
  1. Hexokinase
    • irreversible reaction
    • glucose to glucose 6 phosphate
  2. mnemonic for glycolysis
    “Hungry Peter Pan And The Growling Pink Panther Eat Pussy”

    • 1. Hexokinase
    • 2. Phosphogluco isomerase
    • 3. Phosphofrutokinase 1 (PFK-1)
    • 4. Aldolase 
    • 5. Triose Phosphate 
    • 6. Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase 
    • 7. Phophoglycerate kinase
    • 8. Phosphoglycerate mutase 
    • 9.Enolase 
    • 10. Pyruvate kinase 
  3. Aresenic posioning
    • affects step six ( glyceraldhye3 phosphate dehydrogenase)
    • no phosphorylation in step 7 
    • no net gain of ATP
  4. Fluoride
    • inhibits enolase step 9 
    • affects phosphorylation in step 10
  5. Pyruvate Kinase deficency
    • last step in glycolysis which is also the 2nd substrate level phosphorylization
    • Hemolytic anemia 
    • generates 50% less ATP
  6. Why do we produce lactate ?
    in order to get NAD+ because Glycolysis cannot happen within it
  7. Cori cycle
    recycle lactate into sugar ( glucose) in the liver in gluconeogensis
  8. 4 discipline of anatomy
    • neurology
    • gross 
    • embryology 
    • histology 
    • Never Go home Empty (Handed )
  9. Bauplan
    • serial homology 
    • bilater symmetry 
    • ceolmates
    • differentiated cells

    4 major colems : upper and lower limbs; abodmen and pelvis, back and throax, and head and neck
  10. 11 organ systems
    • integumentary
    • skeletal 
    • reproductive
    • urinary /excretory 
    • muscular
    • netvour
    • circulatory 
    • endocrine 
    • respiratory 
    • lympathic
    • digesttive
  11. Lactic acidosis
    • alot of lactate in the blood plasma
    • pH of blood decreases 
    • causes include
    • no NAD+
    • pyruvate carbxylase defenciency 
    • excess NADH ( ethanol intoxication)
    • Impaired pyruvate dehydrogenase 
    • impair O2
    • imparied respiration
  12. What regulates Glut 4
    • insulin
    • it is the only one that responds to insulin
  13. What inhibits Hexokinase ?
  14. Is the Km and Vmax for Hexokinase high or low
    • low because it has a high affinity for glucose 
    • Vmax is also low
  15. How is the km for glucagon
    • The Km is high; allows alot of glucose to be phosphorylate in the liver
    • Large Vmax ; remove suagr from circulation quickly
  16. How is Pyruvate Kinase regulated
    • postively by Fructose 16 Bo 
    • inhibited by ATP and Glucagon 
    • Glucagon phosphorylates PK which makes it inactive
  17. What are the 2 pyruvate kinase isozymes
    • (L)liver 
    • (M1/M2)muscles other muscles 
    • (R) RBC
  18. Phosphofructise kinase 1 PFK-1 stimulants
    • AMP 
    • ADP 
    • Fructose 26 Bisphosphate
  19. Phosphofructise kinase 1 PFK-1 inhabitants
    ATP citrate and H+
  20. What makes more Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate
    fructose 2,6 bisphosphate is called the tandem enzyme

    PFK-2 phosphofructokinas-2  changes Fructose 6 phophatse to F@^ phosphate with ATp help
  21. What makes less Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate
    • FBPase-2 
    • Fructose2,6 bisphophotase
  22. who does dephospho and phospho enzyme mean
    • dephosphoenzyme use ATP to work and incorpate it into their product 
    • phosphoenzymes release a phophate and does not use ATP to carry on their reaction.
  23. What does insulin activate
  24. what type if enzyme is insulin
  25. When is PFK-2 activated and when is FBP activated?
    When there is a high insulin to glucagon level there is low protein kinase A this leads to the dephosphorylation of the bifunctional enzyme  and PFK-2 is activated this Frustose2,6,Bisphosphate can be created and Gycolysis is stimulated at step 3 seeing that F26bisphosphate is a potent activator of PFK-1 which is the rate-limiting step of glycolysis
  26. What is PFK-2 called the dephophoenzymes
    Because the bifunctional enzyme is active when protein kinase A i low and it is dephosphorylated
  27. What are some factors that increase glycolysis
    low ATp:AMp ratio
  28. What is the bifunctional enzyme?
    • PFK-2 and FBPase-2
    • They are alternately active
  29. Techniques for skilled interviewing mnemonic
    • All New physicians Empower their Good samaritans via empath 
    • - Active listening
    • -Non verbal communication
    • -Partnering/Reassurance 
    • -Empowering the Patient 
    • -Transitions
    • -Guided questioning
    • -Summarization 
    • -Validation 
    • -Empathy
  30. NURS
    • how to show empathy 
    • Naming: " you seem upset about this"
    • Understanding: " I can see how this is frustrating"
    • Respecting: " you have been through alo; it is great how you have keep a great perspective"
    • Support/partnership: " This is how I can help.."
  31. 3d of cultural humitity
    • awareness 
    • communication 
    • collaborative partnership
  32. Establishing trust
    The 4 C's of trusting

    • Cultural humility 
    • Competence of knowledge 
    • Compassion and empathy 
    • communication
  33. drawing patient perspective
    • FIFE
    • feeling 
    • ideas
    • function
    • expectation
    • when you want the patient to elaborate about their life you ask about their fife
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