History 7.1

  1. Stamp Act
    A Bristish law of 1765 placing a tax on various colonial materials and requiring that these materials bear a stamp showing that the tax was paid.

    Taxes on legal papers, advertisements, newspapers, almanacs, calendars, and playing cards.
  2. Currency
    Anything circulating money

    Paper money
  3. Currency Act
    A British law of 1764 prohibiting colonists from issuing their own money and requiring colonial debts to be paid in gold or silver
  4. Sugar Act
    A British law of 1764 establishing a revenue producing tax on sugar, coffee, indigo, and molasses.

    Pushed by George Grenville in 1764, produced revenue for Britain.
  5. Navigation Acts
    A seriers of laws passed in the 1660's protecting English colonial trade.

    Designed to give England a large share of profits from colonial trade
  6. Revenue
    The income of a government
  7. George Grenville
    • British prime minister
    • Decided that American colonists should help pay the war debts and for the colonists to pay half the cost of keeping British army in North America.
  8. Proclamation of 1763
    an act by King George III of Britain forbidding settlement west of the Appalachian (Allegheny) Mountains and mainting government control over trade with the Indians
  9. Proclamation
    • an official public announcement
    • (reffering to the Proclamation of 1763)
  10. Pontiac's War
    • an unsuccessful attempt by several Native American tribes to stop British colonists from settling west of the Appalachian (Allegheny) Mountains
    • raised doubts about western settlement
  11. Militia
    • a citizen army
    • group of citizens trains as soldiers
  12. Treaty of Paris 1763
    an agreement in which Britain gained control of all French territory east of Mississippi River except New Orleans, ending the French and Indian Wars
  13. King George III
    in 1763 he issued a proclamation

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History 7.1
History 7.1