Part 1 Vocabulary Word List Assessment 1

  1. abash
    • to surprise
    • to embarass
  2. abate
    • to end, nufflify
    • to reduce
    • moderate
    • omit
    • deprive
  3. aberrant
    • atypical
    • abnormal
    • a deviation
  4. abeyance
    temporary inactivity
  5. abode/abobe
  6. abominable
    • detestable
    • disagreeable
    • unpleasant
  7. aborgate
  8. abstemious
  9. acquiesce
    • assent
    • to accept or comply tactily
  10. acrimonious
    • bitter
    • harshness of speech
  11. acronym
    a word formed by the initial letters of the words in a title
  12. acrophobia
    fear of heights
  13. acumen
    • keenness
    • quick to understand
    • shrewdness
  14. adder
    a common venomous snake of europe
  15. adept
    highly skilled
  16. admissible
  17. adroit
    skillful and adept under pressing conditions
  18. adulterated
    • corrupted
    • debased ormade impure
  19. advert
    • to pay attention
    • to refer casually
  20. Aeolian
    marked by a musical moan as if by the wind
  21. affinity
    • relationship by marriage
    • kinship
    • attraction
  22. affront
    • to meet face to face defiantly
    • to confront
  23. aggregation
    collection of individuals comprising a group
  24. alleviate
    • ease
    • relieve
  25. allude
    • hinting
    • an imp[lied reference
  26. aloof
    • distant
    • reserved
    • indifferent
  27. amenable
    • obedient
    • likely to cooperate
    • able to be controlled or influenced
    • responsible or answerable
    • willing
  28. amiable
    • agreeable
    • pleasing
    • admirable
    • sociable
    • congenial
  29. amicable
    • peaceable
    • friendly goodwill
  30. amiss
    • in a wrong way
    • astray
    • improper
    • faulty
  31. amity
  32. anachronism
    chronologically misplacing of persons, events, objects or customs in regard to each other
  33. analogous
  34. anarchistic
    • rebellious
    • violent
    • against authority
  35. anathema
    • cursed
    • disliked
    • odious
    • denunciation
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Part 1 Vocabulary Word List Assessment 1
Abash - Anathema Court reporting night school vocabulary word list part 1 assessment 1