Spinal MRI

  1. Identify this image type
    Image Upload 2

    C) Saggital CT
  2. What type of image is this? (image type and orientation)
    Image Upload 4

    C) Axial MRI of the Lumbar spine
  3. Image Upload 6 What do the yellow arrows point to?

    A) Bilateral Tarlovs Cysts
  4. What is the orientation of this image?Image Upload 8

    C) Coronal
  5. What structure is identified by the yellow arrows?Image Upload 10

    C) Right Sacroiliac joint
  6. What type of image is this?Image Upload 12

    B) Scout Film
  7. What do the circled numbers indicate?Image Upload 14

    A) slice number
  8. Image Upload 16 identify the image type.

    D) T2
  9. What is the Type of this Image?
    Image Upload 18

    C) T1
  10. On what image weighting is CSF and water both dark?

    B) T1
  11. What descriptor would be appropriate for the lesion found within the red circle?
    Image Upload 20

    D) High intensity zone
  12. What is marked by the red circle?

    D) Annular Tear
  13. What accounts for the circular bands on this coronal MRI?
    Image Upload 22

    C) Moire Fringes
  14. What can cause a Moire Fringe?
    aliasing from one side of the body to the other and the signals superimpose on each other.
  15. What is shown by the yellow arrow?
    Image Upload 24

    C) wrap-around artifact
  16. Identify this structure. (yellow arrow)
    Image Upload 26

    D) Tectorial Membrane
  17. What do the yellow arrows indicate?
    Image Upload 28

    D) Cerebellar Tonsils
  18. Name the muscle shown by the green arrow.
    Image Upload 30

    B) Splenius Capitis Muscle
  19. Name this muscle.
    Image Upload 32

    C) Longus Coli Muscle
  20. Name the muscle
    Image Upload 34

    D) Splenius Capitus Muscle
  21. What is this structure?
    Image Upload 36

    B) Anterior arch of C1
  22. Name this structure.
    Image Upload 38

    D) Right Longus Capitis
  23. Name the structure.
    Image Upload 40

    C) The Dens
  24. In this Cervical T2 weighted axial image label 7 and 8Image Upload 42

    C) vertebral arteries
  25. What is the green arrow pointing to?
    Image Upload 44

    C) Nerve root
  26. What are the yellow arrows pointing to?
    Image Upload 46

    A) ribs
  27. Name this structure.
    Image Upload 48

    D) trachea
  28. Label the structure.
    Image Upload 50

    A) Aorta
  29. label the structure
    Image Upload 52

    B) Aorta
  30. Which arrows are pointing to the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament?
    Image Upload 54

    A) Green
  31. Which arrows are pointing to the posterior longitudinal ligament?
    Image Upload 56

    C) Yellow
  32. Where is the posterior longitudinal ligament located?
    • Within the vertebral canal
    • runs from the body of C2 to the sacrum
  33. How are the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments seen on sagital MRI?
    as thin lines anterior and posterior to the vertebral bodies
  34. What is the weighting on this image?
    Image Upload 58

    A) T1
  35. What is labeled C?
    Image Upload 60

    C) multifidius
  36. What is B?
    Image Upload 62

    A) Spinalis
  37. What is A?
    Image Upload 64

    A) longissiumis
  38. Image Upload 66
    • M-multifidius
    • S- spinalis
    • L- Longissiumis
    • I- illiocosalis
  39. What is this structure?
    Image Upload 68

    A) Ligamentum Flavum
  40. What type of weighting was used?
    Image Upload 70

    A) T2
  41. What is shown by the yellow arrows?
    Image Upload 72

    B) ligamentum Flavum
  42. name the muscle.
    Image Upload 74

    A) Psoas major
  43. What is the weighting for this image?
    Image Upload 76

    B) T1
  44. name the structure.
    Image Upload 78

    D) Carotid
  45. What type of weighting is in this image?
    Image Upload 80

    A) T2
  46. What is the weighting?
    Image Upload 82

    A) T2
  47. What is at the level of the arrow?
    Image Upload 84

    D) Conus medularis
  48. What structure is denoted by the blue arrow?
    Image Upload 86

    B. Nucleus Pulposus of L2-3
  49. What is the weighting of this image?

    • B. T2
    • as a disk ages and dehydrates the entire disk will appear dark on T2 images
  50. Identify the muscle.
    Image Upload 88

    D. Multifidus
  51. What is labeled by the yellow star?
    Image Upload 90

    A. Splenius Cervicis
  52. What is the arrow indicating?
    Image Upload 92

    A. Right alar ligament
Card Set
Spinal MRI
spine quizz