which herbs strengthen spleen and harmonises the middle burner
Fu Ling, Poria
What is the contraindication for Du Huo/Angelicae Pubescentis Radix
yin or blood deficiency
which herb should be used with caution during pregnancy
Huo Po/Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex
Because of its toxicity over dosage must be avoided
Xing Ren/Armenicae Semen
Which herb moistens intestines and unblocks the bowels
xing ren/armenicae semen
to reduce toxicity, zhi ban xia/ pinellae rhizoma preparata is prepared in
which herb promotes movement of qi in the middle burner and resolves stagnation
hou po/magnoliae officinalis cortex
calms cough and stops wheezing
xing ren
dries dampness, transforms phlegm, causes rebellious qi to come down
zhi ban xia
stronger to promote urination and reduce edemaa
fu ling pi
which is a function of gua lou
unbinds chest and disspates nodules
function of zhi ban xia
directs rebellious qi down and stops vomiting
herbs that dispel wind dampness and alleviate pain
du huo/angelicae pubecentis radix
clears heat and transforms phlegm heat
gua lou trichosanthis
promotes urination and leaches out dampness
fu ling poria
tonifies kidneys and fortifies the yang
lu rong
revives the yang and rescues from rebellion
zhi fu zi aconiti radix lateralis preparata
reduces food stagnation and transforms accumulation
shan zha
stops bleeding and transforms blood stasis
san qi
invigorates the blood and promotes movement of qi
chuan xiong
function of chuan xiong
expels wind and alleviates pain
contraindication for shan zha
function of san qi
reduces swelling and alleviates pain
function for chen pi
dries dampness and transforms phlegm
tonifies governing vessels and augments essence and blood
lu rong
contraindication for chuan xiong
fire from yin deficiency
which herb is not contraindicated for pregnaancy
chen pi
function for zhi fu zi
disperses cold, warms channels, alleviates pain
Shi Cheng Pu channel
Chen Pi channel
LU, SP, ST, aromatic
Huo Po properties
acrid bitter warm
Chuan Xiong properties
acrid warm
which herb dispels wind damp
duo hou
which herb is a fungus and good for spleen
- fu ling
- promotes urination
clears heat and transforms phlegm heat
promotes movement of qi and resolves stagnation
cough and wheezing
- xing ren
direct qi downwards and stops vomiting
- zhi bang xia
- rhizome
- fried with ginger juice
- dries dampness
- transforms phlegm
- disspiates nodules
shan zha contraindication
- pregnancy
- reduces food stagnation
san qi action and channel
chen pi
- dries damp and transforms phlegm
- regulate qi
- LU, SP, ST
hot, toxic, revives yang
Chuang xiong
- invigorates blood
- contra: yin deficiency, abundant yang
tonifies yang and is sweet, salty, warm
- lu rong
- deer atlers
- tonifies kidney
cooked seperately
herb is very cloying and can impede digestion
- shu di huang
- tonifies blood, nourishes yin
- HT, LV, KD
tonifies yin and moistens intestines
- mai men dong
- sweet, bitter, cold
- eliminates irritability, heat/fever
nourishes heart yin, augments liver blood and spirit
- suan zao ren
- seeds look like lentils
- sweet, sour, neutral
herbs that binds and contains leaking lung qi
contra and properties
- wu wei zi
- heat excess interior
- sour sweet warm
herbs tha tsettle anxiety and achors floating yang
- long gu
- animal bones/fossil
expels parasites
- bing lang
- arecae semen
- promotes movement of qi and reduces accumulation
- leads stagnation out,
- unblocks bowels
extinguish wind and alleviate spasm
- guo teng
- pc lv
- drain lv heat
- pacifies lv yang
aromatic and opens orfices
- shi chang pu
- ht st
- transforms turbid dampness
- strengthen SP
- awakens yin deficiency with heat signs
contra for excessive sweating