Art History 1

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    • (Hellenistic Period: 3rd–1st Centuries B. C.)
    • Venus de Milo, marble, c. 100 BC?
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    • (Early Renaissance Period: 15th Century)
    • Donatello
    • Bronze David
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    • Donald Judd
    • Untitled,
    • (Period: 1960-70)
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    Claes Oldenburg:Store, (Period: 1960-70)
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    Eva Hesse:Accession III(Period: 1960-70)
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    Eva Hesse:Accession V(Period: 1960-70)
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    Robert Smithson: Spiral Jetty, (Period: 1960-70)
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    Vito Acconci:Trademarks(Period: 1960-70)
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    Chris Burden:Shoot, (Period: 1960-70)
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: The First Step
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: The First Cry
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: The New Born
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: mademoiselle Pogany I
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Mlle. Pogany II
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Mlle. Pogany III
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Beginning of the World
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Adam and Eve
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: The Kiss 1907
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: The Kiss, 1916
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Gate of the Kiss
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Maiastra
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    Constantin Brancousi: 20th Century: Bird in Space
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    Nigeria: Yoruba (group): ere ibedji
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    Mali: Bamana (group): Chi-Wara
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    Liberia: Dan (group): Dea Mask
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    Congo: Kongo (group): Nikisi
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    Nigeria: Ife (group): bronzes/terracottas (11th-12th centuries)
Card Set
Art History 1
Art History 101 Williams College flashcards