What are two health programs you must be concerned with in the engineering plant?
Heat stress and hearing conservation.
What causes heat stress?
High heat and humidity.
How often are heat stress readings taken at each watch station or work station in an operating engineroom?
What is the maximum allowable temperature in any manned and operating engineering space, before you must take a heat stress survey?
above 100 degrees F.
How is the temperature monitored hourly in an operating engineroom?
By dry-bulb thermometer.
Radiant heat in the environment is measured with what?
Globe thermometer.
What does the acronym WGBT refer to?
What does the acronym PHEL indicate?
Physiological heat exposure limit.
The PHEL reading is used to determine what?
The maximum time an average individual may work in a hot environment and the threshold temperatures that induce heat stress.
Personnel working in hot climates are subject to three heat stress conditions which are?
Heat cramps, heat stroke, heat exhaustion.
When a heat stress dry-bulb thermometer reading exceeds 100 degree F. in an operating engineroom, who must be notified immediately?
All high heat working conditions must conform to what instruction?
BUMEDEVST 6200.7 Series.
Radiant heat in a main machinery space comes from what location?
Hot metal surfaces.
What devices are used to conduct a heat stress survey?
Wet-bulb-globe thermometer and dry-bulb thermometer.
What is used to perform the heat stress survey in the absence of the WGBT meter?
A motorized pyscrometer
The PHEL curve is divided into how many sections?
All high heat working conditions must conform to what instruction?
BUMEDINST 6200.7 Series.
What effect does boiler stack gases have on personnel heat stress stay times?
Reduces stay time by 33 percent.
What is used to perform the heat stress survey in the absence of the WGBT meter?
A motorized pyscrometer.
What is used to perform the heat stress survey in the absence of the WGBT meter?
A motorized pyscrometer.
What is the required recovery time for someone who has exceeded his or her heat stress stay time?
Twice the exposure time or 4 hours.
How often are heat stress readings taken at each watch station or work station in an operating engineroom?
Hearing protection must be worn when the sound levels reach what?
84 db (decibels) or greater.
How are areas exceeding the 84 db sound level indicated?
By posting warning signs cautioning personnel about a noise hazard.
What color are the hearing conservation warning signs?
Double hearing protection must be worn in an area where the noise level exceeds what?
104 db (decibels).
Double hearing protection consists of what?
Ear plugs and ear muffs.
Reference hearing tests are recorded on what document?
What is the peak decibel rating used when conducting noise surveys?
140 Decibels.
Routine hearing exams are given by medical personnel at what frequency?
Who keeps a roster of personnel who routinely work in noise hazardous areas and updates it as necessary and annually?
Medical Department Representative
Emergency eyewash stations are located in what manner in engineering spaces?
No unit will be more than 10 seconds or more than 100 travel feet from the hazard.
All eye protection equipment must meet the specifications of what instruction?
OPNAVINST 5100.19 series.
Eye wash stations must provide at a minimum how many minutes of water flow?
15 minutes.
What are two types of respirators?
Air-purifying and atmosphere-supply.
What is the minimum required oxygen content in the atmosphere, when using air-purifying respirators?
19.5 percent by volume.
The asbestos program and hearing conservation program are classified as what type of programs?
Occupational health programs.
An organic vapor respirator can be used as protection for what type of hazard?
The maximum amount of flammable materials in flammable cabinets, per space, cannot exceed what quantity?
30 gallons.
What pollution act prohibits the discharge of oil or oily mixtures, such as ballast, within prohibited zones established by any nation, and those zones range from 50 to 150 miles seaward to the nearest land?
Pollution Control Act of 1961.
What is the contiguous zone?
12 miles from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured.
What instruction outlines the provisions of the Federal law that deals with oil pollution?
OPNAVTNST 5090.1 Series.
Oil spill reporting procedures can be found in what OPNAVEVST?
OPNAVTNST 5090.1 Series.
What NSTM covers pollution abatement?
If a hazardous material spill causes fatalities or excessive damage what Naval Message must be sent?
Where should a hazardous material spill be logged?
In the Engineering and Deck log.