A&P Class - Exam #1 - Set #2

  1. Name this exocrine gland.
    Compound tubular

  2. Name this exocrine gland.

    Compound Alveolar

  3. What are the three (3) types of glandular secretions?
    • 1. Merocrine glands
    • 2. Apocrine glands
    • 3. Holocrine glands
  4. Describe Merocrine glands.
    - fluid products released through the cell membrane by exocytosis, without losing cytoplasm

    example: salivary gland, pancreatic glands, sweat glands of the skin
  5. Describe Apocrine glands.
    • - cellular product and portions of the free ends of glandular cells pinch off during secretion
    • - lose small portions of cell bodies during secretion

    example: mammary glands, ceruminous glands, lining the external ear canal
  6. Describe Holocrine glands.
    • - disintegrated entire cells filled with secretory products
    • - release entire cells filled with secretory products

    example: sebaceous glands of the skin
  7. Identify this glandular secretion.

  8. Identify this glandular secretion.

  9. Identify this glandular secretion.

  10. What is tissue comprises much of the body and is the most abundant type of tissue by weight?
    Connective tissue
  11. What are some general characteristics of Connective Tissues?
    • - bind structures together
    • - provide support and framework
    • - serves as framework
    • - fills spaces
    • - stores fat
    • - produce blood cells
    • - protect agianst infections
    • - helps repair cell damage

    • - have a matrix (materials between the cells)
    • - have varying degrees of vascularity
    • - have cells that usually divide
  12. What are three (3) major cell types present in connective tissues?
    • 1. Fibroblasts
    • 2. Macrophages
    • 3. Mast cells
  13. Describe the fibroblast cell type in connective tissues.
    • - fixed cells (wherever they are is where they stay)
    • - most common cells
    • - large, star shapped
    • - produce fibers
  14. Describe the Macrophages cell type in connective tissues.
    • - found in white cells
    • - wondering cells
    • - phagorytic
    • - important in injury or infections
    • - facocyte: they eat dead material, clean things up
  15. Describe the Mast cells cell type in connective tissues.
    • - fixed cells
    • - release heparin (helps from blood clotting)
    • - release histamine (associated with allergies)
  16. What are the three (3) types of connective tissue fibers that fibroblasts produce?
    • 1. Collagenous fibers - (white fibers) thick, threadlike fibers of collagen with great tensile strength
    • 2. Elastic fibers - (yellow fibers) bundles of microfibrils embedded in elastin
    • 3. Reticular fibers - thin fibers of collagen
  17. Name the seven (7) categories of Connective tissues. (excluding bone and blood)
    • 1. Areolar connective tissue -
    • 2. Adipose tissue -
    • 3. Reticular connective tissue -
    • 4. Dense regular connective tissue -
    • 5. Dense irregular connective tissue -
    • 6. Elastic connective tissue -
    • 7. Cartilage:
    • > Hyaline cartilage -
    • > Elastic cartilage -
    • > Fibrocartilage -

    ...Table 5.7 on page 162...
  18. Describe characteristics of Bone.
    • - the most rigid connective tissue = solid matrix
    • - supports
    • - protects
    • - forms blood cells
    • - attachment for muscles
    • - skeleton

    - osteocyetes in lacunae
  19. Describe characteristics of Blood.
    • - a type of connective tissue
    • - composed of cells suspended in a fluid matrix called = plasma
    • - includeds red blood cells
    • - white blood cells
    • - platelts (cellular fragments)
    • - transportation (red blood cells)
    • - fights infection (white blood cells)
    • - involved in blood clotting (platelets)
    • - throughout the body in blood vessels
    • - heart
  20. What are the four (4) types of epithelial membranes?
    • 1. Serous membranes
    • 2. Mucous membranes
    • 3. Cutaneous membranes
    • 4. Synovial membranes
  21. Describe Serous membranes.
    • - lines body cavities that do not open to the outside
    • - reduces friction
    • - inner lining of thorax and abdomen
    • - secrete serous fluid
  22. Describe Mucous membranes.
    • - line tubes and organs that open to the outside world
    • - lining of mouth, nose, throat, etc
    • - secrete mucos
  23. Describe Cutaneous membranes.
    • - covers body
    • - skin
  24. Describe Synovial membranes.
    • - composed entirely of connective tissue
    • - lines joints
  25. Describe muscle tissues.
    • - muscle tissues are called muscle fibers
    • - they are contractile = they can shorten and thicken
  26. What are the three (3) types of muscle tissue?
    • 1. Skeletal muscle
    • 2. Smooth muscle
    • 3. Cardiac muscle
  27. Describe Skeletal muscle.
    • - attached to bones
    • - striated (meaning: threadlike cells have alternating light and dark cross-markings)
    • - voluntary
  28. Describe Smooth muscles.
    • - comprise the walls of organs
    • - comprise the walls of blood vessels
    • - non-striated
    • - involuntary
    • - skin
  29. Describe Cardiac muscles.
    • - only in the heart
    • - involuntary
    • - striated
    • - intercalated discs (help with communication)
  30. Describe nervous tissue.
    • - found in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves
    • - functional cells are neurons
    • - neuroglia cells support and bind nervous tissue components

    • Major functions:
    • - sensory reception
    • - conduction of nerve impulses
Card Set
A&P Class - Exam #1 - Set #2
Exam #1 Study Cards, Chapters 1, 5,