DC 308

  1. ***Mandatory*** Read these chapters
    • NSTM 555
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 6
    • Chapter 7
  2. Who uses the 45 minutes SCBAs?
    • Hoseteam Members
    • Nozzleman
    • Team Leader
    • Accessman (3rd person)
    • Plugman
    • Scene Leader
    • Boundary Man
  3. Who uses the 30 minutes SCBAs?
    • Investigators
    • Electricians
  4. What does the termal imager do?
    • Allows the user to see through dense smoke and light steam
    • Senses the difference in infrared radiation given off by objects
  5. What is the color scheme for the termal imager?
    black and white
  6. What are hotter object appearing as compared to cooler objects on the thermal imager?
  7. How is the NFTI powered?
    Self-contained nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable battery
  8. How many hours of operation does the NFTI provide?
    4.85 hours of operation
  9. Who carries the NFTI?
    The attack team leader
  10. What are the three distinct techinques available during a direct fire attack?
    • 1. Diect attack on the seat of the fire
    • 2. Fog attack to control the fire
    • 3. Direct attack from the access
  11. After assessing the fire space condition, what must the team leader do?
    Determine the best techinque to use to combat the fire
  12. What is "Direct attack at the seat of the fire?"
    To advance to the seat of the fire and apply water directly onto the seat of the fire for attack
  13. How do you minimize steam build up while fighting a fire?
    Use short burst of narrow fog/straight stream
  14. If direct application of water to the seat of the fire is no possible, what is the next best method?
    Enter space and apply fog burst into upper gas layer
  15. Once the fire begins to die down while applying fog burst into upper gas layer, what method do you move to?
    Direct attack at the seat of the fire
  16. What is the best extinguisher for Class A fires?
    water - straight or fog pattern
  17. If a class A fire is deep-seated, what agent works best?
  18. What extinguishers are used for Class B fires?
    AFFF or Halon 1301
  19. What color smoke does Class B fires produce?
  20. What is the most important thing to note while fighting a Class B fire?
    Secure the fuel source
  21. What is the most effective tatic to handle a class C fire as a Class A?
    De-energize the equipment
  22. What is the minimum distance and pattern to use water on a Class C fire?
    • 4-6 feet
    • Fog pattern
  23. What type of smoke and flame does a Class C fire produce
    White smoke with blue flame
  24. What two types of metals onboard are usually involved in a class D fire?
    • Magnesium
    • Titanium
  25. What is the most recommended agent to use of a Class D fire?
    Water in quanity, using fog pattern
  26. What should you lookout for while fighting a Class D fire with water?
    Small explosions, best to fight at a distance or behind shelter
  27. What should you do before entering a space filled with smoke?
    Go on air
  28. When access individually dogged doors, what side of the door do you start with?
    • Hinge side first
    • Top Dog, Bottom Dog, then Middle Dog
  29. When accessing a space, what side of the door entry should nozzle man be on?
    Entry side of the door
  30. Who do you keep informed of a fire status and how?
    • On Scene Leader
    • By utilizing the fire team to pass message back
  31. What must the Nozzleman do when fighting a fire?
    Keep eyes on fire at all times
  32. What GPM do our vari nozzles provide?
    95 GPM
  33. What is straight stream used for?
    Used for overhaul, to break up debris
  34. What is Narrow V used for?
    • Main firefighting pattern
    • Maximum effective range is 20 ft
  35. What is Wide V used for?
    Used to cool ammunition, knock down rising flames, cool bulkheads, provide heat shield for hose team, and desmoke a space adjacent to a weather deck
  36. What is Flush used for on the vari nozzle?
    Used to clear the hose of debris, not a fire fighting pattern
  37. Can hose team members remain in space for longer than their SCBA will allow them to?
  38. How often should you rotate hose team members to reduce heat stress or heat exhaustion?
    Every 2 minutes
  39. When would you evacuate a hose team?
    • When hose ruptures or
    • Fire becomes out of control
    • Under team leaders discretion
  40. If a hose is ruputred, what must the hose team do?
    Swap out hose and re enter space after agent is tested
  41. How do you always back out of a space?
    Using the the hose to guide
  42. If a hose team member falls out due to heat stress or exhaustion, what must the hose team continue?
    Combating the fire until it is out to assist the member
  43. Where should overhaul be commenced?
    At the access point of the space
  44. What are some common spots for hot spots?
    • Ventillation
    • lagging
    • Cableways
  45. When is overhaul complete?
    When the source of the fire is located an overhauled
  46. Why are ventillation fires dangerous?
    Large amounts of oxygen present and ability to spread to another space
  47. How is a Class A fire overhauled?
    Short bursts of straight stream mixed with a rake, axe, shovel, haolgen tool etc
  48. How is a Class B fire overhauled?
    By placing 2 inch layer of AFFF over the source of fire
  49. How is a Class C fire overhauled?
    By electricians using a Damaged Equipment checklist
  50. Who do the Repair Party Electricians report estimated time of repair to?
    On Scene Leader
  51. Who's permission do you need to jettison a Class D fire?
  52. How is a Class D fire overhauled?
    Using large amounts of water (more than we have onboard)
  53. What is the CFM for the RAMFAN?
    2,000 CFM
  54. How heavy is the RAMFAN?
    35 lbs
  55. Explain the safety feature for the RAMFAN
    Must ground the FAN with a grounding strap to prevent static shock
  56. What is the CFM for the BOXFAN?
    3,200 CFM
  57. How is the BOXFAN powered?
    50 foot 115vac cord
  58. What must be used with the BOXFAN?
    A smoke curtain for positive suction
  59. What is active desmoking?
    Desmoking while fire is being combated
  60. Where does active desmoking take place?
    Primary or secondary boundary
  61. Who reports to scene leader on any damage to the space after a casualty?
    Team Leader
  62. How many hose teams do you put on ammunition fire?
    • two
    • Primary team cools ammunition
    • Secondary fights the fire
Card Set
DC 308