Lecture #54

  1. what are the three types of cartilage ?
    • fibrous 
    • elastic 
    • hylaine
  2. what are the types of bone
    spongey and compact
  3. characteristics of cartilage
    • avascular
    • chondrocytes of lacunae
    • covered in perichondrium
    • matrix is mostly water 
    • .....
  4. Hylaine cartilage function
    • supports and reinforces
    • resilient to cushion
    • resistant to repetitive stress
  5. Elastic cartilage function
    • allows great flexibility 
    • maintain shape
  6. Fibrocartilage function
    tensil strength  and absorb compressive shock
  7. Bone function
    • support and protect organs
    • provides levers and attachment for muscles
    • stores ca ions and other minerals
    • stores fat
    • red marrow for rbc formation 
    • have haverisian systems in compact bones
  8. Osteobl
  9. osteoblasts
  10. osteocytes
  11. osteoclasts
  12. how is
  13. bone regenra
  14. what is significant about bones and healing/regeneration?
    The regenerate very quickly because they are very highly vascularized
  15. what is blood composed of?
    • water protein and othe solutes as well as about 44 % RBs
    • 1% of buffy cells ( immune cells?)
  16. what are the 3 tyoe if muscle?
    • skeletal 
    • cardiac
    • smooth
  17. characteristics of skeletal muscles?
    • striated lines that represent sacromeres
    • long and multinucleated 
    • most vouluntary 
    • sacromere
    • attached to bone
    • cynlyndrical in shape
  18. characteristics of cardiac muscles?
    • involuntary
    • interclated disk
  19. characteristics of smooth muscles?
    • spindle shaped cells with central nuclei
    • no straitaions
    • invluntary
    • autonomous
    • foundin walls of hollow organs and blood vessels
  20. how do you characterize a neurons axons
    • unipolar
    • bipolar
    • multipolar
  21. Gastrulation
    • tissue differentiation 
    • by  then end of the 2nd month of development the primary tissue types have appeared
  22. what structures comes from the ectoderm?
  23. what structures comes from the mesoderm?
  24. what structures comes from the endoderm?
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Lecture #54
Medical school