wolffian ducts
- develop internal male genitalia
- disappears if no Y chromosome and fetus woman
- stim. to develop by testosterone
- main male sexual hormone
- produced by the testes
- secreted by interstitial/leydig cells
- high during gestation and puberty, v low before puberty
- determine secondary sex characteristics
- stim. division of spermatogonia
- metabolized testosterone produces this androgen
- crucial in dev of external male genitalia
mullerian ducts
- develop female internal genitalia
- disappears if Y chromosome present
Mullerian Inhibiting Factor: produced if Y chromosome present and inhibits its action in males
gonadotropin releasing hormone
- tropic hormone sec from hypothal
- stim pit. to release gonadotropins (LH, FSH)
embryogenesis steps
cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, neurolation
trophoblast: ring of cells. makes the chorion
inner cell mass: tight clump of cells inside the ring. forms the embryo, amnion (fluid of embryo), yolk sac (RBC synthesis), and allantois (blood vessels of umbilical cord)
- outlayer, develops into things w outer epithelium
- NS
- pituitary and medulla
- corena and lens
- epidermis of skin derivatives (hair, nails)
- middle layer, comes from endoderm
- all muscle, bones, and connective tissue
- entire cardio and lymph system
- urogenital organs
- dermis of skin
- inner layer, forms things w inner epithelium lining
- GI tract epithelium
- GI glands
- respiratiory epithelium
- epithelium of urogenitals
- bladder
- sec. from posterior pituitary
- promotes uterine contractions (stim. by stretch receptors in cervix)
- responsible for milk release/lactation (stim. by suckling)