- 4-5mil/dl
- Hgb = 14-18males
- = 12-16 females
- Hct 3x normal hgb
- 5000 - 10,000mm3Granulocytes (60-70%)
- Neutrophils
- eosinophils
- basophils
- Agranulocyteslymphocytes
- monocytes
- immature called band
- lifespan 1-2 days
- infection fighting cells
- ANC= WBC (%neutrophils + bands) 100
- ANC= 5500 (8+0) =440
- 100
- 150,000-400,000
- Life span 7-10 days
- <150,000 thrombocytopenia
- <100,000 hold chemo
- <40,000 bleeding precautions
- <10,000 life threatening
Cell Phase
- G1 - RNA and protein synthesis
- S - DNA synthesis and replication
- G2 - DNA synthesis complete and mitotic spendle forms
- Mitosis - cell division
- G0 - dormant
"the rebel"
(think of Obama flicking someone off)
- Interfere with sysntesis of metabolites (Nucleic acids) necessary for RNA./DNA synthesis
- Targes cells in S cycle
- 5-FU or 5-fluorocil
- Photosensitivity
- renal toxcity
- hepatotoxcity
- NV
Antimitotic Agents
"the plant based scarecrow name Vin Christine which has neuropathies in it's M shaped legs and diarrhea because it can't go to the toilet"
- Specific to the M phase by halting mitotic spendle formation
- Oncovin or VincristineNeuropathies
- stomatitis
- Diarrhea
Alkylating Agents
Cis Platin and his cousin Plat Inol had alkylin urine because of an infection
- Alter DNA structure
- Cell cycle nonspecific
- Platinol or cisplatinHemorrhagic cyctitis
- Renal toxicity
- ototoxicity
- NV
- Must fill out worksheet to figure out creatinine clearance prior to giving dose.
- hypersensitivity after 7th cycle
The nitrosureas dinosaure named Carmustine ran fast and got blood pumping to his brain
- Croses the Blood Brain Barrier (lipid soluble)
- Cell cycle nonspecific
- Carmustinedelayed bms
- NV
Antitumor Antibotics
The red devil who messes with your heart - you can only stand so much of him in one lifetime
- Interfere with DNA synthesis
- Cell cycle nonspecific
- Lifetime max dose
- Doxorubicin andriamycinIV fluid is RED
- Cardiac toxicityalopeci
- anorexia
- NV
Topoisomerase Inhibitors
while at Camp tosar, I ran to the can (irinotecan) after breathing poison oak smoke and having pulmonary edema and anaphylaxis
- Topoisomerase is an exzyme needed for DNA synthesis so this drug inhibits this enzyme
- Camptosar irinotecanDiarrhea
- allergic reactions - anaphylaxis
- pulmonary edema
- NV
- alopecia