OPP exam 1

  1. osteopathic medicine definition
    • A complete system of medical care with a philosophy that combines the needs of
    • the patient with current practice of medicine, surgery and obstetrics; that
    • emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function; and that has
    • an appreciation of the body’s ability to heal itself.
  2. health
    •Health is a natural state of harmony

    •The human body is a perfect machine created for health and activity,

    • A healthy state exists as long as there is normal flow of body fluids and nerve
    • activity
  3. disease
    • •Disease is an effect of underlying, often multifactorial
    • causes.

    • •Illness is often caused by mechanical impediments to normal flow of body fluids
    • and nerve activity.

    • •Environmental,social, mental and behavioral factors contribute to the etiology of disease and
    • illness.
  4. joint ROM and tension
    After physiologic barrier is exceeded, tension increased dramatically


    -go towards restriction (direct)

    -go towards neutral/balance (indirect)
  5. somatic dysfunction
    • Impaired or altered function of related components of the somatic (body framework) system: skeletal, arthrodial and myofascial structures, and their
    • related vascular, lymphatic, and neural elements.

    •Documented and named by the direction of preferred motion (i.e. the direction it likes to move).

    •In other words, somatic dysfunction is described by its health, not its disease.

    ***somatic dysfunction and restrictive barriers are opposite***
  6. explain the sequence of limited motion
    Restrictive barrier met, neutral point shifts…. motion loss

    • Ex: restrictive barrier turning head right. Neutral shifts more left to make it harder to
    • reach the restrictive barrier on right side.
Card Set
OPP exam 1
tenets, barrier concept