What drugs are used for medical abortion?
- Mifepristone 200 mg
- Misoprostol 800 microgram
Which drug is a progesterone receptor antagonist?
What happens to the endometrium (decidua) with mifepristone use?
Blockade of progesterone action by mifepristone results in decay and death of the decidua
What is the MOA of misoprostol?
Stimulates uterine contraction
Misoprostol is a ________ (type of drug)
Synthetic analog of PGE1
What are uses of misoprostol?
- Used for acid-peptic disease as it stimulates prostaglandin receptors on parietal cells to decrease gastric acid secretion
- OB Use- as abortifacient, ripen cervix prior to labor, induce labor and treat postpartum hemorrhage
ADR of misoprostol?
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Flatulence
Stimulate prostaglandin receptor will ________
Cause myometrium contraction
Which prostaglandins cause uterine contraction?
E1, E2 and F2 alpha
Analogs of PGE1 is _______, PGF2alpha is ______ and PGE2 is _____
- Misoprostol
- Carboprost
- Dinoprostone vaginal suppository
Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage due to uterin atony, use _____ to treat
Carboprost (PGF2 alpha analog)
______ is indicated for evacuation of the uterin content in the management of missed abortion or intrauterine fetal death
Dinoprostone (analog of PGE2)
Misoprostol for OB use, routes of administration include_____, ______ and _____