GCC Class 2 Lesson 5 Quiz

  1. What secret key type is shared by two parties over a secured channel before it's actually needed or used?

    D. A pre-shared key (PSK).
  2. Which function will always produce a fixed-length value regardless of the length of the original data?

    A. Hash algorithm.
  3. What is the standard used by the U.S. government to generate signatures for authenticating electronic documents?

    C. DSA.
  4. Which encryption algorithm is most commonly used in small wireless devices, such as smartphones?

    D. Elliptic curve.
  5. An encryption system encrypts data prior to transmitting it across the network. The receiving end of the transmission decrypts the data. If the two systems are both using a symmetric algorithm, what do you know about the keys in this scenario?

    B. The system uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data.
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GCC Class 2 Lesson 5 Quiz
GCC Class 2 Lesson 5 Quiz