1. Instructions pertaining to platisol tool coating can be found in what NSTM?
  2. What is the preferred coating method of all hand held electrical tools?
  3. Individuals qualified in CPR must recertify at what periodicty?
    Every two years.
  4. Who is responsible to the Executive Officer for conducting an effective shipwide electrical safety program?
    The Electrical Safety Officer.
  5. All hands are required to be indoctrinated on electrical safety at what periodicity?
  6. Who conducts spot checks of the electrical safety program to ensure the appropriate equipment is included, tested and tagged?
    The Electrical Safety Officer.
  7. All electrical safety discrepencies are noted by the electrical safety officer and reported to whom?
    The Executive Officer via the Engineer Officer.
  8. Metal enclosing cases, bases, frames and structual parts of electrical equipment must be grounded IAW what directive?
  9. Electrical safety interlocks are normally installed when voltage exceeds what?
    30 volts.
  10. How is the possible electric charge left in a deenergized component removed?
    How is the possible electric charge left in a deenergized component removed?
  11. Barriers are erected when conducting work on energized circuits, what is the minimum barrier distance from the actual work being performed?
    3 Feet.
  12. How many classes of rubber insulating gloves are in the stock system?
  13. In what publication can you find specific information on grounded type receptacles?
    NSTM 320.
  14. Receptacles exposed to the weather are inspected at what frequency?
  15. On a 60 Hz system what is the minimum intensity of an electrical shock that can be fatal?
    . 100 ampere.
  16. A class zero electrical glove has a maximum voltage rating of what?
    1,000 volts

  17. A class one electrical glove has a maximum voltage rating of what?
    7,500 volts.

  18. A class two electrical glove has a maximum voltage rating of what?
    17,000 volts.

  19. What is the maximum voltage rating for a class three electrical glove?
    26,500 volts.

  20. When performing maintenance on energized circuits, barriers must be erected at a minimum of what distance from the work being performed?
    3 feet.
  21. What is the required periodicity of inspecting cable ways?
    What is the required periodicity of inspecting cable ways?
  22. What are three factors that determine the extent of body damage during electric shock?
    • The amount and duration of the current flow
    • the parts of the body involved
    • and the frequency of the current.
  23. With respect to the human body high frequency currents tend to flow in what direction?
    Along the surface of the skin.
  24. What two conditions must be present to cause an electrical shock?
    • The body must form part of a closed circuit
    • and somewhere within the close circuit voltage must be present
  25. High voltage signs and suitable guards are to be provided when voltage exceeds what?
    30 volts.
  26. Permission to go aloft to perform electrical repairs must be a obtained from whom?
    The Officer of the Deck (OOD).
  27. Electrical safety interlocks are normally installed when voltage exceeds what?
    30 volts.
  28. When conducting maintenance you must wear electrical gloves when the voltage exceeds what?
    30 volts.
  29. What action must be taken when you discover megger test holes which are not plugged on the power supply circuit breakers of manual-bus transfers?
    They must be plugged IAW MTL-P-23928D.
  30. What type of fuses IAW General Specification for Overhaul of Surface Ships (GSO) must be used in shipboard receptacle circuits?
    FO9B15 VAS-Type Fuses.
  31. If you are alone and come upon someone who has suffered cardiac arrest, what is the proper ratio of chest compression to full breaths?
    15 chest compressions to 2 full breaths at a rate of 80 compressions a minute.
  32. If you are performing electrical maintenance and you need to insulate your metallic hand tools, what is the quickest way to provide shock protection?
    Cover them with two layers of rubber or vinyl plastic tape, half lapped.
Card Set