787 memory items

  1. Continued Take-Off, Rejected Take-Off and Ground Incident.
  2. Engine Fire/Failure After V1
  3. Rapid Depressurization and Emergency Descent
  4. Go-Around and Missed Approach Procedure
  5. Engine Inoperative Cruise/Driftdown
    • PF
    • Call Eng Out on FMC
    • Ensure VNAV engaged
    • ConfirmSet Eng Out Alt on MCP 
    • Call Execute EO D/D page
    • Confirm thrust change to CON and Autothrottle maintains MCT
    • Turn if required
    • Call Checklist Engine Failure
    • At altitude capture confirm ENG OUT CRZ is page is displayed
    • Maintain MCT and drift down altitude until EO speed established.

    • PM
    • FMC ACT CRZ page select Eng Out
    • Execute the FMS
    • All Exterior lights....................ON
    • ATC..............................ADIVSE
    • Read and action the Checklist.
  6. TCAS traffic Avoidance
    For a TA
    • PF 
    • Look for traffic using traffic display as a guide and reduce range. Call out any conflicting traffic.
    • If traffic is sighted, maneuver if needed.

    • PM
    • Look for traffic using traffic display as a guide and reduce range. Call out any conflicting traffic.
    • Exterior lights..............ON
  7. TCAS traffic Avaoidance
    For a RA
    • PF
    • If maneuvering is required 
    • Disengage the Autopilot
    • Disconnect the AutoThrottle
    • Smoothly adjust pitch and thrust for RA command.

    • PM
    • Exterior lights............................ON
    • Advise ATC.............................. TCAS RA

    Attempt to establish visual Contact. Call out any conflicting traffic
  8. TCAS traffic Avoidance 
    For a Climbing RA in Landing Configuration.
    • PF 
    • Disengage Autopilot
    • Disconnect Autothrottle
    • Advance thrust ensure Max Thrust
    • Call Flap 20
    • smoothly adjust pitch for  RA command
    • After positive rate of climb, call GEAR UP

    • PM
    • Verify Max Thrust set
    • Select flap 20.
    • move gear up.

    Attempt to establish visual Contact. Call out any conflicting traffic.
  9. Jet Upset Definition
    • Pitch greater than 25° nose up
    • Pitch greater than 10° nose down
    • Bank angle greater than 45°
    • Within above parameters but flying at airspeeds inappropriate fro the conditions.
  10. Jet Upset Nose Hight
    • Recongnize and confirm the situation
    • PF
    • Disengage A/P and disconnect A/T 
    • Apply as much as full nose down elevator
    • Apply appropriate nose down stabilizer trim
    • Reduce Thrust 
    • Roll for nose down pitch rate

    • Recover:
    • When approaching the horizon, roll wings level
    • Check airspeed and adjust thrust  
    • Establish pitch attitude 
    • Return to desired flight path
    • Re-engage Autopilot and Autothrottles as required.

    • PM
    • Call out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
    • Verify all required actions and call out any omissions
  11. Jet Upset Nose Low
    • Recongnize and confirm the situation
    • PF
    • Disengage Autopilot
    • Disconnect Autothrottle
    • Recover from stall if required
    • Roll in shortest distance for wings level

    • Recover:
    • apply nose up elevator
    • apply nose up trim, if required
    • Adjust thrust and drag as required

    • PM
    • Call out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
    • Verify all required actions and call out any omissions
  12. GPWS Caution 
    What maneuver do you accomplish for any of the following?
    -caution obstacle
    -caution terrain
    -sink rate
    -don't sink
    - too low flaps
    -too low gear
    -too low terrain
    -bank angle.
    Correct the flight path or the airplane configuration!
  13. GPWS Warning
    What maneuver do you accomplish for the following?
    -pull up
    -obstacle obstacle pull up
    -terrain terrain pull up
    - or any other situations resulting in unacceptable flight toward terrain.
    • PF
    • Call Fire wall FIRWALL
    • Disengage Autopilot
    • Disconnect Autothrottles
    • Aggressively apply maximum thrust
    • Simultaneously Roll wings level and rotate to initial pitch attitude 20°
    • Retract speedbrakes
    • If terrain remains a threat, continue rotation up to the pitch limit indicator or stick shaker or buffet.
    • Do not change gear or flap configuration until clear of terrain separation is assured.
    • Monitor radio altimeter for sustained or increasing terrain separation.
    • When clear of terrain slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate.

    • PM
    • Assure maximum thurst
    • verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
    • Monitor vertical speed and altitude
    • Call out and trend towards terrain contact.
  14. Actions for a Stall?
    • PF
    • Simultaneously call "STALL"
    • Ensure Autopilot and Autothrolles disconnected 
    • Smoothly apply nose down elevator
    • -When out of Stall
    • Roll wings level
    • Increase thrust smoothly as required 
    • Check speedbrakes retracted 
    • Maintain existing gear and flap configuration
    • if clean during lift-off
    • Call flap 1
    • When Control of flight path is regained and ground contact is not a factor:
    • Check airspeed and adjust thrust as needed
    • Establish pitch attitude
    • Return to Desired flight path
    • Re-engage autopilot and autothrottle if desired

    • PM
    • Monitor altitude and arispeed
    • Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions
    • Call out any trend toward terrain contact
  15. Windshear Warning
    • PM Manuel flight
    • Call "WINDSHEAR TOGA" and disconnect autopilot 
    • Push either TO/GA switch
    • aggressively apply maximum thrust
    • disconnect autothrottles
    • Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate towards an initial pitch attitude of 15°
    • Retract speed brakes
    • Follow flight director TO/GA guidance
    • PF Automatic Flight
    • Push either TO/GA switch
    • Verify TO/GA mode annunciation
    • Verify thrust advances to GA power
    • Retract speedbrakes
    • Monitor system performance
    • PF Manual or Automatic Flight
    • Do not change gear or flap configuration until windshear is no longer a factor
    • Maintain Wings level
    • Monitor vertical speed and alttitude
    • Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed unit windshear is no longer a factor
    • PM 
    • Verify maximum thurst or GA power
    • Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
    • Monitor Vertical speed and altitude
    • Call out any trend towards terrain contact, descending flight path, or significant airspeed changes.
  16. FD Door Auto Unlock
    Rotate to Deny and hold for 1 second
  17. Cabin Altitude
    • Don the oxygen masks
    • Establish crew communications
    • Check the cabin altitude and rate
    • If the Cabin Altitude is uncontrollable 
    • Pass oxygen switch...Push to on and hold for 1 second
    • Without delay, descend to lowest safe altitude or 10,000 feet, whichever is higher.
    • To Descend:
    • Move the thrust levers idle
    • Extend the speedbrakes
    • If structural interiority is in doubt, limit airspeed and avoid high maneuvering loads
    • Descend at Vmo/Mmo

  18. Aborted Engine Start
    Fuel Control switch.....Cutoff
  19. Dual Engine Failure or Stall
    • Fuel Control Switches.....both Cut Off, then Run
    • Ram Air Turbine Switch...Push and hold for 1 second
  20. Engine Autostart
    Fuel Controls Switch.. Confirm......Cutoff
  21. Engine Limit or Surge or Stall
    • A/T Arm Switch....Confirm.....Off
    • Thrust Lever.......Confirm...Retard unti Eng Limit Exceed message blanks      or thrust is at Idle.
  22. Volcanic Ash
    • Exit the volcanic ash as quick as possible. 
    • Consider a 180 degree turn
    • Consider a descending turn
    • Autothrottle disconnect switch.........Push
    • Thrust levers both.......................Idle if possible
    • Don the oxygen masks and smoke goggles if needed
    • Establish crew communication, if needed.
  23. Smoke or Fire From Lithium Battery
    • Transfer Control if necessary
    • PA......."Backup to the Flight Deck" "Backup to the Fight Deck"
  24. Smoke, Fire or Fumes
    • Oxygen Mask and Smoke Goggles.... On, 100%
    • Crew and Cabin Communication........... Establish.
  25. Stabilizer
    • STAB cutout switches (both).... Cutout
    • Do not exceed the current airspeed
  26. Airspeed Unreliable
    • Autopilot Disconnect switch..........Push
    • Autothrottle Arm switch...........Off
    • F/D switch (both)............Off
    • Set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust
    •   Flaps extended................10° and 85%N1
    •   Flaps up...........................4° and 70%N1
  27. Oceanic Diversion ----- All Engines 
    • Initiate applicable drill or time critical checklist
    • Declare emergency and request clearance
    • If clearance obtained: Proceed per clearance
    • If clearance unavailable:
    • Turn at least and offset:
    •  OCA………30º...... Right or Left 5NM
    •  China…… 30º……..Right 5NM
    •  Russia……30º……..Normally Right 16.2NM
    • When established on the offset, +/- 500 ft.
    • Turn on all external lights
    • Decalre emergency and broadcast intentions and position on 121.5/123.45
    • Send CPDLC emergency message.
  28. Oceanic Diversion----- Engine Out
    • Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists.
    • Declare emergency and request clearance
    • If clearance obtained: Proceed per clearance
    • If clearance unavailable:
    • Turn at least and offset
    •  OCA.........30º………. Right or Left 5NM
    •  China…………30º……….Right 5NM
    •  Russia………30º....…..Normally Right 16.2NM
    • Minimize descent until established on offset
    • When established on offset, descend to below FL290
    • maintain +/_ 500 ft.
    • Turn on all exterior lights
    • Declare emergency and broadcast intentions and position on 121.5/123.45
    • Send CPDLC emergency message.
  29. Crew Incapacitation 
    • Flight crew member incapacitation exists if:
    • Does not respond  to 2 communications or
    • Does not respond to 1 verbal challenge or
    • Significant deviation from flight profile exists.
  30. Engine Out - Go-Around and Missed Approach - All Approaches
    • PF
    • Press the T/O/GA switch
    • Call go-around flap 5  for flap setting  20 approach
    • Call go-around flap 20 for flap setting 25 or 30 approach

    • Proceed as per normal go-around procedure
    • Select maximum continues thrust when flaps are retracted.
  31. Windshear definition?
    • Flight path deviations bellow 1000 feet in excess of:
    • 15kts
    • 500 feet per min
    • 5 deg pitch attitude
    • 1 dot displacement on glide slope
    • unusual thrust lever position for significant period of time
Card Set
787 memory items
787 Memory items