Meeting types
Joint Requirement Definition (JRD)
define theory of what is needed with written explainations (typically a meeting among users and main developers or team leads)
Meeting types
Joint Application Development (JAD)
- devise pictorial veiw of needed application features
- will create Function Requirement Documnt(FRD)
- typically a meeting with devopers, project managers, and techs
Meeting types
typical process of a project
development> QA > Staging/UAT(sample users)> Production (public)
straight shot through the process, resulting less with user input
do circles in process until users are satisfied with product
time limited meetings each day by scrum master
mix of scrum and agile methods
Developing Database Types
Online Transation Processing (OLTP)
the current database in use for users, holds only current info or liimited historical
Developing Database Types
Online Analysis Processing (OLAP)
Separate database holding historical data, used for business decisions and trends
Developing Database Types
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS & DBMS)
- RDBMS - Oracle, SQ, Sybase, DB2
- DBMS - Excel, Flat/Text files
Data Modeling
Row, Coumns Labels, Table, Column Data
- Rows = tuples
- Column Labels = Attributes (simple/composite/single/multi-valued)
- Table = Entity (strong/weak)
- Cloumn Data = Domain
Data Modeling
the structure described in formal language supported by DBMS (database management structure)
the blueprint of coding from using DBMS
Data Modeling
concept phase
paper rough draft model, find relations
data modeling
logical phase
paper, develop constraints, normalization, ER tool/visio
data modeling
physical phase
implemented in server to be tested
Business Rules
primary key
unique identifier row, no nulls, only one primary key allowed per table
Business Rules
foreign key
key in another table that refers to the primary key of another
Business Rules
unique key
a set of attributes st. the relation does not have repeated tuple with the same values; thus leads to improper subset in the relation
Business rules
surogate key
Used in OLAP to play the role of primary key, automated sequence
Business Rules
verify data (type, range, etc.)
Business Rules
a define value to fill in null areas
Business rules
the allowance of nulls
parent to child/employee to spouse
Employee to children
broken into conjunction table with composite primary keys
1:Fixed Cardinality
set max/min relationship limit
unary, binary, tenary
number of entities in relationship
Entity Integrity
Entity integrity involves the structure (primary key and its attributes) of the entity. If the primary key is unique and all attributes are scalar and fully dependent on the primary key, then the integrity of the entity is good. In the physical schema, the table’s primary key enforces entity integrity.
Domain Integrity
In relational theory terms, a domain is a set of possible values for an attribute, such as integers, bit values, or characters. Domain integrity ensures that only valid data is permitted in the attribute. Null ability (whether a null value is valid for an attribute) is also a part of domain integrity. In the physical schema, the data type and null ability of the row enforce domain integrity.
referential integrity
is a subset of Domain Integrity that all its references are valid. In the context of relational databases, it requires that if a value of one attribute of a relation references a value of another attribute, then the referenced value must exist.
User-Defined Integrity
Simple business rules, such as a restriction to a domain, limit the list of valid data entries. Check constraints are commonly used to enforce these rules in the physical schema. Complex business rules limit the list of valid data based on some condition. For example, certain tours may require a medical waiver. Implementing these rules in the physical schema generally requires stored procedures or triggers.
Database Objects
- naming schema
- <dbname>.<schemaname>.<tablename>
Database Objects
create a version of table with only needed data(filtered window)
Database Objects
P-store procedures
a set of SQL queries that can be saved and called
Database Objects
P-User Defined Functions
similar to stored procedure with different properties
Database Objects
act as constraints during certain events
Database Objects
map data and improve query performance
Database Objects
aka pointers; must be opened and closed when working with data
SQL Query Types
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Modification Language (DML)
Data Query Language (DQL)
Data Controlling Language (DCL)
- DDL - Create, Alter, Drop
- DML - Insert, Delete, Update, Truncate
- DQL - Select, From, Where, Group by, Having, Order by
- DCL - Revoke, Deny, Grant
Set Operators
returns distinct values from left query that are not found on the right
Set Operators
Returns distinct values found in both queries
Set Operators
Combines unique results from both queries into single result set
Set Operators
Union All
combines all results from both queries, including duplicates
N tile
breaks up data in random order and ranking
row number
- 1,2,3,4,5
- ranking based on table locationgoing down rows