Path Pics

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    Thrombosis. Buerger disease
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    Alcohol induced fatty change of liver. Histology shows distended hepatocytes filled with fat. Cytoplasm appears to have vacoulation.
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    Lewy bodies as seen in parkinson's disease
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    Neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimers disease. Due to the crumpling of neurofilaments that normally serve as support.
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    Mallory bodies seen in alcoholic hepatitis
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    Coagulative necrosis. Note the tombstone appearance of the cells due to the denaturation of enzymes and proteins while the cellular membrane remains intact. This is a renal infarct.
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    Myocardial Infarction. Tombstone appearance of coagulative necrosis
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    Liquefactive necroses and abcess formation. Due to focal bacterial or fungal infections or hypoxic cell death in the CNS.

    This pic is liquefactive mass in CNS
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    Dry Gangrene. Note the line of demarcation. Due to the progressive narrowing of blood vessels.
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    Wet gangrene
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    Granulomas see in caseous necrosis.
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    Fat necrosis. Pancreas with fat necrosis due to acute pancreatitis. Caused by consumption of high volumes of alcohol.
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    Fibrinoid necrosis due to immune complexes (Ag-Ab) that get deposited on blood vessel walls. Causes blockage of blood vessels and gross findings are areas of bright pink.
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    Prostate hyperplasia. Note the increase in the number of glands.
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    Normal endometrium. Note the gland/stroma ratio.
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    Endometrial hyperplasia. Note high number of glands
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    Xanthelasma due to the accumulation of cholesterol and cholesterol esters in marophages. See yellow to orange plaque like lesions.
Card Set
Path Pics
Pathology pictures