AP Art History Vocabulary 1.txt

  1. Balance Asymmetrical
    A larger mass on one side of the painting may be balanced by smaller contrasting parts on the other.
  2. Balance Symmetrical
    Balance is a roughly even distribution of visual weight or activity on each side of a central axis.
  3. Bust
    A figure of just the head or the head and shoulders.
  4. Composition
    The arrangement of elements in a work of art.
  5. Cool Colors
    Blue, green, violet
  6. Culture
    The human made world. What it looks and sounds like, what people surround themselves with, what they believe and value.
  7. Figure
    The human form as a subject of art.
  8. Form
    The volume or mass that takes up space.
  9. Fresco
    A technique of painting water based pigments directly onto wet plaster.
  10. Genre
    Refers to a category such as painting or indicates subjects that have to do with ordinary people engaged in ordinary activities.
  11. Idealize
    Attempting to create perfection
  12. Materials
    What the artist usesm such as clay, stone, wood, paint, etc...
  13. Medium
    The term used to distinguish one form of art from another. Such as painting, printmaking, sculpture, draweing, etc...
  14. Mural
    A painting created on a wall or ceiling. A fresco is a type of mural.
  15. Narrative Painting
    The artist is telling a story.
  16. Portrait
    Representation of people alone or in groups. They may be formal or informal and they may be of young or old people.
  17. Primary Colors
    Red, yellow, blue
  18. Relief
    A form of sculpture that is not fully 3-D. They somtimes protrude off the side of a building.
  19. Secondary Colors
    Orange, green, violet
  20. Self-Protrait
    An artist makes a picture of themselves.
  21. Still Life
    A painting of inanimate objects--things that cannot move.
  22. Stylized
    The act of eliminating or exaggerating details in order to portray a subject based on a stylistic pattern rather than nature.
  23. Tempera
    A form of watercolor paint made from mixing pigment into a sticky base such as egg yolks.
  24. Three-dimensional
    Refers to mass having height, width, and depth. This may be created as an illusion as well.
  25. Two-dimensional
    Refers to mass only having height and width. The surface of a canvas or piece of paper, for example, is 2-D or flat.
  26. Warm Colors
    Red, yellow, orange
  27. Expressive
    The characteristics of an artwork that cause us to respond to it with feeling and emotion.
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AP Art History Vocabulary 1.txt
Week 1