Animal Crossing 1

  1. 移居
    • yi2 ju1
    • v. to migrate, to move to a new place of residence
  2. 豆狸
    • dou4 li2
    • pn. name (Tony)
  3. 手续
    • shou3 xu4
    • n. procedure, formalities
  4. 柜台
    • gui4 tai2
    • n. counter (of a business)
  5. 向导
    • xiang4 dao3
    • v. to lead the way for other, to guide
    • n. a guide, an escort
  6. 粒狸
    • li4 li2
    • pn. name (Timmy, Lilly)
  7. 并为
    • bing4 wei2
    • phr. be also
  8. 协助
    • xie2 zhu4
    • v. to assist, to give assistance to, to provide help to
  9. 今后
    • jin1 hou4
    • n. from now on, in the future, future
  10. 指教
    • zhi3 jiao4
    • v. to give advice
  11. 事不宜迟
    • shi4 bu4 yi2 chi2
    • idiom. the matter should not be delayed, let's not wait any longer
  12. 进行
    • jin4 xing2
    • v. to carry through, go along
  13. 确认
    • que4 ren4
    • v. to confirm
  14. 申请
    • shen1 qing3
    • v. to apply
    • n. application
  15. 整理
    • zheng3 li3
    • v. to put in order, to arrange, to sort out
  16. 仪表
    • yi2 biao3
    • n. appearance, bearing, meter, instrument
  17. 放心
    • fang4 xin1
    • v. to set one's mind at rest, feel relieved
  18. 难得
    • nan2 de2
    • adj. rare
    • adv. seldom
  19. 打扮
    • da3 ban
    • v. to dress up, to put on make up; to dress oneself as, pose as
    • n. style of dressing
  20. 相当
    • xiang1 dang1
    • adv. considerably, fairly, rather, comparatively
    • v. to match, to be equal, to fit, 
    • adj. suitable
  21. 登记
    • deng1 ji4
    • v. to register
  22. 实际
    • shi2 ji4
    • adj. practical, actual, realistic
    • n. reality, practice
  23. 事宜
    • shi4 yi2
    • n. arrangements, affairs
  24. 到达
    • dao4 da2
    • v. to arrive
  25. 详细
    • xiang2 xi4
    • adj. particular, in detail, clear
  26. 包机
    • bao1 ji1
    • n. charter plane
    • v. to charter a plane
  27. 现已
    • xian4 yi3
    • phr. now already
  28. 搭乘
    • da1 cheng2
    • v. to embark, to take (bus, train, plane, etc.)
  29. 迅速
    • xun4 su4
    • adj. rapid, quick
  30. 集合
    • ji2 he2
    • v. to congregate, get together assemble
  31. 刚刚好
    • gang1 gang1 hao3
    • phr. just right, perfect
  32. 各位
    • ge4 wei4
    • pro. everybody (a term of address)
  33. 抵达
    • di3 da2
    • v. to reach, to arrive
  34. 欣赏
    • xin1 shang3
    • v. to appreciate, to enjoy
  35. 概念
    • gai4 nian4
    • n. concept, conception, notion, idea
  36. 长途
    • chang2 tu2
    • adj. long-distance
  37. 飞行
    • fei1 xing2
    • v. to fly (a plane, etc.)
  38. 接受
    • jie1 shou4
    • v. to accept
  39. 相关
    • xiang1 guan1
    • v. to be related to,
    • n. correlation
  40. 指导
    • zhi3 dao3
    • v. to instruct, to guide
  41. 社长
    • she4 zhang3
    • n. president or director (of an association etc...)
  42. 带路
    • dai4 lu4
    • phr. lead the way, lead, act as a guide
  43. 帐篷
    • zhang4 peng
    • n. tent
  44. 寻找
    • xun2 zhao3
    • v. to seek, look for
  45. 操作
    • cao1 zuo4
    • v. operate, maneuver
  46. 信号
    • xin4 hao4
    • n. signal (for a phone, etc)
  47. 暂时
    • zan4 shi2
    • adv. temporarily
  48. 大致
    • da4 zhi4
    • adj. chief, general, about, 
    • adv. approximately, roughly
  49. 身无分文
    • shen1 wu2 fen1 wen2
    • idiom, to be penniless, to not have a single penny left on oneself
  50. 里数
    • li3 shu4
    • n. airline miles
Card Set
Animal Crossing 1
"You have the option to stay either in California or Nevada."