MAS FlashCards

  1. In a Tech rescue what does "FAILURE" stand for?
    • Failure to understand environment.
    • Additional medical problems not considered.
    • Inadequate rescue skills
    • Lack of teamwork/experience
    • Underestimating logistics of incident
    • Rescue vs. Recovery mode not considered
    • Equipment not mastered
  2. What %age of firefighters die during training?
  3. How often is an apparatus involved in a motor vehicle accident
    1 in 1,000 responses.
  4. Typically, how many layers are in a built-up roof
    5 layers
  5. Length of time building/components withstand fire before igniting is called:
    Fire resistance.
  6. Lightweight and heavy timber construction are examples of:.
    a. Type I construction
    b. Window frames
    c. Wood floor structures
    d. Roof
    C. wood floor structures
  7. Thermo set materials are fused by heat and

    D. will not melt.
  8. Most Common TYPE of building construction today is :
    TYPE V
  9. Aluminum is more expensive and not as strong as steel
    a. True
    b. False
    a. True
  10. Roofman?s hook is:
    Long pole w/ solid metal hook.
  11. Multi purpose hook is:
    Wooden or fiberglass pole w/a metal hook.
  12. Wooden handed tools should be sanded and linseed oil applied.
  13. Hand/portable lights are basic piece of equipment for interior firefighters.
    a. True
    b. False
    A. True
  14. The two type of saws are:
    Mechanical and manual
  15. Which is not a mechanical saw

    A. Hacksaw
  16. Striking tool w/ ax on one side of the head and a sledgehammer on the other side.
  17. 3 types of rope?
    Life safety, escape, utility.
  18. 3 types of bends in a rope?
    • 1. Bight "U"
    • 2. Loop _O_
    • 3. Round turn |o|
  19. Knots?
    • 1. Safety
    • 2. Half Hitch
    • 3. Clove hitch
    • 4. Figure Eight
    •     a. On a bight
    •     b. Follow thru
    •     c. Figure eight bend
    • 5. Bowline
    • 6. Water Knot
  20. The most common type of lock on the market is?
  21. Recommended minimum pressure in a hydrant?
    20 psi
  22. First factors when inspecting a hydrant?

    C. Visibility & accessibility
  23. Elevation pressure is created by?
  24. Generally, hydrant pressure ranges from 20 - 80 psi
  25. Three types of nozzles are:
    • Low-flow
    • Hand-lines
    • Master streams
  26. High rise buildings are generally taller than __ ft?
    75' (6-7 stories)
  27. Major Building Classifications
    • 1. Public assembly.
    •     (Theaters, church, arenas, restaurants)
    • 2. Institutional
    •     (School, hospital , nursing homes)
    • 3. Commercial
    •     (Stores, offices,factories, warehouse parking decks)
  28. As soon as access to the victim is secured you should begin to provide emergency medical care.
  29. Construction types?
    • Type I -Fire Resistive
    • Type II - Non-combustible
    • Type III - Ordinary
    • Type IV - Heavy Timber
    • Type V - Wood Frame
  30. The Victim needs to be stabilized and packaged  in preparation for removal in the

    D. Extrication phase
  31. When it is necessary to force a door to gain access to a victim, choose the door closest to the victim.
    a. TRUE
    b. FALSE
    • b. False
    • - choose a door that will not endanger the safety of the victim.
  32. Steps in extrication process
    • 1. Response.
    •    - safely,
    • 2. Arrival & Size-up
    •     - assess hazards determine scope.
    • 3. Scene stabilization.
    •    - reduce/remove/mitigate hazards and stabilize vehicle.
    • 4. Access victim
    •     - begin medical treatment
    • 5. Disentanglement of victim
    •    -  remove vehicle from around victim.
    • 6. Removal of victim.
  33. What are the most versatile and widely used technical rescue skill?

    B. Rope
  34. Who is responsible for shutting off the utilities at the are where the rescuers will be working?
    The Incident Commander.
  35. To ensure the continuity of care and proper transfer of responsibility, there must be:

    D. adequate reporting ans accurate records
  36. A team member should remain with victim and direct rescuers performing disentanglement.
    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  37. During a  technical rescue incident who's orders fdo you follow?

    C. Company Officer
  38. objectives for fire prevention (3):
    • Limit loss of life
    • prevent injuries
    • minimize property damage
  39. Living area fires causes (2):
    • smoking
    • electrical equipment
  40. Kitchen fires:
    • 22%
    • Burning food,
    • defective wiring on appliances
  41. Common Causes of bedroom fires (5):
    • defective wiring,
    • improper use of heating devices,
    • Candles,
    • children playing,
    • smoking
  42. The most common method to access the victim(after opening door or breaking window) is door displacement
    A. TRUE
    B. FALSE
    A. TRUE
  43. If a fire is not of accidental cause, then of which type cause is it?

    A) Incendiary
  44. During the dispatch and response phase, which areas should a fire fighter observe for clues that may assist in a fire investigation?

    B) Time of day, weather conditions, and route obstructions
  45. Which type of fire alarm annunciation system identifies the zone in which the alarm was initiated both at the alarm control panel and through the audio notification device?

    C) Zoned Coded
  46. Which type of nozzle is most commonly used to apply aqueous film-forming foam and Class A foam?

    B) Adjustable fog nozzle
  47. What is the last part of a windshield that should be cut?

    B) The bottom
  48. To force open a door, a rescuer should place the spreaders on:

    C) either the latch or the hinge side.
  49. Which fog-stream nozzle has a flow of between 90 and 225 gpm?

    C) Automatic adjusting
  50. Which sort of core does a dynamic kernmantle rope have?

    C) Overlapping or woven, shock absorber
Card Set
MAS FlashCards