Breast Feeding Pharmacology

  1. Maternal plasma pH is _____ and breast milk pH is ____
    • 7.4
    • 7.2
  2. T/F: Weak acid gets ionized in maternal blood and therefore can get transferred from blood to milk by simple diffusion
    False; while its true that weak acid gets ionized, but it is because it is ionized it cannot easily cross membrane from blood to breast milk, so not much is transferred to milk. Vs weak base, it does not get ionized, so can be transferred
  3. A nursing mom should take her prescribed medication _____ minutes _____ (before/ after) nursing
    • 30-60 minutes
    • After
  4. Recommended drugs for nursing mom should be _____ soluble, preferably _____(route) medications.
    • Low-lipid soluble
    • Topical
  5. How is relative infant dose (RID) calculated?
    infant dose / maternal dose
  6. What is a relative infant dose value that is considered safe?
    Less than 10%
  7. Adverse events of infant dose most often occur in the _____ period, and nearly all occur within the first _____ of life
    • Neonatal (first 4 weeks of birth)
    • All occur within the first six months of life
  8. Postpartum analgesia for mom, first choice is ______
    Non-opioid analgesics (i.e.: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, COX2 inhibitors)
  9. T/F: opioid analgesics use in nursing mom is often used to decrease pain associated with breast feeding but can also decrease the child’s alertness and suckiling
  10. T/F: minimal alcohol, nicotine and caffeine use in mom can cause significant damage to the infant’s CNS
    False; minimal of those things have no significant harms in infants a
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Breast Feeding Pharmacology
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