
  1. 9 Quiz
  2. The following are IRS requirements for qualified retirement plans except:
    - The plan must have a vesting requirement just for the officers and stockholders.
  3. Which of the following are not regulatory requirements for dependents under group life plans?
    - A dependent may be covered up to age 18 under normal circumstances.
  4. All of the following would qualify for a Keogh plan except
    - Owners of an incorporated business.
  5. Annuity benefits are a combination of principal and interest. What is the taxation status of the principal?
    - Both are correct statements
  6. Which of the following is not a major type of social security disability coverage?
    - Disabled Adult Benefits.
  7. A widow can begin to receive full social security retirement benefits at age
    - 65
  8. All of the following would be income tax free except
    - Cash surrender amount is in excess of the premiums paid.
  9. Which of the following is incorrect concerning quarters?
    - To be fully insured you must earn at least 1 credit being at age 21 for each year,
  10. Which of the following is not a major difference between social and private insurance?
    - Private insurance benefits are mandated by law.
  11. Which of the following statements regarding annuity taxation is FALSE?
    - a withdrawal from a deferred annuity under the contract's free withdrawal provision exempts the distribution from the pre-59 penalty tax
  12. Which of the following statements concerning currently insured is incorrect?
    - The spouse with no minor children will be entitled to the widow/widower (spousal income) at age 60.
  13. Which statement concerning a Roth IRA Is not incorrect?
    - Contributions are not deductible.
  14. The period of time following the youngest child's 16th birthday until the surviving parent is eligible is called
    - The blackout period
  15. Quizz 10
  16. Within how many days must an employer give a terminated employee notice to convert his life policy?
    - 15
  17. The number of credits required for fully insured status is
    - 40
  18. Which of the following statement about profit sharing plans is incorrect?
    - Yearly earnings are fully taxable in the year received.
  19. Of the following correct statements concerning the conversion privilege of group term life insurance which is not correct?
    - There is no coverage during the conversion period if the employee/insured has decided not to exercise their right to convert.
  20. How much is the one time death benefit from social security?
    - $255
  21. Upon the death of a primary breadwinner who is fully insured under Social Security, a dependent child is eligible to receive an income benefit until the age of
    - 18 or 19, if unmarried and a student in elementary or secondary school
  22. In a seven year vesting schedule, what percentage of employer contributions is vested after seven years?
    - 100%
  23. Which of the following statements about 401K plans is incorrect?
    - 401Ks are known as a cash or deferred account or CODA.
  24. Vesting is best described as:
    - An employee's right to ownership of the funds contributed by the employer.
  25. In a group policy the employer is responsible for all of the following except:
    - Paying the premium and notifying the insurer of employees who are higher risk than others
  26. Each of the following would be able to deduct the premiums from a life policy from taxes except
    - When the premiums are paid from a company bonus.
  27. All the following characteristics of group life policies are correct except
    - Underwriting is based on the groups age and average health condition.
  28. Which of the following statements is correct?
    - Annuities do not pass tax-exempt however life insurance does.
  29. What qualified retirement plan is a defined contribution plan with pre tax contributions that uses annuities and mutual funds only for investment options?
    - 403B
  30. A defined contribution plan is a qualified retirement plan in which:
    - contributions are defined, but the ultimate benefit to be paid is not.
  31. When would life insurance proceeds be subject to federal or state income taxes?
    - When the policy is transferred for money.
  32. Which of the following is not a requirement for eligibility in an employer plan?
    - Employees must be 18 years of age or older.
  33. Laura has paid a total of $3,600 into her annuity. The cash value in her account is currently $4,200. If Laura rolls the entire value of her annuity into a different
    • annuity under a Section 1035 exchange, she must pay income tax on
    • - $0
  34. All of the following are valid reasons that could support the recommendation to purchase a deferred annuity EXCEPT
    - stepped-up basis to the beneficiary at the owner's death
  35. The incorrect statement pertaining to TSAs would be
    - TSAs are available to employees of certain nonprofit organizations and schools, such as a nursing student.
  36. All the following statements about group life insurance policies are false except:
    - The employer is the master policy holder.
  37. This provision allows you to exchange an existing insurance or annuity contract for a newer contract without having to pay taxes on the accumulation in your
    • old contract
    • - 1035 exchange
  38. Which of the following would generate a taxable situation?
    - The policyowner surrenders the policy and receives $15,000 in cash value in which they paid $12,000 in premiums.
  39. Which of the following statement about profit sharing plans is incorrect?
    - Yearly earnings are fully taxable in the year received.
  40. Of the following correct statements concerning the conversion privilege of group term life insurance which is not correct?
    - There is no coverage during the conversion period if the employee/insured has decided not to exercise their right to convert.
  41. All of the following would be income tax free except
    - Cash surrender amount is in excess of the premiums paid.
  42. All the following characteristics of group life policies are correct except:
    - Underwriting is based on the groups age and average health condition.
  43. Quizz 11
  44. Sometimes a substandard risk is also called
    - Rated
  45. __________guarantees that when a contract is annuitized, the income payments will be based on the greater of the actual contract value or a minimum payout base.
    - Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefits
  46. Higher retention rates are advantages for all parties involved in life insurance because:
    - Lower expenses and lower product prices.
  47. One of the underwriter's duties is classification of the risk. Which of the following would be incorrect concerning classification?
    - A preferred risk is reflected in the mortality table.
  48. The purpose for this rider is to provide money for the insured to pay for medical and nursing care expenses if diagnosed with terminal illness.
    - Accelerated Benefits
  49. All the following are true concerning MIB except:
    - MIB gets its information from claim forms and physicians.
  50. What are the two methods most often used to compare the cost of life insurance policies?
    - Interest Adjusted Cost Method and Traditional Net Cost.
  51. Which of the following statements about the MIB is not true?
    - Insurance companies may use MIB reports to decline a policy.
  52. Morbidity tables are used by insurance companies to calculate:
    - The likelihood of sickness.
  53. All the following are disadvantages of the Traditional Net Cost Method except:
    - The dividends and premium payments are projections.
  54. All of the following are true regarding surplus except:
    - Shareholder surplus is 50% of the capital.
  55. All of the following statements pertaining to life insurance premiums are correct except
    - In establishing premium rates, a company must assume it will earn a high rate of interest on its invested premiums
  56. In the event of a loss, the insured is required to submit all of the following except:
    - Acompleted Statement of the acting doctor.
  57. The State of California's required financial report includes all the following information except:
    - The company’s declined policy results.
  58. All the following companies rate insurance companies financial strength except:
    - Investor Service
  59. Which of the following is a true statement?
    - Critical Illness riders pay benefits upon first diagnosis of a covered condition, and doesn't need to result in death.
  60. Money returned to policyholders from an insurance company’s earnings Is called:
    - Policy dividends.
  61. Which rating would be considered best of the following choices?
    - Moody Baal
  62. Usually companies offer several options when a policy is rated. Below are all true except:
    - Charge for a lower age than the actual age
  63. Which consumer publication must be given to the insured that describes the type of coverage that is being offered?
    - Buyers guide
  64. Which of the following is true concerning AIDS testing and underwriting?
    - A policy may not contain exclusions for AID/HIV losses.
  65. Which of the following is a significant difference between individual policies and Group Life Insurance contracts?
    • - Group underwriting is based on averages, such as the average age, the average working conditions and the average health condition of
    • the group members
  66. An accelerated death benefit rider (also known as living needs rider) in a life insurance policy allows which of the following?
    - The policyowner may receive a portion of the proceeds prior to the death under certain circumstances.
  67. Which rider would allow the insured to buy additional coverage at special times without a medical exam?
    - Guaranteed insurability
  68. Jason has been disabled for 5 years and his policy had a waiver of premium rider. Which of the following is true?
    - The premiums that were paid would have no effect on the either the cash value or the death benefit.
  69. The incorrect statement concerning the cost of living rider would be
    - There is usually a premium increase for the additional protection if the insured can prove insurability.
  70. Jackson is paying $100 per month for his universal life policy which has a waiver of monthly deduction. Jackson was disabled 5 years.
  71. Which of the following is true?
    - Jackson's mortality and expense charges would be paid however no money will be paid into the cash account.
  72. How do the level term rider on a Family Maintenance Policy and the decreasing term rider on a Family Income policy differ from all other level and decreasing term riders in that:
    - These riders are used to produce income instead of a death benefit.
  73. _________is the amount by which an insurance company's assets exceed its liabilities and capital.
    - Earned surplus
  74. All the following statements are true regarding a disability income rider except:
    - The monthly income is based on a % of the death benefit of the policy to which it
  75. 12-Qizz
  76. Vision care insurance is generally needed to cover all of the following EXCEPT
    - injury to the eye
  77. Which type of major medical expense policy would use a corridor deductible?
    - Supplemental Major Medical
  78. All of the following apply to vision policy except:
    - Injury or disease of the eye.
  79. The Grace Period provision provides all of the following except:
    - 30 days for a policy with a quarterly premium mode
  80. Each of the following terms is an important characteristic of a major medical policy except:
    - Capitation
  81. With managed care, the member's choice of providers is most restricted in which of the following?
    - HMO plans
  82. Which of the following qualifies as health insurance according to the code?
    - None qualify as health insurance
  83. The type of healthcare provider that provides both healthcare services and healthcare coverage is"
    - Health Maintenance Organization
  84. Which of the following groups contract with PPOs?
    Employers Insurance companies
  85. Health insurance benefit providers, unions, and trusts.
    All of the above.ojo
  86. According to ACA which of the following is required to be included as a benefit:
    - Pediatric dental and vision is mandatory
  87. Basic medical expense policies do not have all of the following except:
    - First dollar payout
  88. Which of the following might cause premiums and rates to be higher?
    - Chronic conditions.
  89. Which of the following would be an example of health plan administrators?
    - All of the above.
  90. When a claimant is covered by more than one plan, the conflict is resolved through:
    - Coordination of benefits
  91. Which of the following would not be considered one of the basic types of managed care plans normally offered?
    - EPO
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L & H