E&I PP 1.txt

  1. what does a PT do?
    • 1. diagnose/manage movement disorders and enhance physical/functional abilities
    • 2. Restore, maintain, & promote not only optimal physical function but optimal wellness & fitness & optimal quality of life as it relates to movement & health
    • 3.Prevent the onset, symptoms, & progression of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities that may result from diseases, disorders, conditions, or injuries
  2. Differentiate patients/clients
    Patients are those who are recipients of a PT's direct intervention and care. Clients are those who benefit from a PT's advice, wisdom. (schools, businesses, etc.)
  3. five phases of pt/client mgmt
    evaluation > examination > diagnosis > prognosis > intervention > (outcomes)
  4. Three main parts of the examination
    History, systems review, tests and measures
  5. What does the patient history entail?
    Systematic gathering of data on the patient
  6. What does the systems review entail?
    identifies pt health status, problems that may require consultation
  7. What is the most important aspect of the examination?
    pt safety
  8. How do you use your resources during examination?
    You use a team approach, utilizing EBP and an adaptable team approach of verbal/non-verbal communication
  9. what is the evaluation?
    It is a clinical assessment of the data and interpretation of tests and measures gathered during examination. Uses a problem list of functional limitations, disabilities, and impairments.
  10. What is the definition of the PT diagnosis?
    labels of movement dysfunction related to tissue pathology
  11. What is the purpose of the diagnosis?
    Find out what level of movement function the person is at and what their movement function goals are. To guide in intervention or referral
  12. Why use classification schemes? Example?
    used to generate preferred practice patterns. If a person has spina bifida, that comes with a host of movement disorders that require a specific practice pattern
  13. What clues/tools do you have to develop the diagnosis?
    your problem list, lists of medical diagnoses, diagnostic images
  14. what if you can't identify a cluster of dysfunction?
    Reexamine/reevaluate, treat the person by changes in symptoms
  15. What is the prognosis?
    predicted optimal level of function and the amount of time need to return to that function
  16. Three aspects of a prognosis?
    Goals, length of treatment, length of time until healing is complete
  17. Short term goals of prognosis
    measurable, specific, step by step process by which you will reach your long term goals. pt/family oriented. Measurable and specific. Linked to impairments, functional limitations, and disability. Must be time specific!
  18. long term goals
    same as short but sees through to the end of treatment/intervention
  19. What is the intervention?
    Purposeful and skilled interaction, involving effective communication, coordination, documentation, and instruction. must produce changes in patient condition.
  20. components of intervention: Coordination, Communication, Documentation
    coordination of care, D/C planning, referrals, documentation, record reviews
  21. Components of the Intervention:Pt/Client-related Instruction
    current condition, role of PT, future care, future transitions, maintenance/prevention
  22. How do you execute Pt/Client-related Instruction?
    • computer assisted instruction, demonstration, written, verbal, pictorial instruction, AV aids, review
    • factors affecting how a patient can access these is educational level, needs, learning styles, barriers
  23. Procedural Interventions
    • Therapeutic Exercise
    • Functional training in self-care and home management
    • Functional training in work and leisure integration
    • Manual therapy techniques
    • Prescription, application, and/or fabrication of assistive devices/equipment
    • Airway Clearance techniques
    • Integumentary repair and protection techniques
    • Electrotherapeutic modalities
    • Physical agents and mechanical modalities
  24. Designing the Intervention
    • Utilize PT practice patterns as a GUIDE
    • Address each goal!
    • Always a “work in progress”
    • Incorporate the team & family
    • Unique for each patient
    • Is it working???
    • Are we making progress toward the pt goals???
  25. Intervention Strategies
    • Equipment
    • Techniques including education
    • Frequency
    • Duration
    • Progression
    • Criteria for D/C & D/C plan
  26. Planning for D/C
    • Guided by achievement of goals & outcomes
    • Patient and Family centered!!
    • Add’l Criteria for D/C
    • Pt wishes to d/c treatment
    • Pt unable to progress
    • Medical or psychosocial
    • Pt unlikely to benefit from continued treatment
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E&I PP 1.txt
PP 1 for E&I