneficiary has compiled with all policy conditions. This makes the policy a(n)

    a. agency agreement

    b. aleatory agreement

    c. contract of good faith

    d. conditional contract
    conditional contract
  12. What happens when an initial offer is answered with a counteroffer?

    a. an arbitrator decides on a compromise

    b. the counteroffer is legally enforceable

    c. initial offer is void

    d. initial offer os automatically accepted
    initial offer is void
  13. Under the Law of Agency, the principal is considered to be

    a. the producer

    b. the insurer

    c. the plain administrator

    d. the insured
    the insurer
  14. Christopher is issued an insurance policy that contains an attached agreement which alters the terms of the policy. This is attached agreement is called a(n)

    a. extension

    b. endorsement

    c. sanction

    d. restriction
  15. An insured is entitled to coverage under a policy that a prudent person would expect it to provide. This principle is called

    a. adhesion

    b. reasonable sensibility

    c. reasonable expectations

    d. insurable interest
    reasonable expectations
  16. Use of XYZ Insurance Company brochures, business cards, and rating guides is an example of

    a. expresses authority

    b. implied authority

    c. apparent authority

    d. fiduciary duty
    apparent authority
  17. An arrangement where an individual is authorized to act on behalf of another person or company is established through

    a. estoppel

    b. the law of agency

    c. the law of adhesion

    d. an aleatory contract
    the law of agency
  18. An insured is entitled to coverage under a policy that a prudent person would expect it to provide. This principle is called

    a. adhesion

    b. reasonable sensibility

    c. reasonable expectations

    d. insurable interest
    reasonable expectations
  19. Which of these do NOT indicate the presence of insurable interest in a life insurance contract?

    a. lifelong friendship

    b. marriage

    c. blood-related

    d. co-owning a business
    lifelong friendship
  20. Ambiguities in insurance contracts are typically interpreted in favor of the insured. This rule is referred to as

    a. subrogation

    b. reasonable expectations

    c. insurable interest

    d. adhesion
    reasonable expectations
  21. Greg applies for insurance and makes a false statement on the application that will influence whether or not the insurer will accept the risk. Greg's false statement is called a(n)

    a. substandard representation

    b. unacceptable risk

    c. material misrepresentation

    d. adverse selection
    material misrepresentation
  22. An agreement is reached when an insurance contract is formed. Which of the following is NOT considered to be an element of an agreement?

    a. meeting of the minds

    b. offer

    c. acceptance

    d. equity
  23. The following are all elements of a valid contract EXCEPT

    a. consideration

    b. offer and acceptance

    c. competent parties

    d. written evidence
    written evidence
  24. An insurance application requires an applicant to make a full, accurate disclosure of the risk factor involved. Using this criteria, an insurance policy is considered what type of contract?

    a. aleatory contract

    b. estoppel contract

    c. contract of utmost faith

    d. unilateral contract
    contract of utmost faith
  25. During the application process, a statement made by an applicant that becomes part of the contract is considered to be a(n)

    a. warranty

    b. representation

    c. waiver

    d. exclusion
  26. Which element of a contract constitutes a definite and unqualified proposal by one part to another?

    a. adhesion

    b. consideration

    c. acceptance

    d. offer
  27. A contract is considered void in all of the following situations EXCEPT

    a. When one party is a minor

    b. When consideration is unequal

    c. When consideration is incomplete

    d. When agreement cannot be reached between parties
    When consideration is unequal
  28. An insurance company can be liable for a producer's unauthorized acts

    a. only when a felony is involved

    b. when the agency contract is unclear concerning the authority given

    c. at anytime

    d. only if the agency contract is unilateral
    when the agency contract is unclear concerning the authority given
  29. XYZ Insurance Company gives direct authority to its producers to sell insurance through an agency contract, but nothing is stated regarding the collection of premiums. Which authority grants the producer the right to collect premiums?

    a. implied authority

    b. apparent authority

    c. express authority

    d. assumed authority
    implied authority
  30. An insurance company's failure to enforce a contract's provision is called a(n)

    a. waiver

    b. warranty

    c. assignment

    d. concealment
  31. Insurable interest involves what assumption?

    a. Insurable interest must exist during the entire life of the insured

    b. One person gains from the death of another person

    c. One person benefits from another person's continued life

    d. Insurable interest must only exist at the time of the insured's death
    One person benefits from another person's continued life
  32. Voluntarily terminating an insurance policy is also known as

    a. discontinuation

    b. elimination

    c. estoppel

    d. cancellation
  33. The courts will normally interpret a policy in favor of the insured when the meaning of the policy is not clear. This is because an insurance policy is a(n)

    a. warranty contract

    b. aleatory contract

    c. contract of adhesion

    d. unilateral contract
    contract of adhesion
  34. Which of the following relationships demonstrates insurable interest in the absence of economic interest?

    a. lifelong friends

    b. employees

    c. marriage partners

    d. business associates
    lifelong friends
  35. An appointed producer's implied authority is derived from

    a. the NAIC

    b. express authority

    c. the insurer's Certificate of Authority

    d. evident authority
    express authority
  36. The powers directly given to a producer in an agency contract are called

    a. express

    b. apparent

    c. implied

    d. assumed
  37. All of these statements correctly describe an aleatory contract EXCEPT

    A. A legal wager is considered an aleatory contract

    b. Potential unequal exchange of value for both parties

    c. Only one party makes any kind of legally enforceable offer

    d. Element of choice is involved
    Only one party makes any kind of legally enforceable offer
  38. A producer working for an insurance company my be personally liable for

    a. acts performed which are expressed in the agency contract

    b. acts performed which are prohibited in the agency contract

    c. all actions taken on behalf of the insurer

    d. nothing
    acts performed which are prohibited in the agency contract
  39. Which of the following would NOT have a restricted ability to enter into a contract?

    a. Mentally ill person

    b. Minor

    c. Person under the influence of alcohol

    d. Small employer
    Small employer
  40. What qualifies as acceptance of an insurance contract offer?

    a. a decline policy

    b. an issued policy

    c. the application and initial premium

    d. the initial premium only
    an issued policy
  41. When must insurable interest exist for a life insurance contract to be valid?

    a. Inception of the contract

    b. Throughout the entire length of the contract

    c. When the insured dies

    d. During the contestable period
    Inception of the contract
  42. An agent whose actions exceed the authority granted by contract is

    a. acting under apparent authority

    b. acting under implied authority

    c. not backed by the insurer

    d. backed by the insurer
    not backed by the insurer
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Ch. 3 - Legal Concepts
Ch. 3 - Legal Concepts