Chinese Art History

  1. Image Upload 2

    What is this figure?

    What dynasty is it from?

    What is it made of?
    Standing Figure

    Shang Dynasty

    Made of Bronze
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    What is this?

    What dynasty is it from?

    How many figures were in this collection?
    Army of the First Qin (ch-in) Emperor.

    Qin Dynasty.

    Over 6,000 figures in the collection.
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    What is this?

    What dynasty is it from?

    What is the dynasty's age of?
    Palace Ladies.

    Tang Dynasty.

    Tang was an age of painting/sculpting/architecture.
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    What is this?

    What dynasty did it come from?
    Neighing Horse.

    Tang Dynasty.
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    What is this?

    What dynasty did it come from?

    What was this dynasty known for?
    Bi Disk.

    Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

    This dynasty was known for the great vessels (i.e. ceremonial pots and bowls) used as history books (information about that era).
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    What is this?

    What dynast was it from?

    What was significant about this dynasty?
    Shakyamuni Buddha.

    It was from the Period of Disunity (time of Six Dynasties).

    This era was known for creating monumental stone sculptures.
  7. Image Upload 14

    What is this?

    What dynasty is it from?

    What was significant about this dynasty?
    Travelers of Mountains and Streams.

    Northern Song Dynasty.

    The significance was that landscape paintings were perfected.
  8. Image Upload 16

    What is this?

    What dynasty is it from?
    Meiping Vase.

    Northern Song Dynasty.
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    What is this?

    What was this made out of?

    What dynasty is this from?

    What was established during this dynasty?

    What became the symbol of this dynasty?
    Funeral Banner.

    Made out of silk.

    Han Dynasty.

    The Silk Trade was established during this dynasty.

    The hoarse became the symbol of the Han dynasty.
Card Set
Chinese Art History
Chinese Art History for 7th Graders.