Arm (Brachium) and Cubital Fossa

  1. Medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle
    • on the humerus. 
    • medial is the ulnar side and lateral is the radius side
  2. Capitulum
    articulates with the depression of the head of the radius to allow for flexion and extension; rotational movement of the forearm
  3. Proximal radioulnar joint
    allows for the pronation and supination of the forearm
  4. what are the three muscles in the anterior compartment in the arm?
    • Coracobrachialis
    • brachialis
    • biceps brachii
  5. Biceps brachi
    • composed of Short (medial )
    • long head(lateral)
    • - the tendon of the long head goes through the sulcus of the humerus to the transvers humeral ligament, passes through the glenohumeral joint and attahches at the suprglenoid tubercle
  6. Coracobrachialis
    • Innervation: musculocutaneous nerve 
    • artery:Brachial artery  or anterior circumflex humeral artery
    • movement: adducts and flexes the humerus
  7. Biceps brachii
    • innerv: musculocutaneous nerves
    • artery:Brachial artery and anterior circumflex humeral artery 
    • movement: supinates and flexes the forearm
  8. Brachialis
    • innervation: musculocutaneous nerve
    • artery: brachial artery or anterior circumflex humeral artery 
    • movement: flexes the forearm
  9. Quick review of Posterior compartment of the arm
    • only contains the triceps brachii 
    • it extends the forear
    • innervation: radial nerve
    • artery: posteriorcircumflex humeral artery
  10. Bicipital aponeurosis
    • an extension of the biceps tendon
    • attached to the antebrachial fascia
    • seperates the medial cubital  vein from the brachial artery and median nerve
    • This shy it is a safe place for venipuncture
  11. Median nerve
    • course to the biceps brachii muscle within the medial intermuscular septum 
    • arises from the brachial plexus
  12. Ulnar nerve
    • courses in the medial intermuscular septum in the proximal arm
    • the funny bone
  13. Brachial artery
    • it is a continuation of the axillary artery 
    • it branches into the ulnary artery and radial artery
  14. what are the branches of the brachial artery
    • there are 3 
    • deep artery of the arm 
    • superior ulnar collateral
    • interior ulnar collateral
  15. How does the basilic vein change when the deep veins of the arm drain into it
    it changes to the axillary vein
  16. cubital fossa
    • bounded to 
    • brachiradialis muschle (laterally )
    • & pronator tere muscles ( medially)
    • superficial boundary ot roof of cubital foassa is the antebrachial fossa
    • deep boundary  ( floor of the cubital fossa) is the brachialis and supinator muscles
  17. From lateral to medial what are the structures in the cubital fossa
    • TAN
    • tendon, artery, nerve
    • biceps brachii tendon
    • brachial artery 
    • median nerve
Card Set
Arm (Brachium) and Cubital Fossa
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