N10 Ch.18

  1. personal hygiene
    the self-care measures people use to maintain their health
  2. factors that influence a patient's personal hygiene
    social practices, body image, socioeconomic status, knowledge, personal preference, physical condition, cultural variables
  3. hygiene care schedule includes...
    early morning care, morning or after-breakfast care, afternoon care, and evening or hour-before-sleep(HS) care
  4. recommended room temp. for adult
    68-74 F; infants, older adults and the acutely ill are likely to need warmer temperatures
  5. what is a Sitz bath used for?
    to cleanse and aid in reducing inflammation of the perineal and anal areas of the patient who has undergone rectal or vaginal surgery or childbirth; discomfort from hemorrhoids or fissures is also relieved by a sitz bath
  6. how long does a sitz bath last?
    20-30 minutes
  7. when using a sitz bath to apply heat to the affected area what temp. is used?
    110 F
  8. using a sitz bath to promote healing or to produce relaxation keep temp. at...
    98-102 F
  9. vertigo
  10. syncope
  11. when should you leave the patient alone during a sitz bath?
    when you are sure the pt is safe; then a call signal should be placed within easy reach
  12. what temp. is used for a cool water tub bath?
    the water is tepid not cold at 98.6 F
  13. when is a warm water tub bath and what temp. is used?
    chiefly to reduce muscle tension; recommended water temp is 109.4 F
  14. hot water tub bath temperature is?
    for adults is 113-115 F
  15. hot water tub bath helps...
    helps relieve muscle soreness and muscle spasms; not recommended for children
  16. an effective bath rub requires...
    massage for 3-5 minutes
  17. turgor
    elastic and firm
  18. when do pressure ulcers occur?
    when there is sufficient pressure on the skin to cause the blood vessels in an area to collapse; the flow of blood and fluid to the cells is impaired, resulting in ischemia, or lack of oxygen and nutrients, to the cells
  19. two mechanical factors that play a role in the development of pressure ulcers
    shearing force and friction
  20. shearing force
    occurs when the tissue layers of skin slide on each other, causing subcutaneous blood vessels to kink or stretch and resulting in an interruption of blood flow to the skin
  21. friction
    the rubbing of skin against another surface produces friction, which may remove layers of tissue
  22. who is ARF pressure ulcers?
    chronically ill, debilitated, older, disabled, incontinent, and those with spinal cord injuries, limited mobility or poor overall nutrition, obese and underweight patients
  23. stages of pressure ulcers
    suspected deep tissue injury, Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, Stage IV & unstageable
  24. perineal care
    pericare, or care of the genitalia
  25. patients most in need of scrupulous pericare
    those at risk for acquiring an infection, for example, pts with indwelling catheters, pts recovering from rectal or genital surgery, or postpartum pts
  26. how many times should catheter care be given?
    at least twice daily on pts with indwelling catheters unless otherwise ordered by the physician
  27. circumorbital
    circular area around the eye
  28. tympanic membrane
  29. cerumen
    ear wax
  30. bedpan
    device for receiving feces or urine from either male or female pts confined to bed
Card Set
N10 Ch.18
N10 Ch.18 Hygiene & Care of the Patient's Environment