ans system lab

  1. the axon terminals of all preganglionic neurons release the chemical __________ which transmits impulses across autonomic synapses.
  2. the axon terminals of all (or almost all) ________ neurons release acetylcholine into their neuroeffector junctions.
    postganglionic parasympathetic
  3. ________________ axon terminals are the only axon terminals to release norepinephrine.
    postganglionic sympathetic
  4. axons whose terminals release ___________ are called cholinergic fibers.
  5. axons whose terminals release acetylcholine are called what?
    cholinergic fibers
  6. __________ are axon fibers that release chiefly N. epi
    Adrenergic fibers
  7. adrenergic fibers are axons that release chiefly _________
    N. Epi
  8. all preganglionic fibers and all parasympahetic postganglionic fibers are classified as ____________ fibers
    cholinergic fibers
  9. postganglionic sympathetic fibers are the only fibers known definitely to be ________
  10. the chemical transmitter presumably released only by postganglionic sympathetic fibers is __________
  11. cholinergic and adrenergic responses by the same effector are_____________
  12. which of the following could be correctly described as a parasympathetic response:
    -an increase in the pulse rate
    -diarrhea(resulting from increased peristalsis)
    -high blood pressure?
    diarrhea(resulting from increase peristalsis)
  13. the general function of the _______________ nervous system is to regulate the responses of the visceral effectors in ways that tend to enable the body to expend maximal energy.
  14. a drug that inhibits the parasmpathetic system___(would or would not)___ make your mouth feel dry.
  15. a drug that inhibits the parasympathetic system ___(would or would not)___ constrict your pupils.
    would not
  16. a drug that inhibits the parasympathetic system ___(would or would not)___make your heart beat faster
  17. a drug that inhibits the parasympathetic system ___(would or would not)___ tend to make you constipated
  18. is craniosacral parasympathetic or sympathetic?
  19. is the thoracolumbar parasympathetic or sympathetic?
  20. neurotransmitter used by preganglionic neuron (parasmpathetic)
  21. neurotransmitter used by preganglionic neuron (sympathetic)
  22. type of receptor found on postganglionic neuron(parasympathetic)
  23. type of receptor found on postganglionic neuron(sympathetic)
  24. neurotransmitter used by postganglionic neuron(parasympathetic)
  25. neurotransmitter used by postganglionic neuron(sympathetic)
    N. epi
  26. type of receptor usually found on effector(parasympathetic)
  27. type of receptor usually found on effector (sympathetic)
    alpha & beta
  28. what division of the ANS has only one type of ganglia?
    what division has two?
    • 1. parasympathetic division
    • 2. sympathetic division
  29. what is the name of the parasympathetic ganglion?
  30. where is the terminal type of ganglia located?
    close to target
  31. what are the two types of ganglia in the sympathetic division of the ANS
    • 1.sympathetic chain(vertebral) ganglia
    • 2. collateral(pre-vertebral) ganglia
  32. where are the sympathetic chain (vertebral) ganglia located?
    along the spinal cord
  33. where are the collateral (pre-vertebral)ganglia located?
    anterior to the vertebrae
  34. if a surgeon severs the "white ramus communicans" during surgery what neurons have been cut?
    preganglionic sympathetic neurons
  35. if a surgeon severs the "gray ramus communicans" during surgery what neurons have been cut?
    postganglionic sympathetic neurons
  36. the ________ division of the ANS is also know as the thoracolumbar
  37. the___________division of the ANS is also known as craniosacral
  38. the term "thoracolumbar" and "craniosacral" are based on the fact that neurons of the ANS exit the Central Nervous System in specific locations.
    what cranial nerves contribute to the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
  39. what cranial nerves contribute to the smpathetic division of the ANS?
  40. what spinal nerves contribute to the parasympathetic dicision of the ANS?
  41. what spinal nerves contribute to the sympathetic division of the ANS?
  42. which division of the ANS has a general effect on the entire body at one time?
  43. which division of the ANS has a localized effect on the body?
  44. the ____________ division of the ANS is responsible for the rest and response (maintenance) response of the body.
  45. the _________ division of the ANS is responsible for the fight or flight (maximal energy expenditure) response of the body
  46. the location of the ANS ganglia affects the length of the pre-ganglionic neurons?
    parasympathetic division
  47. which division will have relatively short pre-ganglionic neurons?
    sympathetic division
  48. which division will have relatively long post-ganglionic neurons?
    sympathetic division
  49. which division will have relatively short post-ganglionic neurons?
    parasypathetic division
  50. the major control center for both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS is the _____________ of the brain.
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ans system lab
ans system lab