Lecture #41

  1. Which side of the heart does pulmonary circulation ?
    done by the right side of the heart
  2. Which side of the heart does systemic circulation ?
    the left side of the heart
  3. what is the flow of the heart
    • from the inferior and superior vena cava deoxygenated blood from the head and comes into the right atrium and ventricle. 
    • right ventricle to both the lungs through pulmonary trunk
    • oxygenated blood  is then return to the left artium then ventrivle
    • ventricle to the aortic trunk ( the aorta) then to the body and head.
  4. what valve connect the right atrium and the right ventricle
    the tricuspid valve
  5. what valve connect the left atrium and the left ventricle
    the mitral valve/ bicuspid valve
  6. what are the semilunar valves?
    the prevent back flow of the blood from the aortic trunk into the left ventricle
  7. what prevents the backflow of blood from the aorta to the left ventricle ?
    the semilunar value
  8. what is the  of the chordinae tendonae
    hold valves down
  9. what are the papillary muscles?
    • these are muscle from the wall of the heart
    • that hold the chorda tendinaee so the valve does not flt backwards,
  10. what is the membranous septum?why is it important?
    • because it seals of the left and right chamber of the heart and prevents the blood from mixing
    • it is clinical correlation is that some people have deformities in this membrane and the deoxygenated & oxygenate blood getting mixed together
  11. what happens during diastole?
    • the mitral and bicuspid valves are open and the heart is filling with blood 
    • the semilunar are closed 
    • the pressure in the heart is increasing
  12. what happens during systole?
    • the mitral and bicuspid are closed
    • the semi lunar valves are open
  13. where is the anatomical positioning of the pulmonary trunk?
    anterior of the heart
  14. where is the anatomical positioning of the aortic trunk?
    more posterior to the heart
  15. what is Situs inversus?
    When all many organs of the body or formed backwards . for example the heart would be on the right side and the liver would be on the left side
  16. what are the pectulate muscles?
    • they are found in the right artium
    • pectilate means feather like
  17. Crista terminalis
    • Means ending crest 
    • located on the wall of the right atrium at it borders
  18. what is the fossa ovalis?
    left over embryonic remnant in the heart
  19. coronary sinus
    drains all the blood inside the heart into  the right atrium
  20. moderator band
    • a septomargino trabucula in the right ventricle
    • that connects the papillary muscles to the septum(wall)
    • inside this band are fibers that control the beating of the heart
    • it is a fiber.
  21. Trabecula carnea ?
    the rough inner surface of  the right ventricle
  22. why are the wall of the left ventricle so thick?
    • It has to pump the blood into the systemic portion of the body "all the way to your toes"
    • it is strong
  23. right coronary artery braching
    decending and marinal  branch
  24. left coronary artery branching
    • circumflex branch
    • anterior interverticular descending
  25. which branch of the coronary supplies the sinoartial nodes?
    the right coronary supplies and had a branch for the sinoatrial nodal
  26. what kind of vessel is the coronary sinus?
    a vein
  27. where does the coronary sinus drain?
    drains into right atrium
  28. what veins are on the posterior aspect of the heart ?
    • from left to right
    • left marginal 
    • left posterior ventricular
    • middle cardiac
  29. what veins are on the anterior aspect of the heart ?
    • great cardiac
    • small cardiac
    • anterior cardiac
  30. what vein turns into the coronary sinus?
    Great cardiac
  31. what is special about the blood suppply to the lungs ( in regards to arteries and veins)?
    • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood away from the heartto the lungs 
    • Pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood  towards the heart away from the lungs
    •  this is different than what we normally find.
  32. Where is the sinatrial node and atriventricular node?
    right atrium wall
  33. what vein nerve loops under the aorta of the mediastium ?
    The vagus nerve where it branches into the another nerve ...
  34. what does the medioastium contain ?
    • esophagus
    • trachea
    • vessels of the heart
  35. Ligamentum arteriosum
    • connect the pulmonary artery to the aorta
    • in babies this was a vessel but it is just a ligament in adults
  36. where does the lympathic system system in the posterior medisastium drain?
    into the jugular and the subclavian vein
  37. what is the azygos vein?
    • only located on the right side of the body 
    • it drains all the right and then it drains into the superior vena cave
    • it also has connected veins called the hemiazygos and the accessory hemiazygos ( onthe left)
  38. what is the recurrent laryngeal nerve?
    branch of the vagus nerve that innervated the larynx
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Lecture #41
Functional anatomy of the heart