Which are the organelles that allow for the recycling of amino acids in the cell?
The largest human cell, measuring about 150 μm, is a:
female sex cell or ovum.
The enzyme catalase is an important chemical in the functioning of the
The cell extension that contains microfilaments is called
In the cell membrane, the hydrophilic part of the phospholipid molecule
faces the exterior of the cell
faces the interior of the cell.
The presence of which substance in the cell membrane keeps it from breaking too easily?
The strongest and most durable type of cartilage is
Besides water, extracellular matrix contains
proteins and proteoglycans.
The tip of the nose and the external ear are composed of
elastic cartilage
Which of the following is not a principal type of tissue
Examples of principal types of tissue
Each hair follicle has a small bundle of involuntary muscles attached to it called the
arrector pili muscle.
The union of basal and fibroreticular laminae forms the
basement membrane.
Around the sixth month of pregnancy, the developing fetus is almost entirely covered by a fine soft hair coat called the
The two main layers that compose the skin are the dermis and
The structure that lies deep to the dermis and forms a connection between the skin and the underlying structures of the body is the
Stratified squamous (keratinized) epithelial cells are found in the
If you are working on an archeological dig and find the remains of a human pelvis with a subpubic angle of 110 degrees, you can assume that this pelvis belongs to a
The dense, white fibrous membrane that covers bone except at joint surfaces is the
Anatomically speaking, which bones compose the wrist?
Anteriorly, each rib of the first seven pairs attaches to the
The extracellular components of bone matrix are
hard and calcified.
Which of the following is not a bone in the skull
The bone that articulates with the temporal bone in the only movable joint of the skull is the
Which bone is the longest and heaviest bone in the body?
Why are the last two pairs of false ribs designated as floating ribs?
Floating ribs do not attach even indirectly to the sternum.
The bone that claims the distinction of being the only bone in the body that articulates with no other bones is the
Which of the following is not a muscle that moves the foot?
Muscles that move the foot
peroneus longus
tibialis anterior
Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a(n):
muscle fiber.
There are more than 600 muscles in the body
Another name for a sphincter muscle is a _____ muscle
The covering of individual muscle fibers is the
The origin of a muscle is on the femur, and the insertion is on the tibia. When it contracts, it bends the knee. Its fibers run parallel to the body. Which of the following terms might be part of its name?
Muscles located on the lower leg move the
The latissimus dorsi muscle is an example of a _____ muscle
The origin of a muscle is on the femur, and the insertion is on the tibia. When it contracts, it bends the knee. Its fibers run parallel to the body. Which of the following terms might be part of its name?
Which of the following is not a muscle that moves the thigh?
Nerves that contain mostly afferent fibers are called _____ nerves.
functions of the central nervous system (CNS)
Integrating sensory information
Evaluating the information
Initiating an outgoing response
The nervous system can be divided
according to its structure
according to direction of information flow.
by control of effectors.
Neurons in the CNS have less chance of regenerating because
there is no neurolemma in cells of the CNS.
astrocytes fill in the path of regrowth.
The efferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system consist of the ________ nervous systems
sympathetic and parasympathetic
Which is true of a reflex arc?
It always consists of an afferent neuron and an efferent neuron.
In the human nervous system:
there are almost equal numbers of glia cells and neurons
Dendrites conduct impulses _____ cell bodies.
Regeneration of nerve fibers will take place only if the cell body is intact and the fibers have
a neurilemma.
The white matter of the nervous system is made up of:
myelinated fibers.
The pyramids are formed in the:
The spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord and consist of _____ pairs.
Sensory neurons can operate in autonomic reflex arcs
The main divisions of the central nervous system are the:
brain and spinal cord.
Which part of the vertebral column has one more pair of nerves coming from it than it has vertebrae?
The brainstem does not include the:
Impulses from which system play a part in arousing or alerting the cerebrum?
Reticular activating system
If you were to damage some of the preganglionic fibers that enter the celiac ganglion, what effect would this have on sympathetic stimulation?
Hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla may not reach the various sympathetic effectors, thus delaying the effects of sympathetic stimulation.
characteristics of sympathetic preganglionic neurons
they secrete acetylcholine
dendrites and cell bodies are found in the lateral gray columns of thoracic and the first four lumbar segments of the spinal cord
The layer of the meninges that serves as the inner periosteum of the cranial bone is the
dura mater.
The yellow area of the tongue presented above are the taste buds for
Identify the letter that indicates the transparent portion of the fibrous layer
Transparent mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelid
Hormone that inhibits osteoclast activity in children
Gustatory cells are located
on the posterior wall of the pharynx.
on the inner surface of the cheeks
on the fungiform papillae of the anterior tongue.
Transparent structure of the eye containing regularly aligned collagen fibers
Fluid filling the posterior segment of the eye
vitreous humor
The basilar membrane supports the
spiral organ.
Bony labyrinth structure containing the utricle and saccule
describe the spiral organ of Corti
The "hairs" of the receptor cells are embedded in the tectorial membrane.
High-frequency sounds stimulate hair cells at the basal end of the basilar membrane
The spiral organ is part of the cochlear duct, which equals the scala media
Class of hormones secreted during chronic stress that depress immune function.
Endocrine gland of the thorax that is also important in immune function.
thymus gland
Identify the letter that indicates the common carotid arteries.
Starling’s law of the heart states that, within limits, the longer, or more stretched, the heart fibers are at the beginning of the contraction, the
stronger the contraction.
A decrease in the amount of white blood cells is called
All of the following are granulocytes
lymphocytes are granulocytes
After blood leaves the lungs and returns to the heart, it enters the
left atrium.
Which types of arteries are also called conducting arteries and include the aorta
elastic arteries
Blood from the brachiocephalic vein drains into the
head, neck, and upper extremity.
Which sphincters function as regulatory valves that reduce the flow of blood through a network of capillaries when they contract and constrict the arterioles
precapillary sphincters
The heart valves that are located where the trunk of the pulmonary artery joins the right ventricle and where the aorta joins the left ventricle are called
semilunar valves.
Mechanical devices that permit the flow of blood in one direction only are called
In _____, blood moves from veins to other veins or arteries to other arteries without passing through an intervening capillary network.
vascular anastomoses
Renal veins drain blood from the
Identify the letter that indicates inguinal lymph nodes that filter lymph from the lower limbs.
Identify the letter that indicates where lymph collected from the right arm enters the bloodstream.
The movement of phagocytes from blood vessels to an inflammation site is called
Which organ has several functions, including defense, hematopoiesis, red blood cell and platelet destruction, and blood reservoir?
_____ refers to a phenomenon in which the genetic characteristics common to a particular kind of organism provide defense against certain pathogens.
Species resistance
The internal environment of the human body is protected by the _____, which is(are) referred to as the first line of defense.
The presentation of an antigen by an antigen-presenting cell activates the T cell. The cell then divides repeatedly to form a clone of identical sensitized T cells that form
effector T cells and memory cells.
Lymphocytes that kill many types of tumor cells and cells infected by different kinds of viruses are known as
natural killer cells.
Which antibody is synthesized by immature B cells and then inserted into their plasma membranes
immunoglobulin M
The lymphatic system serves various functions in the body. The two most important functions of this system are
fluid balance and immunity.
A tumor of the lymphoid tissue is called
Which of the following is a powerful poison that acts directly on any cell and quickly kills it?
The largest of the paranasal sinuses is the:
Which of the following is true of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
They serve in voice production.
The more common name for the pharynx is the
Which of the following is true of the cribriform plate
It separates the nasal and cranial cavities.
Which of the following is not lined with a ciliated mucous membrane?
Which of the following lists the correct sequence of air as it passes through the nose into the pharynx?
Anterior nares vestibule inferior, middle, and superior meatus posterior nares
The external openings to the nasal cavities can be referred to as:
anterior nares
external nares
The anatomical division of the pharynx that is located behind the mouth from the soft palate above to the level of the hyoid bone below is called the:
Paranasal sinuses are normally filled with:
The approximate length of the trachea, or windpipe, is _____ cm
Which of the following is not an anatomical part of the small intestine
anatomical parts of the small intestine
Phagocytic cells lining liver sinusoids are called _____ cells.
Which of the following organs has a mucosal layer that is composed of columnar epithelium with a brush border of microvilli to enhance absorption?
Small intestine
Approximately how much saliva do the three pairs of compound tubuloalveolar glands (parotids, submandibulars, and sublinguals) secrete each day?
1 liter
lobes of the liver
Right lobe
Left lobe
Caudate lobe
Quadrate lobe
The type of tissue designed for absorption and secretion found throughout much of the GI tract is _____ epithelium.
simple columnar
The fan-shaped projection of peritoneum that connects the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall is the
Which of the following salivary glands produces only a mucus type of saliva?
Which of the following structures is anatomically the longest?
Bile is secreted by
hepatic cells.
In the kidney, blood flows from the interlobular artery into the:
afferent arteriole.
Reabsorption, as performed in the kidney, may be defined as the
movement of molecules out of the tubule and into the peritubular blood.
Of all the blood pumped per minute by the heart, approximately ____ goes through the kidneys.
The portion of the nephron that empties into a calyx is the:
collecting tubule.
Which hormone tends to decrease the amount of urine produced
Which of the following is not a part of the glomerular-capsular membrane
Parietal layer of the glomerular capsule
A drop in systemic blood pressure would cause the filtration rate to
Urine is conducted from the kidney to the urinary bladder through a tube called the
Which of the following is the approximate threshold level for the reabsorption of glucose
300 mg/100 ml
One difference between the male urethra and the female urethra is the male urethra is
part of two different body systems.
In the male reproductive system, the essential organs of reproduction are called
Identify the letter that indicates the ejaculatory duct.
The final stage in the process of ovarian follicle development is the
corpus albicans.
The dense, white, fibrous capsule that encases each testis is called the:
tunica albuginea.
The tube connecting the ovaries to the uterus is called the
uterine tubes.
fallopian tubes.
Mechanical support and protection for developing germ cells in the testis are provided by:
Sertoli cells.
The uterus is suspended between two folds of parietal peritoneum that form a partition across the pelvic cavity. These ligaments are _____ ligaments.
The efferent ductules
drain the rete testis.
The region between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called the
The layer that is incomplete because it covers none of the cervix and only part of the body is called the
parietal peritoneum.
Which letter indicates the umbilical region?
Which letter indicates the popliteal region?
Which letter indicates the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
Which letter indicates the plasma membrane?
Which letter indicates microvilli?
Which letter indicates projections from the dermis that reduce blister formation?
Which letter indicates a cellular junction that prevents molecules from passing between epithelial cells?
Which letter indicates cells that produce melanin in the hair root?
Identify the letter that indicates the Linea alba.
Identify the letter that indicates the Masseter.
Identify the letter that indicates the Orbicularis oris.
Identify the letter that indicates the Deltoid.
Identify the letter that indicates the region of a neuron with a name that means "little hill."
Identify the letter that indicates a Schwann cell.
Identify which diagram represents a cell that produces a myelin sheath in the central nervous system.
Which letter indicates the primary visual cortex, which receives information from neurons in the retina of the eye?
Which letter indicates a tactile corpuscle (Meissner's corpuscle) that is responsive to light pressure?
Which letter indicates the celiac ganglion and plexus?
Identify the letter that indicates the structure that is important in equalizing air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
Identify the letter that indicates a gland that secretes a hormone controlling basal metabolic rate
Identify the letter that indicates a gland that secretes corticosteroids.
Identify the letter that indicates an organ that secretes hormones controlling blood sugar levels.
Identify the letter that indicates the hypophysis.
Identify the letter that indicates the formed element of the blood that is packed with molecules of hemoglobin.
Identify the letter that indicates the left common carotid artery.
Identify the letter that indicates the layer common to all blood vessels regardless of their size.
Identify the letter that indicates the fraction of leukocytes that represents lymphocytes.
Identify the letter that indicates anchor points for chordae tendineae, composed of cells from the myocardium.
Identify the letter that indicates collagen fibers that anchor lymphatic capillaries to surrounding connective tissue.
Identify the letter that indicates lymph nodes that direct lymph fluid to the jugular trunks.
Identify the letter that indicates structures that assist in filtering, heating, and humidifying inspired air.
Identify the letter that indicates Ciliated cells in this layer transport mucus laden with dust, bacteria, pollen, and viruses towards the pharynx.
Identify the letter that indicates the cartilage that has a laryngeal prominence that is also known as the "Adam's apple."
Identify the letter that indicates the cardia of the stomach.
Identify the letter that indicates the cystic duct.
Identify the letter that indicates the root canal.
Identify the letter that indicates the major calyx.
Identify the letter that indicates the vasa recta.
Identify the letter that indicates the region of the nephron with receptors sensitive to antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
Identify the letter that indicates the efferent arteriole.
Identify the letter that indicates the site of sperm maturation and storage.
Identify the letter that indicates the cervix.
Identify the letter that indicates the gland that secretes lubricating mucus into the vaginal orifice.
Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum are examples o
The abdominal quadrants are located with what structure as their midpoint
Popliteal refers to the
area behind the knee.
The lungs are located in the
thoracic cavity.
Molecules are:
atoms combined to form larger chemical aggregates.
The smallest living units of structure and function in the body are
describe anatomical position
Head pointing forward
Body standing erect
Several kinds of tissues working together are termed a(n)
The reproductive system includes
The abdominopelvic cavity contains
reproductive organs.
The formation of sucrose involves the removal of a molecule of water. This is called
dehydration synthesis.
The process of the digestion of food is an example of which type of reaction?
major elements present in the human body
Atomic mass is determined by the number of
protons and neutrons.
When atoms combine, they may gain, lose, or share
properties of water?
High specific heat
High heat of vaporization
Strong polarity
AB + CD → AD + CB is an example of a(n) _____ reaction.
Which organelles consist of vesicles that have pinched off from the Golgi apparatus?
The membranous structure containing substances that protect the cell from harm are
Damage to the centrosome and centrioles in a cell would have the greatest impact on which cell function?
Cell division
Which organelle processes and packages material to be secreted?
Golgi apparatus
rough endoplasmic reticulum
It is made of broad, flattened sacs.
It has many ribosomes attached to it.
The fluid environment that fills the spaces between the cells of the body is called
extracellular matrix.
Cells in a tissue are surrounded by or embedded in a complex extracellular material called a
A lubricating substance produced by goblet cells is called
The conducting unit of the nerve tissue is the
The two major categories of body membranes are
epithelial and connective.
Which of the following contains intercalated disks
cardiac muscle
The skin glands include three kinds of microscopic glands. They are the __________ glands.
sweat, sebaceous, and ceruminous
primary germ layer
example of a serous membrane
Which two bones join to form the posterior part of the hard palate
Which of the following is a bone in the axial skeleton
types of bone
Compact bone contains many cylinder-shaped structural units called
The joint between the pubic portions of each coxal bone is the
pubic symphysis.
the appendicular skeleton includes
Which letter indicates the supraorbital foramen?
muscles that move the upper arm
Pectoralis major
Latissimus dorsi
the trapezius moves the upper arm
Muscles that move the upper arm originate on the
clavicle and scapula.
Which of the following muscles has fibers on a transverse plane
Transverse abdominis
group of pennate muscles
Skeletal muscles constitute approximately ____ of our body weight
Which of the following body systems assists the muscles in maintaining posture?
The soleus muscle is an example of a _____ muscle
Which of the following is the deepest connective tissue layer of a nerve?
Gray matter in the brain and spinal cord consists primarily of:
cell bodies.
Nerves that contain mostly afferent fibers are called _____ nerves
Regeneration of nerve fibers will take place only if the cell body is intact and the fibers have
a neurilemma.
The nervous system is organized to do which of the following?
Detect changes in the external environment.
Detect changes in the internal environment.
Evaluate changes in the environment.
Which of the following compounds cannot cross the blood-brain barrier
The autonomic nervous system does not stimulate
skeletal muscles.
A neuron that transmits a nerve impulse toward the central nervous system is called a(n):
sensory neuron.
The areas specializing in language functions are found in the left cerebral hemisphere in
about 90% of the population.
Beta receptors
bind norepinephrine.
The part(s) of the cerebrum associated with anger, fear, and sorrow is (are) the:
limbic system.
The cranial nerve that arises from the spinal cord is the:
The nerve commonly called the vagus nerve is the _____ cranial
Effectors that have single innervation by the autonomic nervous system are innervated only by the parasympathetic division.
Nerve fibers of the spinothalamic tract are
The lumbar plexus gives rise to the _____ nerve
All of the following cranial nerves have a functional classification of motor except
Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for movements of the tongue?
Identify the letter that indicates the middle ear ossicle that is known as the stirrup
Endolymph-filled structure containing receptors for hearing
cochlear duct
Transparent structure of the eye containing regularly aligned collagen fibers
Receptors for hearing are located in the
cochlear duct.
Endolymph is made
in the stria vascularis.
Gel-like structure embedded with the tips of cochlear hair cells.
tectorial membrane
The hypophyseal portal veins are primarily located in the
Identify the letter that indicates the location of the bundle branches.
Identify the letter that indicates the vessel that arises from the union of the left and right brachiocephalic veins
The free edges of the atrioventricular valves are anchored to the
papillary muscles.
Which division of the autonomic nervous system sends fibers to the heart?
The heart has its own special covering, a loose-fitting inextensible sac called the
Which layer of the larger blood vessels is made up of endothelium?
tunica intima
During fetal circulation, what opening in the septum, between the right and left atria, directs most of the blood so that it bypasses the fetal lungs?
foramen ovale
The normal cardiac impulse that initiates mechanical contraction of the heart arises in the
SA node.
The normal ECG is composed of
P wave.
QRS complex.
T wave.
Identify the letter that indicates where most nutrient and waste exchange occurs between the tissue and bloo
Molecules formed by the reactions of the complement cascade assemble themselves on the enemy cell’s surface, which results in
The functions of the lymph nodes are
defense and hematopoiesis
Bean-shaped structures located at certain intervals along the lymphatic system are
lymph nodes.
Activities that result in central movement or flow of lymph are called
lymphokinetic activities.
Which protein interferes with the ability of viruses to cause disease?
Because T cells attack pathogens more directly, T-cell immune mechanisms are classified as _____ immunity.
The _____ postulates that when an antigen enters the body, it selects the clone whose cells are committed to synthesizing its specific antibody and stimulates these cells to proliferate and to thereby produce more antibodies.
clonal selection theory
The body’s defense mechanisms can be organized into one of two major categories of immune mechanisms; these are
innate and adaptive immunity.
In the right lung, the superior and middle lobes are separated by the:
horizontal fissure.
Which of the following is not lined with a ciliated mucous membrane?
lined with a ciliated mucous membrane
Posterior nares
Primary bronchi
The small, leaf-shaped cartilage behind the tongue and hyoid bone is the
Gas exchange, the lungs’ main and vital function, takes place in the:
Which of the following is not a function of the pharynx?
Determines the quality of the voice
function of the pharynx
Aids in forming vowel sounds
Provides pathway for food
Provides pathway for air
The small openings in the cribriform plate function to
allow branches of the olfactory nerve to enter the cranial cavity and reach the brain.
The function of the vibrissae in the vestibule is to
provide an initial “filter” to screen particulate matter from air that is entering the system.
The function of surfactant is to:
prevent each alveolus from collapsing as air moves in and out during respiration.
Raising the ribs decreases the depth and width of the thorax.
The proper anatomical order for the divisions of the colon is
ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid.
accessory organs of the digestive system
The right angle between the transverse colon and the ascending colon is the:
hepatic flexure.
Which of the following organs has a mucosa layer composed of stratified squamous epithelium that resists abrasion?
The numerous small elevations on the surface of the tongue that support taste buds are called:
The substance that forms the outer covering of the neck and root of a tooth is:
An incision into the wall of the GI tract would cut, in order, from superficial to deep
serosa, muscularis, submucosa, and mucosa.
The substance most often measured to determine normal kidney function is:
Approximately how much blood flows through the kidneys per minute?
1200 ml
ADH has the greatest effect on the reabsorption of water in the:
distal tubule.
part of the glomerular-capsular membrane
Visceral layer of the glomerular capsule
Glomerular endothelium
Basement membrane
The normal osmotic pressure of the capsular filtrate is _____ mm Hg.
There are how many openings in the urinary bladder?
The shape of the kidney could best be described as _____-shaped.
Which of the following is not true concerning the uterus?
It produces estrogen.
Identify the letter that indicates the region of the uterus known as the fundus.
Identify the letter that indicates the female erectile tissue that is homologous to the penis.
supporting structures of the male reproductive system
Scrotum Correct Answer
Pair of spermatic cords
Which of the following is not a supporting structure of the male reproductive system?
The fundus of the uterus is the:
area above where the tubes enter
effects of testosterone
Promotes excretion of potassium by kidneys
Promotes anabolism of proteins
Promotes growth of skeletal muscles
Which of the following is not an effect of testosterone?
Promotes lengthening of long bones
A surgeon removing a gallbladder should know to find it in the _____ region.
right hypochondriac
An organization of many similar cells that are specialized to perform a certain function is called a(n):
characteristics of life
Balance is a characteristic of life. T/F?
An organ is one organizational level higher than a(n)
The reproductive system includes the ureter. T/F?
The mediastinum contains
venae cavae.
Zinc is one of the major elements present in the human body. T/F?
Which of the following bonds are the weakest
The atomic number of carbon is 6. How many unpaired electrons are in its outer shell
Characteristics of ribosomes
Contain protein
Composed of a large unit and a small unit
No outer membrane structure
Contain RNA
The identification function of the cell membrane is carried out by the
glycoprotein molecules.
Skin cells (epithelial) are held tightly together by
Which of the following organelles is considered a nonmembranous organelle?
Which cell extension lacks a central pair of microtubules, is not found in blood cells, and functions in the kidney to monitor urine flow
Primary cilium
Which of the following contains osteocytes?
Which type of tissue has cube-shaped cells and can be found lining the kidney tubules?
simple cuboidal epithelium
Which principal type of tissue covers and protects body surfaces and lines body cavities?
The dermis is composed of two layers, a thin papillary layer and a thick _____ layer
Which of the following tissues lacks a direct blood supply and consequently heals very slowly?
All glands in the body can be classified as either
exocrine or endocrine.
Which structures are unique to the fetal skull and provide additional space for molding the head shape as the baby passes through the birth canal?
Of the five metacarpal bones that form the framework of the hand, the _____ metacarpal forms the most freely movable joint with the carpal bones.
The medial part of the anterior chest wall is supported by a dagger-shaped bone called the
Which of these pelvic bones is the most anteriorly placed?
_____ fibers are present in all three types of cartilage, but they are most numerous in fibrocartilage.
The main shaft-like portion of a long bone is the
Which letter indicates a pad of a fibrocartilage known as the pubic symphysis?
A muscle is attached to the femur and tibia. Its function or action is to bend the knee. When it contracts, it is acting as the
prime mover.
The covering of individual muscle fibers is the:
The teres major and teres minor muscles move the:
about insertion and origin
The origin of the muscle is attached to the bone that does not move.
The insertion of the muscle is attached to the bone that moves.
When the muscle contracts, the insertion moves toward the origin.
Parts of the rotator cuff muscles
teres minor.
The origin of a muscle is on the femur, and the insertion is on the tibia. When it contracts, it bends the knee. Which of the following is true
The knee is acting as a fulcrum.
Biceps femoris is a muscle of the quadriceps femoris group. T/F?
Fascicles are held together by a connective tissue layer called the
Neurons in the CNS have less chance of regenerating because microglia lay down scar tissue. T/F?
Along a neuron, the correct pathway for impulse conduction is:
dendrite, cell body, and axon.
The afferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system:
carry feedback information to integrating centers in the brain.
A neuron that transmits a nerve impulse toward the central nervous system is called a(n):
sensory neuron
Some parasympathetic postganglionic neurons have their cell bodies in nuclei in the brainstem.
Some parasympathetic postganglionic neurons have their cell bodies in nuclei in the brainstem.T/F
Thoracic is a plexus of the spinal nerves.T/F
Which part of the brain releases the hormone melatonin?
Pineal gland
The autonomic nervous system includes only efferent neurons. T/F
There are _____ ventricles in the brain
All cell bodies of the autonomic nervous system are located within the CNS. T/F
Which plexus contains nerves that innervate the lower part of the shoulder and the entire arm
Pyramid-shaped gland consisting of neural crest-derived cells and endocrine secretory cells
adrenal gland
Pancreatic cell type that produces insulin.
beta cells
Largest purely endocrine gland in the body
thyroid gland
Which of the following endocrine glands develops primarily from the endoderm of the pharynx?
thyroid and parathyroids
Identify the letter that indicates the blood vessel layer that is comprised of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle.
Which two factors promote the return of venous blood to the heart?
blood-pumping action of respirations and skeletal muscle contractions
A glycoprotein hormone that is secreted to increase oxygen concentration in the tissues is
Erythrocytes begin their maturation sequence in red bone marrow from nucleated cells known as:
hematopoietic stem cells.
During pregnancy, what happens to the oxygenated blood returned from the placenta via the umbilical vein
It flows into the inferior vena cava.
A plane through the body that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions is
An x-ray technician has been asked to make x-ray films of the liver. Which of the abdominopelvic regions must be included?
Right hypochondriac, epigastric, and left hypochondriac
regions and quadrants
The type of reaction in which substances are combined to form more complex substances is called a(n) _____ reaction
Functions of the integral membrane proteins
Acting as receptors
Signal transduction
Identification of “self”
The ____ is often called the microtubule organizing center
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum makes lipids and carbohydrates. T/F?
Projections from the cell that move materials and mucus are called
Tiny indentations of the plasma membrane that resemble caves are called
Describe structure or function of the proteasome
Breaking down abnormal and misfolded proteins released from the ER
Looks like a hollow cylindrical drum made of protein subunits
Requires the small protein called ubiquitin to pull proteins in
A specialized cell structure that propels the sperm is the
The structure in cells that is associated with the enzymatic breakdown (digestion) of foreign material is the
Granules or threads within the nucleus are called:
Which of the following recognize and destroy nonself cells?
Immune cells
Which cell fiber serves as part of our “cellular muscles?”
Rafts are stiff groupings of membrane molecules. What is their function?
Help organize the various components of the plasma membrane
Play an important role in the pinching of a parent cell into two daughter cells
Sometimes allow the cell to form depressions that form a means of carrying substances into the cell
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum provides a site for ribosome attachment.T/F
The mixed secretions of sebaceous and ceruminous glands form a brown waxy substance called the
Which of the following is the most superficial layer of the epidermis?
stratum corneum
The epidermis is composed of several types of epithelial cells. One type, called keratinocytes, become filled with a tough, fibrous protein called
Epiderm is a primary germ layer. T/F?
The connective tissue membranes that line the spaces between bones and joints are called _____ membranes.
Adipose tissue is
a storage tissue.
Of the many different kinds of protein compounds in the body, which is the most abundant?
Types of connective tissue
Which bone serves as the keystone in the architecture of the cranium?
The vertebral bones that support the small (lower section) of the back are the
lumbar vertebrae.
The largest sesamoid bone in the body is the
Bone marrow is a specialized type of soft, diffuse connective tissue called
myeloid tissue
Which lower leg bone is smaller and is located laterally
appendicular skeleton
axial skeleton
The muscle(s) assisting in rotating the arm outward is (are) the
teres minor.
Pectoralis minor is a posterior muscle that acts on the shoulder girdle. T/F?
When the diaphragm contracts, it decreases the volume of the thoracic cavity and expels air from the lungs. T/F?
Muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover are called
Groups of skeletal muscle fibers are bound together by a connective tissue envelope called the
The flexor muscles that move the fingers are mostly located on the
anterior medial surface of the forearm.
Moving from superficial to deep, the connective tissue components would be
epimysium, perimysium, endomysium.
The most common type of lever in the body is a _____-class lever
The muscle that flexes the semipronated or semisupinated forearm is the
The posterior arm muscle that extends the forearm is the
triceps brachii.
In pushing (pressing) a weight from shoulder height to above the head, which of the following muscles is least utilized?