Connective Tissue

  1. What tissues comprise the body?
    • 1. CT
    • 2. Epithelia
    • 3. Muscle
    • 4. Nerve
  2. List the components of CT?
    Cells and ECM, cells in CT are same,

    • defined by ECM produced by cells
    • a. fibers-add tensile strength and elasticity
    • b. ground substance-withstand compression, lost of space in ECM so filled with GS
    • c. tissue fluid-maintains hydration
  3. List the fxns of CT
    • 1. provides structural support-underlies epithelium
    • *ligamnets-join bone to bone
    • *tendon-join bone to muscle
    • *aponeuroses-joins muscle to muscle(sheet like)
    • *forms bone and cartilage
    • 2 Immunological barrier
    • 3. Energy and Energy Storage
    • 4. Water storage
  4. Describe the Classification of connective tissue
    Very general, not bilogically exact, based on type and relative abundance of fibrous elements

    • Connective Tissue Proper
    • loose (areolar) CT-in subcutaneous regions
  5. 2.Describe and discuss the organization & components of connective tissue, including cells & extracellular matrix.
  6. List the Fixed and Hematogenous Cells found in CT
    • vary in number depending on type of tissue & functional state
    • FIXED
    • *Stem cells-mesenchymal cells (embryonic, mesodermally derived) *fibrocytes/fibroblasts (reticular cells)-proliferative, secreting fibrous elements in CT, out like crazy till there is no where to secrete then it is called a fibrocyte. Relatively inactive but same cell.
    • *adipose cells

    • Hematogenous cells (come to CT from marrow precursors)
    • *macrophages/monocytes
    • * mast cells
    • * blood cells
    • *lymphocytes (& plasma cells)
    • *polymorphonuclear leukocytes- neutrophils eosinophils basophils
  7. How is type I collagen formed?
    Formed by packing of tropocollagen molecules into collagen fibrils-subunit that makes up collagen fibers
  8. Describe elastic fibers
    • *Why elastic?REBOUND VIP- Don't want to stretch too much!
    • Composed of:
    • *elastin-amorphous, globular protein, rich in glycine & proline
    • *fibrillin-fibrillar protein forms microfibrillar sheath
    • *contains desmosine&isodesmosine(as cross-linking proteins)

    • * fibrillin is small compared to collagen
    • Fibers assembled with elastin core surrounded by fibrillin microfibrils
  9. Describe Ground Substance
    • Composed of :
    • 1)glycosaminoglycans (GAG's)-(glycan=sugar)long, inflexible,unbranced polysaccharides
    • 2) proteoglycans-(proteo=proteins)GAGs covalently bound to proteins
    • 3)adhesive glycoproteins-(proteoglycan=large sugar polymers) large multi-domain glycoproteins which interact with:membrane proteins(integrins), collagen fibers, proteoglycans
  10. Describe the types of CT collagen fibers
    • *over 29 different types
    • *most fibrilar-some amorphous
    • *type 1=20% total body protein, tough inelastic, add tensile strength to CT, stonger than steel

    2) Reticular-ACTUALLY type III collagen, add strength to stroma and found in a specific type of organ
  11. 3.List the specific types of connective tissue (CT):
    • 1.embryonic CT
    • 2. mesenchymal CT
    • 3.mucous (umbilical) CT
    • 4. loose CT dense
    • 5. regular CT dense
    • 6. irregular CT
    • 7.reticular CT
    • 8.adipose CT -unilocular [yellow]
    • 9.adipose CT- multilocular [brown]
  12. Describe embryonic CT and list where it is
  13. Describe mesenchymal CT and list where it is found
  14. Describe mucous (umbilical) CT and list where it is
  15. Describe loose CT dense and list where it is found .
  16. Describe regular CT dense and list where it is found
  17. Describe irregular CT and list where it is found
  18. Describe reticular CT and list where it is found
  19. Describe unilocular-yollow-adipose CT and list where it is found
  20. Describe multilocular [brown]adipose CT and list general areas where it is found
Card Set
Connective Tissue
RVU Connective Tissue, Dr Ketchum MSK